Face Emotion Detection by Neural Network Alfiya Mahat Student, SPWEC Aurangabad, Maharashtra alfiya704@gmail.com Prof. Ganesh Sable Professor, SPWEC Aurangabad, Maharashtra Sable.eesa@gmail.com Abstract Emotions are important part of human communication.There has been a huge interest in automatic recognition of human emotion because of its wide spread application in security, surveillance, marketing, advertisement, and human-computer interaction. To communicate with a computer in a natural way, it will be desirable to use more natural modes of human communication based on voice, gestures and facial expressions. In this paper, consists of implementation of simple algorithm for Face emotion detection. In spite of the most complex algorithms developed, robust detection and location of faces or their constituent is difficult to attain in many cases. Several classifier based method have been developed in this area but facial expression recognition system remains a hot area of research due to Environmental cluster illumination and miscellaneous source of facial variability. In the present work, four emotions namely angry, sad, happy along with neutral is tested from user defined database and real time database. The proposed method uses virtual face model method for feature extraction and Neural Networks for training and classification. Keywords Adaptive Median filter, Virtual face model , Face emotion detection, neural network, database. 1. Introduction Biometric is the science and technology of recording and authenticating identity using physiological or behavioral characteristics of the subject. A biometric representation of an individual, it is a measurable characteristic, whether physiological or behavioral, of a living organism that can be used to differentiate that organism as an individual. Biometric data is captured when the user makes an attempt to be authenticated by the system. This data is used by the biometric system for realtime comparison against biometric samples. Biometrics offers the identity of an individual may be viewed as the information associated with that person in a particular identity management system [3]. There are many ways that humans can express their emotions. The most natural way to express emotions is using facial expressions. A human can express his/her emotion through lip and eye. A category of emotions which universally developed by Ekmen are: Dipali Rindhe Student, SPWEC Aurangabad, Maharashtra dipalirindhe8943@gmail.com sadness, angry, joy, fear, disgust and surprise without consider natural emotion [2]. Humans are capable of producing thousands of facial actions during communication that vary in complexity, intensity and meaning. Emotion or intention is often communicated by subtle changes in one or several discrete features. The addition or absence of one or more facial actions may alter its interpretation. 2. Proposed Method There are number of Algorithms for the face emotion detection. But as seen, all have some disadvantages or they have less accuracy. The design and implementation of the Facial Expression Recognition System can be subdivided into three main parts. The first part is Pre-processing then post-processing which includes feature extraction and training of the images and the third part is testing. The image processing part consists of image acquisition of noisy image as input through scanning The second part consists of the feature extraction by VFM and training by Back Propagation Neural Network[4]. Figure 1: Block diagram of face motion detection system Above figure 1 shows the block diagram of face emotion detection system. This whole system is divided into three steps. pre-processing, training and testing. 2.1 Preprocessing According to the need of the next level the pre processing step convert the image. The different steps in pre-processing stage are shown below. Step 1: RGB to gray conversion, Step 2: Adaptive Median Filtering, Step 3: Histogram of Filtered image. Input Image of different emotion is read and stored in variable in matrix form, and RGB to grey conversion is required for images because the processing takes place on gray scale image. This conversion is carried out by eliminating hue and saturation information while retaining the luminance information of image. (a) (b) Figure 2 (a) Input Image ,(b) RGB to Gray Step 2: Adaptive Median Filtering Filtering of noise and other artifacts in the image and sharpening the edges in the image. It includes adaptive median filter for noise removal. But for the complete system it needs the process of noise removal. For filtering a mask with center pixel is rotated over image. (a) (b) (c) Figure 3 a) Input Image, b)RGB to Gray Image, c) Filtered Image Step 3: Histogram of Filtered Image The Histogram block computes the frequency distribution of the elements in the input. Where, the following output shows the