B.C. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT CLIMATE INVESTMENT BRANCH PROJECT REPORT TEMPLATE NOVEMBER 2014 Visit Climate Investment Branch website for more information PROJECT REPORT Prepared according to the requirements of the BC Emission Offsets Regulation (the Regulation). Project Name: Reporting Period: Project Proponent: Prepared on behalf of Project Proponent: Prepared by: Date: [Grey text within square brackets [] provides explanatory text. However, project proponents should refer to the Regulation and the guidance documents provided on the Climate Investment Branch website to ensure requirements are met. Please ensure that all fields are completed and that explanatory (grey) text is deleted prior to submission. Note – Electronic records management: Documents submitted electronically to the Climate Investment Branch must use the following file name format: PR-[ Project Name]-[Name of Validation Body]-[month-day-year] This document file name must be included as a footnote on all pages of the Project Report along with the page number. Right click the file name in the footer to update this field or see MS Word help “Add or update the file name to the footer”.] File name: Document1 Page 1 of 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 3 2 PROJECT SCOPE & DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................... 4 3 PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 5 4 3.1 PROJECT PROPONENT CONTACT INFORMATION .................................................................................... 5 3.2 OTHER ENTITIES INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT ........................................................................................... 5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION & LOCATION ................................................................................................................. 6 4.1 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ACTIVITY ........................................................................................................ 6 4.2 PROJECT LOCATION ................................................................................................................................. 6 4.3 PROJECT START DATE .............................................................................................................................. 6 4.4 PROJECT REPORTING PERIOD .................................................................................................................. 6 4.5 SECTORAL SCOPE AND PROJECT TYPE ..................................................................................................... 6 4.6 REGISTRATION IN OTHER EMISSIONS TRADING PROGRAMS .................................................................. 6 5 OWNERSHIP ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 6 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION STATUS & VARIANCES .......................................................................................... 7 7 6.1 IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF THE PROJECT ACTIVITY........................................................................... 7 6.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION DEVIATIONS ........................................................................................................ 7 6.3 PROTOCOL DEVIATIONS........................................................................................................................... 7 6.4 NEW PROJECT INSTANCES ....................................................................................................................... 8 PROJECT GHG CALCULATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 9 7.1 BASELINE EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS ..................................................................................................... 9 7.2 PROJECT EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS....................................................................................................... 9 7.3 LEAKAGE, DISCOUNTS AND BUFFER POOL CONTRIBUTIONS ................................................................ 10 7.4 GHG ASSERTION ..................................................................................................................................... 10 8 APPENDIX A: VALIDATED PROJECT PLAN ......................................................................................................... 12 9 APPENDIX B: VALIDATION REPORT – COVER LETTER AND STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE ................................ 12 10 APPENDIX C: COMPLIANCE ASSERTION & DECLARATION ............................................................................... 13 File name: Document1 Page 2 of 14 1 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS [Provide a list of abbreviations and the full term for each] File name: Document1 Page 3 of 14 2 PROJECT SCOPE & DESCRIPTION Project Overview Project Title [Identify Project Type, Proponent Name, and Location. (ISO-140642: clause 5.2 a, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2a)] Sectoral Scope and Project Type [Indicate the sectoral scope(s) applicable to the project, the AFOLU project category and activity type (if applicable), and whether the project is a program of activities. (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 b,f)] Validation Period [month, day, year] to [month, day, year] Actual Emission Reductions / Removals In this report, which covers the reporting period of [month, day, year] to [month, day, year] the total Project Reduction is calculated to be: [XXXX] tCO2e Reporting Details [Provide additional details about the operation and performance of the project, such as issues with the project, included/excluded project instances, deviations from the validated project plan.] Verification Details [Identify and describe how the Verification Body meets the requirements of the EOR] Project Eligibility and compliance with the Emission Offsets Regulation (the Regulation) [Describe how the project is eligible under the Regulation. Also