DATE PROJECT: 1 LIFT PIT WALLS LIQUID WATERPROOFING PAGE 01 1 SECTION 001 WATERPROOFING 1.1 SUBMITTALS 1.1.1 Product Data: Include physical properties of the specified materials and explanations about product installation, including installation techniques, restrictions, limitations and manufacturer recommendations. 1.1.2 Warranty: Certification that all components of the waterproofing assembly are being supplied and warranted by a single manufacturer. Provide a specimen warranty from the manufacturer that includes all components of the waterproofing installation. 1.1.3 Shop Drawings: Include details for all assemblies. These should include details for walls, curbs, drains, penetrations, edges and expansion/control joints. Include installation details for waterproofing, flashing, fastening and insulation as applicable. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE INSTALLER QUALIFICATIONS 1.2.1 The installer shall demonstrate its qualification to perform the work of this section by providing written evidence from the manufacturer. MANUFACTURER QUALIFICATIONS 1.2.2 Shall have a minimum of 30 years experience manufacturing waterproofing membrane systems. 1.2.3 Shall submit a current copy of their ISO 9002 manufacturing certification for the plant where materials will be manufactured and shipped from. Additionally, the sequential production log and the ISO 9002 production control record documents shall accompany the material shipment and made a permanent part of the job record and warranty file. 1.3 MOCK UP: 1.3.1 Provide a mock-up for evaluation of surface preparation techniques and application workmanship. 1.3.2 Do not proceed with remaining work until workmanship is approved by Architect. 1.4 PRE-INSTALLATION CONFERENCE 1.4.1 Convene no less than five days prior to commencing Work at a time and location to be determined. 1.4.2 All parties responsible for Work of this section shall be required to attend including the Architect, Builder, Contractor and any other trades affected by the waterproofing work. 1.4.3 All outstanding issues shall be noted in writing designating the responsible party for follow-up action and the timetable for completion. DATE PROJECT: LIFT PIT WALLS LIQUID WATERPROOFING PAGE 01 2 SECTION 001 1.4.4 Application of waterproofing system shall not take place until all outstanding issues are resolved 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver materials in original unopened containers of packaging clearly labeled with manufacturer's name, brand name and all identifying numbers. 1.6 QUALITY CONTROL 1.6.1 Inspection: At a minimum, inspections shall be required at start-up and at intervals of approximately 30 percent, 60 percent and 90 percent completion. A final inspection shall be required. 1.6.2 Warranty shall be issued upon approval of the installation. 1.6.3 A final inspection report from the Technical Representative, certifying that the waterproofing system has been satisfactorily installed according to the project specifications, approved details and good general waterproofing practice, shall be provided. 1.6.4 At all times, the contractor shall permit and facilitate access to the site by the manufacturer's representative. 1.7 SITE PROTECTION 1.7.1 During waterproofing work, exposed surfaces of finished surfaces shall be protected to prevent damage. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage. 1.7.2 The Contractor shall provide for adequate protection of the installed membrane preventing damage that might arise from work performed by the other trades. 1.7.3 Apply drainage/ protection board/ insulation as soon as possible after membrane installation. 1.8 PROJECT CONDITIONS Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits. 1.9 WARRANTY The product manufacturer shall issue a written and signed document in the name of the owner, certifying the product will meet all the physical characteristic published by the manufacturer, for a period of 10 years, starting from the date of completion of installation of membranes. No letter amending the manufacturer’s standard warranty will be accepted and the warranty certificate must reflect these requirements. DATE PROJECT: LIFT PIT WALLS LIQUID WATERPROOFING 1.10 PAGE 01 3 SECTION 001 MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS 1.10.1 Acceptable Manufacturer: Durotech Industries which is located in Sydney – New South Wales Tel: (02) 9603 1177 Fax: (02) 9603 3796 web 1.10.2 Licensed / Registered agent: Allduro, which is located in Perth, Western Australia. Tel: (08) 94551658 Fax: (08) 94562079 Email: Web 1.11 PRODUCTS Duromastic BLW, Allduro 8mm Drainage sheet. 1.12 PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION 1.12.1 Duromastic BLW is a single component Bitumen low VOC waterproof membrane. 1.12.2 Drainage sheet is an 8mm high-strength drainage panel consisting of a polypropylene core with a factory-laminated geo-textile for installation over waterproof membranes to provide drainage. 1.13 SYSTEM 2 layers of Duromastic BLW protected by drainage sheet. 1.14 SUBSTRATE PREPARATION 1.14.1 GENERAL All surfaces should be sound, dry and free from but not limited to, dirt, dust, oil, grease, wax, tar, asphalt, mildew, mold, paint, foreign sealers, coatings, curing agents, loose particles, laitance or any other foreign matter that may impede with the bonding of the primer or membrane. 1.14.2 PRIMING The substrate is to be primed using Duromastic BLW at a rate of 4 to 6 m² per litre. 1.15 MEMBRANE APPLICATION Membrane Coating – do not thin product down. Apply Duromastic BLW liberally to surface area by brush, roller or squeegee. Ensure no air pockets are formed by back rolling or lightly combing the wet surface. Consumption should be no less than 1.5ltr/m2, with a minimum of two coats. Protect membrane with one layer of drainage sheet.