2014-08-25 Council Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes of JHCOE College Council Meeting
August 25, 2014, 9 am to 11 am
Marcella Kehus
Rebecca Schneider, Laurie Dinnebeil, Renee Martin, Noela Haughton,
Libbey McKnight (for Lori DeShetler), Jenny Denyer, Mary Ellen
Edwards, Dawn Sandt
Penny Poplin Gosetti
Minute prepared by:
Mark Templin, Susanna Hapgood
Dawn Sandt
Date and Time:
Members in
Review of Previous Minutes
 Members noted errors. Minutes revised. April 14, 2013 minutes were adopted
Report from Council Chairperson
 Worked over summer briefly to help Becky Schneider & Josh Spieles to finish
website of College Council & Council Committees
 Asked Noela (Chair-Elect) to convene Council Committees by end of September
 Asked Dean Poplin-Gosetti to add Dean’s Designee to Council Committees
 Acquired representatives from Faculty Senate and Graduate Council
 Reserved the room for the year & reserved time Dean’s & Associate Dean’s calendar
for year
 Set and disseminate agenda for first meeting
 Set starting goals for this year (from 2013-14 year-end report) – let’s set these
Report from Dean and/or Associate Dean
 Dean Poplin Gosetti feels that AY 2014-15 is a year where faculty within JHCOE will be
able to provide input regarding issues of concern, such as curriculum.
Report from University Council Representative
 Rebecca Schneider presented content of the University Council meeting. College council
member asked whether JHCOE had representation on the Presidential search committee.
Dean Poplin Gosetti responded that they do not, and that other colleges were not
represented either.
Information and Discussion Items
 None
Standing Committee Reports
 Academic Affairs – Committee has not yet been convened.
Student Affairs - Committee has not yet been convened.
Administrative Review (in recess)
Assessment - Committee has not yet been convened.
Diversity - Committee has not yet been convened.
Technology - Committee has not yet been convened.
Discussion with Guests
 None
Old Business
 None
New Business
 Appointments: representative to University Council, representative from Faculty Senate,
representative from Grad Council
o Motion to nominate Noela Haughton (chair elect) to serve as representative to
University Council and to nominate Dawn Sandt (secretary) as alternate if Noela
cannot attend. Motion passed unanimously.
o Motion to amend College Council bylaws to have the chair elect serve on
University Council and the secretary to serve as alternate. Motion passed
 Council Chair Elect to attend Dean’s Cabinet – Full Leadership Team monthly meeting
o Renee Martin volunteered to attend Dean’s Cabinet. Motion called for Renee
Martin to serve on the Dean’s Cabinet. Motion passed unanimously.
 Dean’s designee to committees – Academic administrator vs. staff administrator
o Dean Poplin Gosetti is currently assigning designees. Dean Poplin Gosetti
requests an exception to the academic administrative position requirement for the
assessment committee. She would like to designate a person who is currently
working on accreditation for the unit.
o Motion was called to make a one-time exception to the College Council bylaws
that allows the JHCOE accreditation leader, Lori DeShetler, to serve as Dean’s
designee on the assessment committee for AY 2014-2015, with a one year
renewable option. Motion passed unanimously.
 Adding student members to Academic Affairs Committee (2 graduate & 2
undergraduate) and Assessment Committee (1 graduate & 1 undergraduate)
o College Council Chair will ask faculty to submit names of students, who are
interested in serving on these committee, by the end of week. Committee will
revisit this agenda item during the September 8th meeting.
 Honors Subcommittee – clarification
o A concern was presented that the Honors Subcommittee description as written in
the JHCOE College Council Bylaws is inadequate. Members noted that there
seems to be a discrepancy between the current Honors Subcommittee and what is
outlined in the bylaws. Members discussed a need for more definition about
representation on the committee, its relationship with Academic Affairs, and its
responsibilities regarding curriculum and programmatic issues.
o College Council requests that Academic Affairs examines current description in
bylaws and provide recommendations to College Council, with special
consideration to (a) equal representation, (b) add and subtract content regarding
curricular and programmatic responsibilities, (c) method by which it is convened,
and (d) clarify the relationship of the Honors Subcommittee to the Academic
Affairs committee.
College-level recognition and community building
o Members discussed strategies to build a sense of community within the JHCOE.
Members identified alumni, faculty/staff, and students as needing to be considered.
Dean Poplin Gosetti recommended that whatever strategies were implemented
needed to address areas of concern, such as enrollment and retention. Members
agreed that having departments host a social event the community building of
faculty and staff of the college would be a first step. Dean Poplin Gosetti agreed
to discuss this with the chairs at the next Dean’s Cabinet.
New Business
 Chair searches: Membership for search committees for department chairs will come out
of the Dean’s office.
 Adjourned at 11:05am