
CC306M: Medical Terminology
Quiz 3
Section 1: Defining Terms
Directions: For each of the following terms, select the best definition from the options provided.
1. bursitis
a. excision of a bursa
b. incision into a bursa
c. inflammation of the bursa
d. viral infection of the bursa
2. chondromalacia
a. softening of the cartilage
b. excision of the cartilage
c. tumor of the vertebrae
d. inflammation of the vertebrae
3. rhabdomyoma
a. smooth muscle tumor
b. excision of a muscle tumor
c. skeletal/striated muscle tumor
d. bone marrow tumor
4. osteomyelitis
a. infection of bone
b. infection of bone and bone marrow
c. inflammation of bone marrow
d. inflammation of bone and smooth muscle
5. spondylolisthesis
a. forward slipping of a lumbar vertebra
b. stiff, immobile condition of vertebrae
c. abnormal lateral curvature of vertebra
d. development of water in the vertebrae
6. ankylosis
a. inflammation of the joints
b. acute attacks of joint stiffness
c. stiff joint condition
d. condition of a lack of back deformity
7. exostosis
a. a protrusion of a bone from the skin
b. a condition of bone pain
c. a projection from the bone arising from cartilage
d. softening of the bone
8. epiphysitis
a. inflammation of the ends of the long bone
b. inflammation of the shaft of the long bone
c. inflammation of the growth zone of the long bone
d. inflammation of the membrane of a long bone
9. osteomalacia
a. bone pain
b. bone tumor
c. malignant bone tumor
d. the softening of the bone
10. kyphosis
a. abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
b. abnormal anterior curvature of the lumbar vertebrae
c. abnormal medial curvature of the lumbar vertebrae
d. abnormal posterior curvature of the thoracic vertebrae
11. lordosis
a. abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
b. abnormal anterior curvature of the lumbar vertebrae
c. abnormal medial curvature of the lumbar vertebrae
d. abnormal posterior curvature of the thoracic vertebrae
a. abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
b. abnormal anterior curvature of the lumbar vertebrae
c. abnormal medial curvature of the lumbar vertebrae
d. abnormal posterior curvature of the thoracic vertebrae
14. claudication
a. a lameness that occurs after walking
b. a grinding noise that occurs when two bones grind against each other
c. the sound that occurs when nitrogen bubbles are released from synovial fluid
d. a type of arthritis
15. osteoporosis
a. a puncture in the bone
b. creation of an opening in the bone
c. condition of decreased bone density and increased porosity
d. condition of increased bone density and decreased porosity
Section 2: Creating Terminology
Directions: For each definition, select the best medical term from the terms provided.
16. "A fibrous sac between certain tendons and bones, lined with a synovial membrane."
a. tendon
b. ligament
c. fascia
d. bursa
17. "A band of fibrous tissue that covers, supports and separates muscle."
a. bursa
b. tendon
c. ligament
d. fascia
18. "Muscle pain"
a. mydynia
b. myoma
c. myalgia
d. myialgia
19. "Malignant bone tumor"
a. osteosarcoma
b. ostesarcoma
c. osteoma
d. osteooma
20. "Infection of bone and bone marrow"
a. osteomyelitis
b. osteitis
c. osteomalacia
d. osteomylitis
21. "stiff, immobile condition of vertebrae"
a. spondylosis
b. subluxation
c. spondylolithesis
d. spina bifida
22. "straightening at the joint so that the angle between bones is increased"
a. adduction
b. flexion
c. extension
d. rotation
22. "partial or complete wasting away of a muscle"
a. trophipenia
b. hypertrophy
c. hypotrophy
d. atrophy
23. "bone marrow tumor"
a. osteomyelosarcoma
b. myeloma
c. myelitis
d. mycloma
24. “movement away from the body”
a. adduction
b. extension
c. flexion
d. abduction
25."inflammation of a tendon”
a. tetany
b. tendinitis
c. tomography
d. tentomy
Section 3: Combining Forms
Directions: Select the combining form that best corresponds to the meaning given.
26. "chest"
a. cost/o
b. lumb/o
c. spondyl/o
d. thorac/o
27. "bone marrow"
a. myc/o
b. myel/o
c. my/o
d. myos/o
28. "cartilage"
a. cervic/o
b. chondr/o
c. cost/o
d. kyph/o
29. "skeletal/striated"
a. lumb/o
b. rhabd/o
c. scoli/o
d. spondyl/o
30. "digit (finger or toe)"
a. articul/o
b. ankyl/o
c. dactyl/o
d. uln/o
Section 5: Identification
Directions: Identify the parts of the bone in the diagram with the vocabulary provided below.
a. epiphysis
b. metaphysis
c. endosteum
d. diaphysis
a. epiphysis
b. metaphysis
c. endosteum
a. endosteum
d. metaphysis
a. endosteum
d. metaphysis
a. endosteum
d. metaphysis
a. occipital bone
b. frontal bone
c. temporal bone
d. spenoid bone
a. radius
b. ulna
c. humerus
d. carpals
a. radius
b. ulna
c. humerus
d. carpals
a. metacarpals
b. carpals
c. phalanges
d. tarsals
a. tibia
b. fibula
c. femur
d. thigh
a. patella
b. patera
c. kneecap
d. femur
a. tibia
b. fibula
c. femur
d. thigh
Section 6: Treatment and Procedures
43. What would a doctor prescribe someone who was in severe pain (open fracture of femur)?
a. anti-inflammatory
b. antipyretic
c. analgesic/narcotic
d. bursitis
44. You have fractured your femur in 10 pieces! What kind of fracture do you have?
a. open
b. complex
c. comminuted
d. closed
45. The doctor suggests surgery to insert three pins and two plates to stabilize the fracture. What
kind of surgery is this?
a. Closed reduction external fixation
b. Open reduction internal fixation
c. Closed reduction percutaneous fixation
d. Open reduction metal fixation
46. Now you have a painful knee joint! The doctor must examine and repair the joint form within.
What procedure will he/she use?
a. arthroscopy
b. amputation
c. arthrocentesis
d. osteotomy
47. The doctor determines you need a total knee replacement. What is the name for this procedure?
a. arthrocentesis
b. arthroplasty
c. arthroscopy
d. arthrodesis
48. The knee replacement does not go well. You have had a BKA (below knee amputation). What
medical device will you need now?
a. arthrodesis
b. orthosis
c. prosthesis
d. traction
49. Your physical therapist is trying to get you used to your new leg. She/he asks you to invert
your foot. You should:
a. turn your toes outwards
b. turn your toes inwards
c. bend your foot upward
d. point your toes at the ground.
50. Your physical therapist asks you to get on the ground in supine position. You should be:
a. Lying face down and flat
b. Lying on your side
c. Lying flat on your back
d. Remaining standing