Robert Foster & Colleagues

Robert Foster & Colleagues
[resources referred to are in most University libraries]
Feasts of the Full-moon: The Distribution of Rations to Aborigines in South Australia: 1836-1861
Aboriginal History Volume 13 (1989);dn=041116688589878;res=IELIND
The legend of James Brown [article], 1998:
Australian Historical Studies Volume 29, Issue 111, 1998
The Origin of the Protection of Aboriginal Rights in South Australian Pastoral Leases [article], 1998:
Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title. 24:1-8
Foster, Robert --- "Turning Back the Tide: The Use of History in the Native Title Process" [1999]
IndigLawB 58; (1999) 4(22) Indigenous Law Bulletin 17 [full article, introduction to workshop].
Rations, Co-existence, and the Colonization of Aboriginal Labour in the South Australian Pastoral
Industry, 1860-1911 [conference paper], 2001:
Fatal Collisions: The South Australian Frontier and the Violence of Memory
By Robert Foster, Amanda Nettelbeck, Rick Hosking [book], 2001:
Married to the land: Land grants to aboriginal women in South Australia 1848–1911 [article], 2003:
Australian Historical Studies Volume 34, Issue 121, 2003
Constructing British Authority in Australasia: Charles Cooper and the Legal Status of Aborigines in
the South Australian Supreme Court, c. 1840–60, 2006:
The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
Volume 34, Issue 4, 2006
Reading the elusive letter of the law: Policing the South Australian frontier
Australian Historical Studies Volume 38, Issue 130, 2007
Amanda Nettelbecka & Robert Fosterb
In the Name of the Law: William Willshire and the Policing of the Australian ...
By Amanda Nettelbeck, Robert Foster [book], 2007:
Colonial Judiciaries, Aboriginal Protection and South Australia's Policy of Punishing ‘with
Exemplary Severity’, 2010 :
[Australian Historical Studies Volume 41, Issue 3, 2010]:
Settler Justice and Aboriginal Homicide in Late Colonial Australia
Australian Historical Studies Volume 42, Issue 2, 2011
Mark Finnane