provide an assertion that the Project Report complies with the Regulation] File name: Document1 Page 4 of 14 3 PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION [Enter the name and contact information of the project proponent and of any other person responsible for carrying out the project, and a description of the roles and responsibilities of all persons responsible for carrying out the project. (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 i, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsections 2 b, c, and d)] 3.1 PROJECT PROPONENT CONTACT INFORMATION [Provide contact information for the project proponent(s). Copy and paste the table as needed.] Contact Name and Title Company Role(s) and Responsibilities Address Telephone E-mail Brief description of Organization Secondary Contact Name and Title Role(s) and Responsibilities Telephone E-mail 3.2 OTHER ENTITIES INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT [Provide contact information and roles/responsibilities for any other entities involved in the development of the project. Copy and paste the table as needed.] Contact Name and Title Company Role(s) and Responsibilities Address Telephone File name: Document1 Page 5 of 14 E-mail Brief description of Organization 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION & LOCATION 4.1 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ACTIVITY [Describe the project activity or activities (including the technologies or measures employed) and how they achieved net GHG emission reductions or removals for the validation period. This should include: The relevant implementation dates (e.g., dates of construction, commissioning, and continued operation periods). The total GHG emission reductions or removals generated in this monitoring period. (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 a, e-f, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2a)] 4.2 PROJECT LOCATION [Enter location description, address (if applicable), GPS Coordinates, and a location map. (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 c, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2f)] Figure 1: Location Map 4.3 PROJECT START DATE [Identify project start date. Section 5(2)(a) of the Regulation] 4.4 PROJECT REPORTING PERIOD [Identify reporting period. Section 5(2)(c) of the Regulation Note: The period covered by this report must be stated clearly here and be within both the validation period and the period for which the baseline scenario applies as specified in the validated Project Plan.] 4.5 SECTORAL SCOPE AND PROJECT TYPE [Indicate the sectoral scope(s) applicable to the project, the AFOLU project category and activity type (if applicable) and if the project is a program of activities.] 4.6 REGISTRATION IN OTHER EMISSIONS TRADING PROGRAMS [Confirm that the the greenhouse gas reduction has not previously been recognized as an emission offset under the Act or another emission-offset recognition scheme or for the purposes of another voluntary or mandatory greenhouse gas reduction program.] File name: Document1 Page 6 of 14 5 OWNERSHIP [Provide an assertion that the proponent, with respect to the greenhouse gas reduction to be recognized as emission offsets for the purposes of the Act, has a superior claim of ownership of that reduction to that of any other person. Please provide evidence, or provide reference to evidence, to support the above assertion. Section 5(2) (g) and (h) of the Regulation.] 6 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION STATUS & VARIANCES 6.1 IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF THE PROJECT ACTIVITY [Describe the implementation status of the project activity(s), include information on the following: The operation of the project activity(s) during this monitoring period, including any information on events that may impact the GHG emission reductions or removals and monitoring. The implementation of monitoring and sampling approaches, including target precision levels, sample sizes, sample site locations, stratification, frequency of measurement and QA/QC procedures. Where applicable, demonstrate whether the required confidence level or precision has been met. Where applicable, describe how leakage and non-permanence risk factors are being monitored and managed for storage or sequestration projects. Any other changes (e.g., to project proponent or other entities).] [Section 5(2) (d) of the Regulation.] 6.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION DEVIATIONS [Provide an assertion that the project was carried out as described in the validated Project Plan, except as noted in this Section. Describe any project description deviations applied during this monitoring period and explain the reasons for the deviation. Identify whether the deviation impacts the applicability of the protocol, additionality or the appropriateness of the baseline scenario and provide an explanation of the outcome. Describe and report on any project description deviations applied in previous monitoring reports.] 6.3 PROTOCOL DEVIATIONS [Describe and justify any protocol deviations applied during this monitoring period. Include evidence to demonstrate the following: The deviation does not negatively impact the conservativeness of the quantification of GHG emission reductions or removals. The deviation relates only to the criteria and procedures for monitoring or measurement, and do not relate to any other part of the protocol. File name: Document1 Page 7 of 14 Include a table of updated emission factors if applicable. ] 6.4 NEW PROJECT INSTANCES [For a Program of Activities, provide relevant information about new project instances and demonstrate and justify how each new instance of the project activity(s) meets the eligibility criteria set out in the Project Plan.] File name: Document1 Page 8 of 14 7 PROJECT GHG CALCULATIONS 7.1 BASELINE EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS [Quantify the baseline emissions and/or removals, providing sufficient information to allow the reader to reproduce the calculation (see following table). Section 5(2) (f) of the Regulation.] Baseline SSR Item: Emissio n Factor: Emission Factor Source Units Volume Units Greenhouse Gas (CO2, CH4, SF6, N2O etc…) Global Warming Potential Tonnes CO2e A B C D E F G H I (CxFxI)/100 0 S1 Burner 50 IPCC kg/GJ 100 GJ CO2 1 5 S2 Vent 10 EC kg/GJ 2 GJ CH4 25 0.5 S1 Burner 0.05 IPCC kg/GJ 100 GJ N2O 298 1.49 Total C02e 6.99 [Sample calculation is based on 1,000 units produced SSR: Source Sink and Reservoir S1- Source #1 – Burner S2 - Source # 2 Process Vent Emission Factor Source: Organization that published the emission factor; include URL Global Warming Potential: Per the Carbon Neutral Government Regulation Schedule Note: for project reports prepared prior to January 1, 2015, use Global Warming Potentials of 21 and 310 for CH4 and N2O respectively.] 