Child Abuse


New Application: Child Abuse

Review Committee for Pediatrics


515 North State Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, Illinois 60654  312.755.5000 






1. Complete the table below regarding the involvement of faculty in research. Add rows as necessary.

[PR II.B.5.b)]


Program Director:

Key Faculty:

# of current

IRB approved research projects

Total # of current funded research projects

Research Mentors Who Are Not Key Faculty:

# of current research projects with peer review funding

(subset of total # in previous column)

# presentations at national scientific meetings in the last 5 years

# publications in peer review journals in the last 5 years

2. List active research projects in the subspecialty. Add additional rows as necessary.

Project title

Funding source

Put an “X” for funding awarded by peer review process

Years of funding


Faculty investigator and role in grant (i.e. PI, Co-PI,


Child Abuse

©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)

Updated 4/2015

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1. Does the program provide research laboratory space and equipment? (if appropriate) [PR II.D.]

.................................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO

2. Does the program provide financial support for research? ........................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO

3. Does the program provide computer and statistical consultation services? .................. ☐ YES ☐ NO


Goals and Objectives

Place an ‘X” in the box before the applicable response. [PR IV.A.2.]

Are there goals and objectives for all training experiences?

☐ YES ☐ NO

Are they rotation and level specific? ☐ YES ☐ NO

How are they distributed?

If not web-based, when are they distributed to fellows?

☐ Hard Copy ☐ Electronic or web-based

☐ Prior to Each Rotation ☐ Annually

☐ Once in Handbook ☐ Other

If not web-based, when are they distributed to faculty?

☐ Prior to Each Rotation

☐ Annually

☐ Other

If web-based, do you send out reminders to access them?

☐ YES ☐ NO

Click here to enter text.

If yes, when do you send them?

Collaboration between Programs

Are there meetings among the core Program

Director and subspecialty Program Directors?

How often do these meetings occur?

Who is typically involved in these meetings?

(check all that apply)

☐ YES ☐ NO

Click here to enter text.

☐ Core program director

☐ Subspecialty program director for this specialty

☐ Program directors from other subspecialties

General Subspecialty Curriculum

Participants (place and X in the appropriate column)

Topic e.g., Biostatistics

Where Taught in


(Name should match name in conference list)



Number of


Teaching Hours

Dedicated to

Topic Area?


Fellows in this






Attend Attend


Residents &




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©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)

Updated 4/2015

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Participants (place and X in the appropriate column)


Basic science as related to the application in clinical subspecialty practice

Clinical subspecialty content

Where Taught in


(Name should match name in conference list)

Click here to enter text.

Number of


Teaching Hours

Dedicated to

Topic Area?


Fellows in this






Attend Attend

Residents &




☐ ☐ ☐


Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

For the topics below, if the topic is not appropriate for your discipline (i.e., lab research for fellows in developmental and behavioral pediatrics), enter N/A into column 1.

Biostatistics Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

Lab research methodology (if appropriate)

Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

Clinical research methodology

Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

Study design Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

Grant preparation Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

Preparation of protocols for institutional review board

Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

Principles of evidencebased medicine/

Critical literature review

Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

Quality Improvement Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

Teaching skills Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

Professionalism/Ethics Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

Cultural Diversity Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

Systems-based practice (economics of healthcare, practice management, clinical outcomes, etc.)

Click here to enter text.

# ☐ ☐ ☐

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©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)

Updated 4/2015

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1. List regular subspecialty and interdepartmental conferences, rounds, etc., that are a part of the subspecialty training program. Identify the "SITE" by using the corresponding number as appears on the first and second pages of this form. Indicate the frequency, e.g., weekly, monthly, etc., and whether conference attendance is required (R) or optional (0). List the planned role of the fellow in this activity (e.g., conducts conference, presents case and participates in discussion, case presentation only, participation limited to Q&A component, etc.). Add rows as necessary.

Conference Site # Frequency R/O Role of the Fellow

2. Describe the mechanism that will be used to ensure fellow attendance at required conferences.

State the degree to which faculty attendance is expected, and how this will be monitored.

Limit the response to 50 words

Click here to enter text.

Scholarship Oversight Committee

1. Will there be a scholarship oversight committee for every fellow? ................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO

2. How often will the committee meet with the fellow? ................................................... # times per year

Fellow Research Activities

1. Describe how the program will ensure a meaningful supervised research experience for the fellows, beginning in their first year and extending throughout their training.

Click here to enter text.

2. If faculty outside the division will be actively involved in mentoring the fellows, identify the mentors and describe how liaisons will be created between these mentors and the fellows that allows for meaningful accomplishment of research.

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©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)

Updated 4/2015

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1. Is there a multidisciplinary model for evaluation of child abuse? [PR VIII.B] ................. ☐ YES ☐ NO

If yes, indicate whether qualified professional from each of the following fields are included:

[PR VIII.B] a) Law ........................................................................................................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO b) Dentistry ................................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO c) Nursing................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO d) Social work ............................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO e) Psychology ............................................................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO f) Law enforcement .................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO

2. Indicate whether the following facilities and resources available to the program? a) Outpatient facilities for child abuse assessments and related services [PR VIII.C]

............................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO b) Resources that allow photodocumentation of physical exams, including digital photography

[PR VIII.C.1] ........................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO c) Resources for colposcopy [PR VIII.C.1].................................................................. ☐ YES ☐ NO d) Resources that provide the multidisciplinary team the opportunity to observe forensic interviews

(including two way mirrors, video recorded interviews, and closed circuit television).