Histogram of filtered image. (a) (b) Figure 4: (a) Filtered Image (b) Histogram of Filtered image After taking the image for testing, it shows the pre-processing output. Statistically analysis is also done by that mean, median and standard deviation of the input image, Filtered by adaptive median filter and. The significance of these shows that mean median and standard deviation should be less in enhanced frame. These extracted features of image are then fed into back propagation neural network for the training and then emotions are detected. Following table shows the mean, median and standard deviation of the input image, filtered image, also there PSNR value and the elapsed time. Table 1 Preprocessing Output Sr No 1 Name of person Abu 2 Adiba 3 Alfiya Mean 0.5449 0.5452 0.5881 0.5889 0.6343 0.6348 Media n 0.5530 0.5524 0.6094 0.6111 0.6721 7614 Standa rd 0.2271 0.2259 0.2169 0.2159 0.2710 0.2693 PSNR 72.766 Elapsed Time 0.45760 66.109 0.47089 65.298 0.49934 2.2 Post Processing The post processing is divided into two steps that is Feature Extraction by virtual face model and training by back propagation neural network. a) Feature Extraction For face emotion detection first extracts the whole face from the given image after that features are extracted from the selected face by using virtual face model, then these features are given as the input for the training of back propagation algorithm. From that neural network classifies the output. By using coordinate system of MATLAB we are designed the different features. First we are selecting the different part of face such as front face, left eye, right eye, mouth and nose. After selecting the face part we are assigning the coordinate system of in terms of x and y coordinates of all features then finding the absolute, for example calculating the fourth feature point by taking the absolute of fourth y coordinate of left eye and first y coordinate of left eye, then we got the absolute value of these points such as fe_pt4=abs(b4(2)-b1(2))/2, and for template feature Tw, Th, and Tp are width, height, and the number of pixel in template. After extracting the features and finding the feature points from the images of different emotions are fed to the back propagation neural network for training. (a) (b) Figure 5: (a) Input Image, (b) Output of Feature Extraction The feature extraction of image consists of different features are selected from face such as left eye, right eye, lips, nose, mouth and eye pair. Initially the coordinates of all features are considered along with whole face coordinated. In selection of coordinates there is an X and Y coordinates are selected of left eye, right eye, lips, nose, and mouth and eye pair along with whole face. After selection of coordinates mean of all features of face are calculated. Table 2(a) Output of Postprocessing Input imag e Abu Adi ba Alfi ya fe_p t1 fe_p t2 fe_p t3 fe_p t4 fe_p t5 fe_p t6 fe_p t7 fe_p t8 71 71 25 17 17 4.5 51 24.5 74 74 10 6.5 6.5 28 7.50 24 75.5 75.5 22 15 15 7.5 54 25.5 input-output mappings. The aim is to train the network to achieve a balance between the network’s ability to respond and the ability to give a reasonable response to the input that is similar, but not identical to the one used in the training. The training of a back propagation network involves the three stages. The feed forward of the input training pattern, the calculation and the back propagation of the associated error and the weighted adjustment. A weight in a neural network is a segment of the information about the input signal that has to be stored. Table 2(b) Output of Postprocessing Input Image fe_ pt9 fe_p t10 fe_p t11 Abu Adiba 46. 50 50 30.5 0 33 40.5 0 41 Alfiya 50 27 48.5 0 fe_ pt1 2 18 fe_ pt1 3 25 20 10 16 22 fe_p t14 fe_pt 15 21.5 0 25.5 0 24.5 0 21.5 0 25.5 0 24.5 0 fe_ pt1 6 6 (a) (b) 9 1.5 00 b) Training of neural network This part shows the results for training of neural network. The Training of neural network is done by using back propagation neural network. It consists of a single frame of one subject which includes total of eighty images of different emotions, which consists of happy, angry, sad, and normal. Two parameters epochs and errors are considered for the detection of expression by face feature. Epochs specify maximum number of iterations that are to be taken for the detection of feature. The back-propagation algorithm defines a systematic way to update the synaptic weights of multi-layer perceptron (MLP) networks. The supervised learning is based on the gradient descent method, minimizing the global error on the output layer. The learning algorithm is performed in two stage. feed-forward and feed- backward. In the first phase the inputs are propagated through the layers of processing elements, generating an output pattern in response to the input pattern presented. In the second phase, the errors calculated in