Build Your Own Landfill

Build Your Own Landfill
Question: How do the rates of decomposition differ among waste items
made of different materials?
Materials: See page 232 of Environmental Science Textbook.
Procedure: See page 232 of Environmental Science Textbook.
Observations: (10 marks. 5 for chart, 5 for tracing)
Waste Item
Number of
squares on graph
paper before
being added to
the landfill
Number of squares
on graph paper after
being added to the Difference
Analysis Questions: (to be completed 3-4 weeks from landfill build)
1. Which waste item had the largest difference in size? Smallest? Explain why there was such
difference in decomposition rate between the items.
(3 marks)
2. What conclusion can you draw from the rate of decomposition of these materials? How
should /does knowing the rate of decomposition influence you’re your actions as a consumer
(3 marks)
3. Pick 3 objects made from materials on the “disappearing act” page that have a long
decomposition rates. Suggest another appropriate material on the list that could substitute in
place of the original material and explain why it is a good choice. (3 marks)
4. Pick a situation in our everyday lives where a wasteful and slow decomposing material is
used regularly without regard. Explain how and what it could be substituted with to limit the
environmental impact. (3 marks)
5. Landfills are split into two categories. Classic landfills which have little technology and
involve covering waste with dirt and modern” sanitary” landfills which have an impermeable
liner as well as a layers of clay and gravel separating the waste from the surrounding ground.
Discuss 3 benefits to using a sanitary landfill over a conventional one. (3 marks)