[PR VIII.C.1] ........................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO


1. Indicate the settings and activities in which fellows will develop competence in recognizing and managing all forms of child abuse, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and emotional/psychological abuse. Also specify the methods which will be used to evaluate fellow competence in this area. [PR IX.A.1.a)]

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2. Indicate the settings and activities in which fellows will develop proficiency in each of the following areas of patient care. Also indicate the method which will be used to evaluate proficiency.


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Method Used to Evaluate

Fellow Proficiency

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Competency Area

Providing care for patients who exhibit a broad range of manifestations associated with each type of child abuse

[PR IX.A.1.b.(1)]

The use of appropriate techniques for examining,

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©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)

Updated 4/2015

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Competency Area evaluating, and managing anogenital trauma, acute and chronic sexual abuse, sexually transmitted infections

[PR IX.A.1.b.(2)]

Prepubertal and pubertal pelvic exams, and sexual abuse/rape protocols

[PR IX.A.1.b.(2).(a)]

Diagnosing and managing child neglect, including medical, supervisory, and physical neglect

[PR IX.A.1.b.(3)]


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Click here to enter text.

Managing prenatal and perinatal child abuse, and Munchausen

Syndrome by Proxy (also known as Medical Child Abuse)

[PR IX.A.1.b.(4)]

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Interpreting and using results from child abuse-related laboratory studies, diagnostic tests, imaging modalities

(including x-rays, CT scans, and

MRIs), and subspecialty examinations (including ophthalmologic examinations)

[PR IX.A.1.b.(5)]

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Using the results of sudden unexpected deaths in children using autopsy, death scene investigation, medical history review, and interagency case reviews

[PR IX.A.1.b.(6)]

Child abuse examination skills, including:

[PR IX.A.1.b.(7)]

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Using digital photodocumentation systems for image capture and secure storage

[PR IX.A.1.b.(7).(a)]

Using magnification systems including a colposcope (still and video)

[PR IX.A.1.b.(7).(b)]

Documenting injury

[PR IX.A.1.b.(7).(c)]

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Child Abuse

©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)

Method Used to Evaluate

Fellow Proficiency

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Competency Area

Collecting evidence and cultures, and maintaining the chain of custody for evidence

[PR IX.A.1.b.(7).(d)]


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Method Used to Evaluate

Fellow Proficiency

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Applying treatment approaches that incorporate both medical and mental health therapies in the context of the family

[PR IX.A.1.b.(8)]

Competency Area

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3. Indicate the activities (lectures, conferences, journal clubs, clinical teaching rounds, etc) in which fellows will develop proficiency in their knowledge in each of the following areas. Also indicate the method(s) which will be used to evaluate fellow proficiency in each area. [PR IV.A.3.d)]

Method Used to Evaluate

Fellow Proficiency

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Epidemiology of childhood injuries, including risk factors for child abuse/neglect, family violence, and the biomechanics of injury

[PR IX.A.2.a)]

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Principles of child abuse, partner abuse, psychological abuse, injury prevention, and factors leading to domestic and interpersonal violence

[PR IX.A.2.b)]

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Click here to enter text.

Typical and atypical child behavior and development as it pertains to child abuse

[PR IX.A.2.c)]

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Behavioral and developmental anatomy and pathophysiology of

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organ systems as they relate to child abuse, including sexual development and anogenital anatomy

[PR IX.A.2.d)]

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Forensic pathology

[PR IX.A.2.e)]

Principles of toxicology

[PR IX.A.2.f)]

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The elements and functions of community and social services; standards and procedures of child protective services; cultural

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aspects of child abuse; child welfare services; foster care;

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©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)

Updated 4/2015

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Competency Area home visitation; reunification; mental health services; and child death review teams

[PR IX.A.2.g)]


Laws and legal procedures related to child abuse, including:

[PR IX.A.2.h)]

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Mandatory reporting

[PR IX.A.2.h.(1)]

Forensic investigation

[PR IX.A.2.h.(2)]

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Click here to enter text.

The role of law enforcement

[PR IX.A.2.h.(3)]

Expert witnesses

[PR IX.A.2.(h).(4)]

Civil and criminal justice system

[PR IX.A.2.h.(5)]

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Click here to enter text.

Ethical issues in expert testimony

[PR IX.A.2.h.(6)]

Child witnesses; courtroom procedures

[PR IX.A.2.h.(7)]

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Click here to enter text.

Local and national child abuse statutes

[PR IX.A.2.h.(8)]

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Legal definitions of abuse

[PR IX.A.2.h.(9)]

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Standards of evidence, and legal implications of organ donation in fatal maltreatment cases

[PR IX.A.2.h.(10)]

Child abuse prevention

[PR IX.A.2.i)]

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Current local and national legislation, funding options for child abuse programs, and public testimony related to child abuse legislation

[PR IX.A.2.j)]

The role of the family in prevention, perpetuation, and reunification, with regard to the assessment and management of child abuse

[PR IX.A.2.k)]

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Child Abuse

©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)

Method Used to Evaluate

Fellow Proficiency

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4. Briefly describe planned fellow participation in multidisciplinary teams to evaluate child abuse. [PR


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5. Briefly describe planned fellow participation in local or regional multidisciplinary child protection teams and child fatality review team. [PR IX.B.2.]

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6. Briefly describe planned fellow participation in court as either the physician of record or as an expert witness. [PR IX.B.3.]

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Updated 4/2015

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