7.2 PROJECT EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS [Quantify project emissions and/or removals providing sufficient information to allow the reader to reproduce the calculation (see following table). Section 5(2)(f) of the Regulation Note: The Verification Body will be looking for evidence that the project proponent has taken sufficient steps to ensure that proper project monitoring and data recording procedures have been put into place. The Verification Body will carefully review calculations used to estimate the emissions reductions and/or removals enhancements. Correctness and transparency are essential components of the Project Report’s calculations and results. Data units must be consistent with those used in the Project Plan. In the case of a project report for a Program of Activities (PoA), at a minimum summarize the baseline and project in aggregate. Provide a sample calculation for an individual project within the program of File name: Document1 Page 9 of 14 activities, provide additional detail and calculations in an appendix or other back up as appropriate. All data should be provided in an editable spreadsheet where all formulae and calculations are transparently shown.] Project SSR Item: Emission Factor: Emission Factor Source Units Volume Units Greenhouse Gas (CO2, CH4, SF6, N2O etc…) Global Warming Potential Tonnes CO2e A B C D E F G H I (CxFxI)/ 1000 S1 Burner 50 IPCC kg/GJ 80 GJ CO2 1 4 S2 Vent 10 EC kg/GJ 1 GJ CH4 25 0.25 S1 Burner 0.05 IPCC kg/GJ 0 GJ N2O 298 0 Total C02e 4.25 [Calculation is based on 1,000 units produced SSR: Source Sink and Reservoir S1- Source #1 – Burner S2 - Source # 2 Process Vent Emission Factor Source: Body detailing emission factor, provide appropriate URL Global Warming Potential: Sourced from Carbon Neutral Government Regulation Note: for project reports prepared prior to January 1, 2015, use Global Warming Potentials of 21 and 310 for CH4 and N2O respectively.] 7.3 LEAKAGE, DISCOUNTS AND BUFFER POOL CONTRIBUTIONS [Quantify leakage, discounts and buffer pool contributions as per validated project plan and protocol emissions providing sufficient information to allow the reader to reproduce the calculation. Attach electronic spreadsheets as an appendix or separate file to facilitate the verification of the results.] 7.4 GHG ASSERTION [Quantify the net GHG emission reductions and removals, by vintage year, summarizing the key results using the table below. Note that the real emissions reductions and/or removals enhancements calculated according to the formulas and data collection activities provided in the validated Project Plan. The unit of measurement for reductions and removals must be stated in metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Section 5(2)(e) of the Regulation In the case of storage or sequestration projects, please add a column for any buffer pool contributions or discounts as per the validated project plan.] File name: Document1 Page 10 of 14 Year Baseline emissions or removals (tCO2e) Project emissions or removals (tCO2e) Net GHG emission reductions or removals (tCO2e) Year A Year B Year C Year... Total File name: Document1 Page 11 of 14 8 APPENDIX A: VALIDATED PROJECT PLAN [A copy of the validated project plan must be appended to this project report and referenced here.] 9 APPENDIX B: VALIDATION REPORT – COVER LETTER AND STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE [A copy of the validation report must be appended to this project report and referenced here. Please provide the final date of the Project Plan in this section when referring to the validation report and statement of assurance. Section 5(2)(b) of the Regulation. See separate template: Template – Validation Report (Cover Letter and Assurance).] File name: Document1 Page 12 of 14 10 APPENDIX C: COMPLIANCE ASSERTION & DECLARATION [Section 5(2)(i) of the Regulation] I am a duly authorized officer of the project proponent and have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this [Project Name] Project Report dated [Month, Day, Year] (Project Report). Based upon reasonable investigation, including my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I hereby warrant that the submitted information is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that all matters affecting the validity of the Project Reduction assertion and the validated [Project Name] Project Plan dated [Month, Day, Year] (Project Plan) upon which it is based have been fully disclosed. I assert that the Project Report meets all the requirements of the BC Emission Offsets Regulation by reaffirming key elements of the Project Plan including the project start date, the period covered by this Project Report, as well as assertions that the Project Plan was validated in accordance with the Regulation and that the [Project Name] Project was carried out in accordance with the validated Project Plan, except as noted in Project Implementation Status and Variances. I understand that any false statement made in the submitted information may be punishable as a criminal offence in accordance with provincial or federal statutes. The project proponent has executed this Offset Project Report as of the [day] day of [month], [year]. Project Title: Project Proponent: [Name] Signature: Date: [day] day of [month], [year] Title: [Title of Individual signing declaration] File name: Document1 Page 13 of 14