2012 INFORMAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOUTHDOWN BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION The informal Board meeting of the American Southdown Breeders’ Association was held November 10th 2012, at 4:00 p.m. in the South Wing Board Room of the North American International Livestock Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky. Those directors present included: L. C. Scramlin, Barbara Bishop, Darrell Howard, Scott Flanagan, Lee Pettey, Kyle Thayer, Jeff Repasky, Mark Johnson, Amy Powell, and Brian Forsee. There were also a number of interested Association members present. A motion was made by Jeff Repasky to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as corrected by the Executive Secretary, seconded by Lee Pettey. The motion passed. The Executive Secretary then gave an overview of the financial status of the Association for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012. The Association cash balance as of October 1, 2011 was $153,009.33. With operating expenses of $89,285.19 and operating income of $86,014.12, the ending cash balance for the Association was $149,738.26. Each line item on expenses and income was explained to the Board members present. It was moved by Brian Forsee to accept the report as given, with a second by Scott Flanagan, the motion passed. President Scramlin then called for committee reports under old business. Mark Johnson of the nomination committee gave his committees recommendations for the different shows and sales in the coming year. The recommendations for a judge of the 2013 National Southdown Sale were either Jeremy Etzler or Brad Ellerbrock. Recommendations for the 2013 National Junior Show to be held with the All- American show were Travis Hoffman, Bart Cardwell, Chris Spilde, Farabee McCarthy, Jamie Rincker, or Matt Scramlin. The committee’s recommendations for judge of the 2013 National Show were either Stan Poe, Brad Angus, Jeremy Etzler, or Brad Ellerbrock. Four directors whose terms expire in 2012, Darrell Howard, Marty Gibbs, Mark Johnson, and Dr. John Jones, have chosen not to seek reelection. Two directors, Jeff Repasky and Barbara Bishop have chosen to run again. The committee’s recommendations to replace those directors choosing not to seek reelection are: Region 2 District 3 J.J. Maddux Region 2 At Large Jeff Oldenburg Region 3 District 1 Jim Davis Region 3 At Large Mike McElvain Darrell Howard moved to accept the report as given. Seconded by Jeff Repasky. The motion carried. In the absence of the proxy committee chairman, the Executive Secretary noted that there were 43 valid proxies submitted and 7 invalid proxies for the annual meeting. Dr. Scott Flanagan of the genetic research and development committee, reported on the success of Dr. Jonathan Beever in finding the answer to the problem of hairy lambs in the breed. He was hopeful that a commercial test would be available to breeders soon. The Executive Secretary read a letter from Dr. John Jones on the success of Southdown lambs in carcass shows in Ohio, plus his thanks for serving on the Board of Directors. It was also noted that a Southdown was Champion carcass lamb at the Ohio State Fair this year. Brian Forsee, stated that an excellent average of $1,084.00 was posted at the Stars of Louisville Southdown Sale held earlier in the day. Twenty-four head of lambs were nominated for the yearling ewe futurity. Darrell Howard reported that the National Sale was held this year with the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. A very nice set of sheep sold with an average of $846.00 on 141 head. The “Ewes for Youth” committee saw 20 applicants this year, with three youth chosen to receive a ewe lamb. The ewe lamb can be taken back to the donor for breeding the next year. Those youth chosen are from Missouri, Ohio and Massachusetts. Mike McElvain gave an update on the futurity program for this year. There were 17 yearling ewes, 14 fall ewe lambs, and 28 spring ewe lambs that reported points. The total jackpot to be distributed this year will be $525 for yearling ewes, $750 for fall ewe lambs, and $3575 for the spring born ewe lambs. Amy Jones commented on the success of the electronic communication and social media committee. Traffic on the facebook page continues to be strong with 719 “likes” and the membership page continues to grow each month. The website sees an average of 80 visitors each day. The top five most visited pages are breeders’ links, show and sale results, breed overview, classified ads, and forms. Amy Powell of the youth development and education committee informed the Board that three scholarships of $600 each were given this year. They went to Jessica Deeter, Troy Longenecker, and Richard Burns. Lisa Scramlin, editor of the Journal and Directory and the Louisville Preview, stated that she would be editing both issues next year. She had ideas for articles for next year’s issues along with evergreen content. Barbara Bishop noted the policy and procedure committee would be doing an update this winter that will bring us to a current status on all of the actions of the Board of Directors. Barbara Bishop then gave a proposal on the budget for the fiscal year 2012-2013. Darrell Howard moved to accept the budget as presented. Second by Lee Pettey. After discussion, Darrell Howard moved to table the motion at this time, seconded by Brian Forsee. The motion to table at this time passed. President Scramlin then called for any new business. Brian Forsee moved to designate the 2013 National Show to be held in conjunction with the North American International Livestock Exposition, seconded by Mark Johnson. The motion passed. It was moved by Lee Pettey to designate the California State Fair as a regional show in 2013, seconded by Kyle Thayer. The motion carried. It was noted