Freshman Seminar 2013-2014 English I/Patterns in World History Lakani/Garza Mr. Lakani Phone: 224-765-2127 Office: A333 Email: Free periods: 4, 5, 6, before and after school. Appointments are typically needed. Emails/phone calls will be returned within 24 hours. Mr. Garza Phone: 224-765-2305 Office: A311 Email: Office Hours: By Appointment Emails/phone calls will be returned within 24 hours. Welcome to Freshman Seminar! This course will introduce you to important historical and literary patterns throughout time. We will be exploring themes together that transcend time and space, historical periods and literary works. Our main focus this year centers on the question: How does my understanding of multiple perspectives shape my identity? COURSE EXPECTATIONS: The following guidelines will help you to be successful in this course: 1. LEARNING TARGETS & ASSESSMENTS Our course is designed around learning targets for English and Social Studies. Targets address the skill areas of analytic thinking, reading, writing, speaking, and grammar as well as the concept of multiple perspectives. The learning targets are shared through instruction, rubrics, evaluation criteria, and examples. The main emphasis is to use learning targets with formative assessments in order to practice skills and develop competency to succeed on summative assessments. For English and History major writing assessments will carry the most significant weight in determining quarter grades, but you will be assessed formally and informally in other ways as well (selective response questions, short answer responses, paragraph responses, in class essays, fishbowl discussions, presentations, etc.). Expect assessments on a weekly basis. As a rule of thumb, we take the same amount of time to read and return an essay as you were given to complete it. For more information regarding History assessments please see the web page: 2. POSITIVE PARTICIPATION The best place to learn is a classroom that is open to all ideas. No one should feel uncomfortable sharing their thoughts or making mistakes. We all play a part in making this classroom a comfortable, interesting, and challenging learning environment. Being fully engaged is equally important and means different things: participation through class discussion, encouraging others to participate when appropriate, developing quality listening skills, thoughtful and timely completion of all work, being respectful of others (even when you disagree with their ideas and opinions), and being inquisitive about the task at hand. Our community works best when everyone stretches themselves: take academic risks, ask questions, make mistakes, challenge yourself, and open your mind to different ideas and perspectives. If something happens in class that offends or upsets you, or if we do something that offends or upsets you, please let us know so we can determine together what we can do make it better for you. 1 In addition to helping create a respectful atmosphere, positive participants come ready to speak, listen, and share. All materials must be with you in class each day. Also, all assignments must be completed so that you can participate to your fullest in the class activity. 3. SUPPLIES For each class, you will need: A three-ring binder or folder large enough to hold everything for the semester Blue or black pens A bound journal notebook that should be purchased in the HPHS Bookstore. 4. TIMELINESS Being on time is essential. A pattern of tardies will result in a dean’s referral. Turning in assignments on time is also essential, so it is imperative that you plan ahead and, if necessary, ask for an extension well in advance of the due date. It is easier to work out special arrangements before an assignment is due rather than after. All assignments are due at the beginning of the period unless otherwise stated. Our motto, however, is “better late than never.” Some late work will receive reduced credit depending on the assignment. Turning assignments in for late credit is better than having a zero in the gradebook. Avoid the problem altogether by keeping up with your work. If you are absent from class, check the English portal: and the History site: to determine what you missed. 5. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY One thing many freshmen struggle with when transitioning to high school is taking personal responsibility for their learning. The expectation in Seminar is that students are independent learners. Daily attendance is crucial – one important aspect of this is taking responsibility for making up work when you are absent. Please contact a classmate immediately after an absence to find out what was missed. If more detail is needed, email us. Please save all papers (along with all drafts) that you write for this class until the end of the school year. Save both the paper copies and the documents on the computer. We will want to have all of your papers saved to review your growth as a writer over the course of the year. Another aspect of taking personal responsibility for your learning is coming to us if you need assistance. You can always email us at or with questions. Please feel free to make appointments with us if necessary. Mr. Garza can be found in the social studies office (A311) and Mr. Lakani in the English office (A333). The Learning Center (A220) is a valuable resource and we encourage you to use it for academic support. 6. HONESTY We here at Highland Park High School expect all work that is turned in to be your own. Working together (collaboratively) is very different than using someone else’s work. We will define the difference even further with one another this year as you learn strategies to make your work your own. 2 Distinction Between Honest And Dishonest Collaboration You are encouraged to work with your classmates on many assignments. In fact, sometimes you will be required to do so. It almost always helps to talk about assignments with other people, whether parents, peers, tutors, or teachers. When it comes to putting words on paper, however, the words you write must be your own. Unless the teacher gives explicit instructions for an assignment to be written collaboratively, assume that – even if you work on it with a friend or receive help from a tutor – you must do the actual writing by yourself. If you are ever in doubt about what the expectations are for a given assignment, ask me – that’s the honest action to take. 7. GRADING POLICIES You will receive separate grades for English and History, and we both grade cumulatively. A = 93-100% C+ = 77-79% A- = 90-92% C = 73-76% B+ = 87-89% C- = 70-72% B = 83-86% D+ = 67-69% B- = 80-82% D- = 60-66% F = 0-59% Following this scale, your quarter and semester grades are determined by the percentage of total points earned. Note that your semester grade is determined by the percentage of total points earned for the entire semester; thus, the quarter grades serve as a benchmark for your progress at that point in time. If there is a final exam at the end of either semester, it will count for approximately 10-15% of the total semester grade. Grades are rounded up at .5 or above at SEMESTER only. 8. MISCELLANEOUS is a web-based program that provides us with the opportunity to comment on papers electronically. It also verifies the originality of all student work submitted. You will have your own account and you will be required to submit certain assignments through the site. Email: Emailing a teacher is not the same as texting a friend. It is, essentially, a business letter. Be professional. Use a greeting, attend to spelling, write in complete sentences, be respectful, and sign off with a signature. We do not accept assignments via e-mail unless there are extenuating circumstances. A faulty home printer is not an extenuating circumstance. Have a plan for when your printer breaks that guarantees you will have your printed copy of the assignment with you when class begins (i.e. print at a neighbor’s house, email the document to yourself and save it to a flash drive so that you can come to school early and print it in the library, etc.). We look forward to a challenging, interesting, and fun year together! Get ready for success… Mr. Garza & Mr. Lakani 3