the output layer are then back propagated to the hidden layers where the synaptic weights are updated to reduce the error. This learning process is repeated until the output error value, for all patterns in the training set, are below a specified value. The Back Propagation, however, has two major limitations: a very long training process, with problems such as local minima and network paralysis; and the restriction of learning only static (c) (d) Figure 6(a) Neural network training state (b) Training Regression (c) Training error histogram (d) Training performance 2.3 Testing The testing part consists of final step of emotion detection For testing here we are considering the four emotions such as happy, sad, angry and neutral. For testing feature extraction of input image is done. The different emotions are defined into different classes. So the output of testing is obtained in terms of class. This is the final step in that we got the output. The values of final data feature test is compare with final features of the input test image if both are same then it shows the accurate output otherwise it will not shows the proper output. Input image Table 4 Output of testing Testing output 2.4 Database For our experiments a real time database of any person is used. The database consists of total 50 persons with of four emotions i.e. 50*4=200. In our experiments, we have taken four emotions for a single person from that number of pairs are trained in the training phase that are trained with different emotions. The images of original database which are acquired from mobile camera and digital camera. 3. Sad: Following table 6 shows the confusion matrix of sad emotion Table 6 Confusion Matrix for sad 1 2 1 1 0 4 39 23 1 0 0 1 103 11 1 0 2 16 70 1 0 0 2 1 0 4. Angry:Following table 7 shows the confusion matrix for the angry emotion. Table 7 Confusion Matrix for Angry 1 2 2 0 0 0 41 25 1 0 0 1 108 7 0 0 0 27 62 0 0 0 2 1 0 3.2 Experimentation For our experimentation we are tested the 50 images randomly taking from the database of any emotion. Table shows the experimental result of face emotion detection. Here, we are considering the different parameter of neural network such as time, number of iteration, performance, gradient, mean square error and accuracy. Table 8 Experimental Result of face emotion detection Figure. 7 Samples of input images from Database 3.1 Results The result of this face emotion detection system consists of testing of different facial images. So result of this system is given with the help of confusion matrixes of different emotions. 1. Happy: Following table shows the output of happy emotion in terms of confusion matrix. Table 4 Confusion Matrix for happy 2 1 2 0 0 0 14 25 1 0 0 41 98 4 0 0 1 45 43 0 0 0 0 3 0 2. Neutral: Following table shows the result of neutral image in terms of the confusion matrix. It drives the matrix of 5X5 dimension. Table 5 Confusion Matrix for neutral 1 1 3 0 0 2 40 24 1 0 0 3 103 10 0 0 0 21 66 2 0 0 0 3 0 Name of person Epochs (Iterati on) Time (sec) Performa nce MSE Gradi ent Accuracy Abu 10 01 0.109 0.100 0.109 78.57% Adiba 11 01 0.091 0.010 0.101 81.90% Afliy 12 04 0.111 0.100 0.213 79.50% The Overall Accuracy is calculated by testing of 50 images. In that average accuracy of all 50 images are calculated. So we have got the exact accuracy for the system. Accuracy = ∑ Neural Network accuracy 50 =78.27% 3.3 System requirements Table 9 consist of system requirements. It shows the MATLAB version, types of database, processor so that it will easy for the testing. Parameter Processor System Type Table 9 System Requirement Description Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3227U CPU 1.73GHz 32- bit operating system, celeronbased processor Database Facial images of happy, sad, angry and normal emotions of 50 persons i.e. total 50*4=200 images in jpg format. Tools MATLAB/ R2012a Algorithm Back propagation Algorithm 4.1 Conclusion From this work, it can be concluded that the Back propagation Neural Network is used for emotion detection in two steps such as training and testing. In physical biometrics generally parameters like fingerprint, palmprint iris and retina but face also a good biometric solution for identification. The proposed system requires less computational time and an automated approach is used to extraction and detection. In this study a front face is extracted then a multiple feature such as eyes and lips and nose are considered in terms of the coordinate values of these features. This technique can be used as robust face emotion detection algorithm. The average efficiency of this algorithm is 78.27% in case of large database emotion detection. Classification of emotions such as sad, Angry, Normal and Happy are considered by using back propagation neural network. REFERENCES [1] r. Ezhilarasi, r. I. 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