that the 2013 National Sale would be in conjunction with the Ohio Showcase Sale. Also, the 2013 National Junior Show would be held with the All-American Show in East Lansing, Michigan, at Michigan State University. There was then discussion on the classes offered at the All-American show and the classes specified for our National Junior Show. Brian Forsee moved to have the pair of ram lambs class at the All-American show along with the best four head of ewes, seconded by Mark Johnson. The motion passed. Discussion then began on the hair lamb policy. It was moved by Lee Pettey to adapt the same policy for both shows and sales as with the spider policy, and this policy to go into effect January 1, 2013. It was seconded by Barbara Bishop. After much discussion on the issue by the Board, it was voiced by Mark Johnson to separate the effective date for the show and sale policy. With the same policy and wording as the spider policy, it was amended to have an effective date of the sale policy of September 2, 2013 and the show policy of January 1, 2014. The original motion with the amended dates was then voted on and passed by a show of hands ,7-2. Online sales and futurity nominations were then discussed. It was voiced that the on line companies that host futurity sales must be bonded, they must include a form to fill out with the identification of each lamb, futurity funds be collected by the sale management company and the sale management company sign an agreement of such. After discussion on the issues, it was moved by Brian Forsee that we agree to online sales with futurity nominations with the following terms: 1. The sale management company agree to the terms of the ASBA show and sale policy, 2. The sale management must be bonded, 3. The sale management collect the $25.00 nomination fee from the consignor and send to the Association office, 4. Nominations must be done at the time the sale is posted with the scrapie number included, 5. The sale management send to the Association office a print out of the sale with name of purchaser, seconded by Darrell Howard. The motion carried. It was then moved by Mark Johnson to take the budget off the table,seconded by Jeff Repasky. The motion passed. Brian Forsee moved the Board go into executive session, seconded by Scott Flanagan. The motion passed. Upon returning to the Board meeting, it was moved by Darrell Howard to increase the performance line of the budget to $600.00, seconded by Brian Forsee. The motion passed. Darrell Howard then moved to accept the budget as presented and adjusted, seconded by Jeff Repasky. The motion carried. Brian Forsee voiced he would still like to see a youth director for the Association. We need to explore the possibility of such. It was moved by Darrell Howard that a Board member will serve no more than 21 consecutive year or seven consecutive terms. This would include a motion to change the constitution and by-laws. This would be done by the following change to Article V: Directors and Officers. 1. There shall be sixteen directors chosen by the members of the Association at the Annual Meeting, who shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Association and who shall have power to manage the affairs of the Association, subject to the provisions of the Constitution and By-laws. The President or any Board member may request a Board of Directors meeting and conduct business. Nine of the Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and may be held either in person or by telephone. The Directors shall be elected from the membership, must be a member and manage, raise or own Southdown sheep. They shall serve for a term of three years, not to exceed 21 consecutive years, and shall be elected one from each of the twelve Districts hereinafter described and four Directors-at-large (two from each of the regions representing the largest number of registrations, not to exceed two Directors-at-large per Region. A second was given by Mark Johnson. After discussion, a ballot vote was taken with the vote 5-4 in favor. The motion passed. With no further business to conduct, a motion to adjourn was given by Darrell Howard with a second by Mark Johnson. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 7:46 p.m. 2012 REORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOUTHDOWN BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION The reorganizational meeting of the American Southdown Breeders’ Association was held immediately after the annual meeting of the Association. At 8:55, President L.C. Scramlin called the meeting to order in the South Wing of the North American International Livestock Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky. The following Board members were present: Amy Powell, Mike McElvain, Kyle Thayer, Brian Forsee, Scott Flanagan, Lee Pettey, Jim Davis, L. C. Scramlin, JJ Maddox, and Barbara Bishop. It was moved by Lee Pettey to elect Barbara Bishop as Association President , and cast a unanimous ballot for her, seconded by Brian Forsee. The motion passed. It was moved by Brian Forsee to elect L.C. Scramlin as Association Vice-President, seconded by Amy Powell. The motion carried. President Bishop thanked those directors and noted that committee assignments would be coming. With no further business to conduct, it was moved by Kyle Thayer to adjourn the reorganizational meeting, seconded by Jim Davis. The motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:05p.m. 2012 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOUTHDOWN BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the American Southdown Breeders’ Association was held on November 12th, 2012, in the south wing of the North American International Livestock Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky. President L.C. Scramlin called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. and