Veterans Memorial Elementary Response to Intervention (RtI) Process FY 2009-10 Purpose To provide high quality targeted interventions for any student identified as at-risk due to academic, behavioral and/or social/emotional needs. The process is also used for students exceeding developmental expectations. Procedures 1. At the point of need, the identified student is brought to the team for discussion. The homeroom teacher assembles and presents concerns along with current assessment information. 2. The team discusses and identifies interventions appropriate to assist the student. Interventions have to be measureable and tied directly to the problem identified. 3. The homeroom classroom teacher with support and involvement of the team initiates an electronic progress monitoring plan (PMP) in Data Warehouse. The PMP must be focused on identification of the problem, a hypothesis of why the problem exists and the identification of targeted intervention that will provide data to analyze and monitor student progress. At the point of initiation of the plan, interventions are to be documented for a minimum of a 4-6 week period. The team will monitor progress and discuss additional interventions including adjusting and modifying the plan as needed. 4. The parent is to be contacted and a conference conducted to discuss identified concerns and the development of the PMP. Parents are to be included in the development of the plan, required to sign the final draft of the PMP, and kept informed on a regular basis of progress and changes to the plan. 5. If after the team has exhausted all interventions and the data indicates that no progress has been made, the team may determine that a referral for screening and possible psychological assessment may be needed, the team leader is the designated person to facilitate the completion of the RtI Request for Assistance Form. 6. The classroom teacher, team leader and a member of the leadership team will review the PMP, data collected and the team recommendations before moving forward with the referral. RtI referral documentation will be completed including a thorough cumulative review, update of PMP, classroom assessments etc., before the referral is completed/submitted to the RtI school team. 7. The RtI team will review the referral and make a recommendation to proceed with screening or to return the referral to the team for implementation of additional intervention strategies and required documentation. 8. Administration will send parent Consent for Screening prior to conducting any screening. 9. After screening, a parent conference will be conducted to include a member of the RtI team, including the teacher, team members and a leadership team member to review results of the screening and make further recommendations. 10. Upon completion of assessment the eligibility staffing committee will review and determine eligibility and discuss program needs. ***Gifted referrals will complete the Gifted Nomination Form and contact Kim Keenan, Resource Specialist to assist with development of the Progress Monitoring Portfolio. ***Speech only student concerns see edushr drive for speech process and speech observation documents. RtI PROBLEM SOLVING MODEL Given the limitations of time and the immediacy of teacher and students’ needs, the RtI team ensures that the process of problem-solving (i.e. determining and providing needed individualized interventions) occurs in an efficient manner. The problem-solving model is also appropriate for other settings such as grade level or committee meetings, parent/teacher conferences, etc. Problem-solving is accomplished through specific sequential steps. 1. Clarify the problem/concern Define the problem/concern in clear, specific, objective, and measurable terms Identify individualized current performance levels as compared to peer performance level or outcomes Review data (historical PMPs, school records, academic, health, attendance, discipline, tests, and other pertinent information) 2. Analyze components of the problem/concern Identify antecedents of the problem/concern (What in the student’s past Identify consequences that may maintain the problem/concern Determine the impact of social situations (home, peer, classroom, school, bus, etc.) 3. Develop testable, observable hypotheses and prediction statements from hypotheses Determine possible reasons why the problem is occurring (lack of instruction, lack of practice, reinforcement of inappropriate behavior, etc.) Determine which are the probable reasons for the difficulty (“If this is the problem, then what would probably happen?”) 4. Implement and Test your Hypothesis Choose a scientifically research based intervention that addresses the hypothesis Determine how measureable data will be collected 5. Gather and review data Consider which hypotheses are supported by available data Confirm or deny probable hypotheses based on data/behavior 6. Explore intervention options Brainstorm to generate intervention options that fit most likely reason for problem Consider alternative options and determine feasibility, acceptability, and anticipated effectives 7. Select interventions from options generated Final selection of intervention should be left to the person responsible for implementing strategy/intervention. Select least complex and intrusive intervention Interventions that require less time, are less intrusive, and are perceived by consultee to have chance of being effective are most acceptable 8. Clarify implementation procedures and responsibilities Who, how, when and where 9. Implement the strategies Follow up consultant should be identified and time specified for follow up The follow up consultant is the contact between the CAST and the consultee The follow up consultant ensures that the intervention strategies are implemented 10. Evaluate effectiveness of intervention Data is collected to determine the effectiveness of the intervention Intervention should be in place long enough to determine if working before determining effectiveness. RtI Process Documentation In order to move the RtI pre-referral forward for review by the RtI committee, it is critical that all documentation is complete and current before submitting the referral to the school RtI team. All referrals are to be discussed at the team level prior to referral, documenting all classroom intervention strategies, parent conferences, observations, progress monitoring plans, grades, attendance, etc. The team leader is your resource to review documentation prior to submission and assist with RtI documentation requirements. In order to move forward the following documentation needs to be reviewed and included for this student. When all documentation has been reviewed and complied, the team leader needs to sign off before submitting paperwork to school RtI team via APC. Student Name:________________________ Grade: ______ Teacher:____________ Needed Documentation Description Request for Assistance Form / RtI Response to Intervention (completed) Parent Conference documentation; 2 conferences required Classroom observations; 2 required by different personnel Report cards, interim reports; most current information to be included Copy of progress monitoring plan that addresses all areas of concern including data collected from interventions Progress monitoring portfolio; copies of work samples/for gifted referral Previous assessment information: BVAT, Screenings, etc. Other documentation to support the pre-referral documentation Updated vision/hearing (no older than 1 year) Notes: Teacher Initials: ______ Team Leader Initials:______