began with the introduction of directors present. All guests were asked to introduce themselves and state the number of years they have had Southdowns. The Executive Secretary was then asked to read the minutes of the previous annual meeting. It was moved by Brian Forsee and seconded by Lee Pettey to approve the minutes as previous submitted. Motion carried. The Executive Secretary then presented the report to the membership on the registrations, transfers, top ten recorders, christened sheep, board of directors, and cash balance for the past fiscal year. The cash balance as of September 30, 2012 was $149,738.26. It was moved by Darrell Howard to accept the report as presented, seconded by Mark Johnson. The motion passed. President Scramlin then called for Old Business. Kyle Thayer of the proxy committee noted that 43 proxies had been verified and properly distributed. Brian Forsee reported on the success of the National Sale this year held with the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Jim Davis of Illinois consigned the champion ewe and Rincker Southdowns of Michigan bred the champion ram. A sale average of $841.00 was posted on 141 head sold. Brian also noted the success of the recently held “Stars of Louisville” sale with a sale average of $1084.00 The National Show would be tomorrow with nearly 170 head of sheep being exhibited. Debra Hopkins, informed the membership that the All-American Show would be held at Michigan State University next year, and would again be the host of the National Junior Southdown Show. The dates are July 5-7th. Matt Scramlin reported that three youth this year received ewe lambs in the “Ewes for Youth” program. The breeders donating ewes were Brian Forsee, L.C. Scramlin, and Jeff Oldenburg. The youth are from Massachusetts, Ohio, and Missouri. Mike McElvain stated the 2012 futurity was a success. There were 143 spring ewe lambs, 30 fall ewe lambs, and 21 yearling ewes nominated. The breeder of the champion spring ewe lamb was JJ Maddox, the fall ewe lamb was bred by MB Genetics, and the yearling ewe champion was bred by Larry McGuire. It was noted that three scholarships were given this year, each for the amount of $600 to Richard Burns, Jessica Deeter, and Troy Longenecker. Lisa Scramlin, editor of the Journal and Directory, noted the 2013 edition will be coming out in April. She would love to help each breeder with their ad and voiced her appreciation to those that have supported the publication. At this time, President Scramlin noted the recommendations for Directors. They were: Region 2 District 2 Jeff Repasky Region 2 At Large Barbara Bishop Region 2 At Large Jeff Oldenburg Region 2 District 3 JJ Maddox Region 3 District 1 Jim Davis Region 3 At Large Mike McElvain It was moved by Mark Johnson to elect Barbara Bishop and Jeff Repasky by acclimation, seconded by Scott Flanagan. The motion passed. It was moved by Lisa Scramlin to add the name of Scott Shellhouse for consideration in Region 3 At Large, seconded by Barbara Bishop. The motion passed. It was moved by Lynn Kuhn that nominations cease, seconded by Darrell Howard. The motion carried. Mark Johnson moved to elect by acclimation the names of JJ Maddox, Jeff Oldenburg, and Jim Davis. With a second from Darrell Howard the motion passed. President Scramlin then asked the members present to vote for either Mike McElvain or Scott Shellhouse to represent Region 3 At Large. As these voted were being counted, possible judges for the 2013 National Show were announced. They were Stan Poe, Brad Ellerbrock, Jeremy Etzler, and Brad Angus. John Nixon nominated Bob Fielder for a possible judge, with a second by Kyle Thayer. The motion passed. It was moved by Brian Forsee that nominations cease, seconded by Lee Pettey. The motion carried. President Scramlin then asked the membership to vote for their choice of a judge, with the top two choices to be voted on again in a runoff. As votes for judge were being counted, Matt Scramlin auctioneered off a beautiful baby blanket made of Southdown wool by Sue Ann Carpenter of Michigan. The blanket was sold to Red & Black Genetics of Cuba, Illinois. Then the number “AA1” of the Association registry along with a free christening was purchased by Brian Forsee of Owenton, Kentucky. Proceeds of the auction are to go toward the youth programs. It was then announced that Mike McElvain was selected by the membership to represent Region 3 At Large. At this time, it was announced to vote for either Stan Poe or Brad Angus as judge of the 2013 National Southdown Show. President Scramlin gave the membership a brief update on the informal meeting of the Board of Directors including online futurity nominations and the hairy lamb policy. President Scramlin stated that an exact tie for judge of the 2013 National Show had occurred and everyone was asked to vote again. At this time, Darrell Howard announced that C.J. Robinson of Texas had been selected as on honorary director of the Association. Darrell presented C.J. with a plaque and spoke of C.J.’s importance to the Association and this breed. It was then announced that Brad Angus was selected as judge of the 2013 National Show with Stan Poe as the first alternate. Scott Flanagan presented the “Spirit of the Breed” award for this year, to C.J. Robinson of Texas. C.J. was selected for his dedication to the Board of Directors, for his many years of service, and his love of the breed. Darrell Howard, past President of the Association, presented L. C. Scramlin with a Southdown ram sculpture for his outstanding service to the breed as President of the Association for the past two years. With no further business to conduct, a motion to adjourn was given by Mark Johnson with a second from Matt Scramlin. Motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.