CULTURAL STUDIES 12/13 COURSE II ESSENTIAL UNIT 6 (S06) (Other Civilizations II) (July 2015) Unit Statement: In this unit, the student will focus on a civilization that is not covered in depth in the QSI’s middle school curriculum. Though the Ottoman Empire and history of Russia are examples, any civilization of personal interest to students or instructor could be chosen. The student should discover the reasons for the rise and fall of the civilization, as well as be able to describe the culture, and major important events in the timeline of its history. Essential Question/s: ● What makes civilizations thrive? ● What makes civilizations fail? Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery) 1. The Student Will investigate the beginnings and rise of a selected civilization. 2. TSW describe the culture of the selected civilization including: religion, economy, political system, organization of society, and arts/humanities. 3. TSW cite major events, inventions, or discoveries made by this civilization. 4. TSW analyze the reasons for any fall, or major change of leadership/organization of this civilization. 5. TSW make connections between this civilization and other societies around it during its existence. 6. TSW analyze the legacy of this civilization, if any, to later civilizations and the modern world. Practiced/Ongoing Outcomes: (ongoing development, but not assessed) 1. The Student Will identify key terms and concepts. 2. TSW list historical events on a timeline to compare people and events over time (see selective unit one). 3. TSW determine connections with the 5 Themes of Geography (e.g. Movement is essential to the cultures of the Arabian Peninsula and the Sahara logically leading the practice of Hajj). 4. TSW address document based questions (see Suggested Assessment Tools). 5. TSW use maps, charts and data in order to synthesize logical conclusions (see Suggested Assessment Tools). 50 QSI CULTURAL STUDIES-12/13 COURSE II S06 Copyright © 1988-2015 Key Terms and Concepts: diffusion innovation economy political system society culture Cross-curricular Suggestions: (three or four ideas) Reading: link with poetry/writing/literature from that culture Writing: a research report about a particular person in that civilization (could be linked with S02 in this course). Science: investigate any human/environment interaction issues that could help the rise, or bring about the fall of this civilization. Suggested Materials: (provided by school) ● My World History - Survey Print Student Edition with Premium 6-year License isbn10: 0133176126 isbn13: 9780133176124 ● All textbook ancillary materials ● A World in Transition ISBN: 0-03-065034-8 ● A few copies of the old Ancient Civilizations text Additional Resources: (may not be provided by school) ● Student Atlas (Different schools have different atlases, but Nat’l. Geo. and Rand McNally are good) Technology Links: Destiny Webpath Express (see Librarian) Use this search engine to find age-appropriate websites that align with your unit. Suggested Assessment Tools: 1. Attached rubric or teacher-generated rubric that assesses ALL essential outcomes (TSW’s). An effective rubric is presented and discussed with the student at the beginning of the unit, referred back to throughout the unit, and used to assess at the end. Students will collaborate with peers and the teacher to assess mastery of the unit with final judgment by the teacher. RUBRIC FOUND ON FOLLOWING PAGE……………………… Teacher’s Note: As this unit could cover any number of different civilizations, the TSW’s and rubric are very broad and will leave a good deal of leeway for teacher interpretation. This is an excellent chance for an experienced educator to focus on an area of personal interest or expertise. This may not be the best unit for a novice teacher, or any teacher needing additional structure. 51 QSI CULTURAL STUDIES-12/13 COURSE II S06 Copyright © 1988-2015 Student Name:___________________________ Date: ________________________ CULTURAL STUDIES-12/13 COURSES I and II: S05 & S06 (Other Civilizations I and II) To receive a ‘B’, the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes (TSW’s). To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery on All OR 3 OF 4 available TSW’s and ‘B’ level mastery on all TSW’s. The Student Will ‘A’ Level ‘B’ Level 1. The Student Will investigate the beginnings and rise of a selected civilization. 2. TSW analyze the culture of the selected civilization including: religion, economy, political system, organization of society, and arts/humanities. The student can state where this civilization came from and how it started. The student is able to The student is able to describe analyze religious, the culture in a basic manner. economic, political, societal, and artistic aspects of the culture. 3. TSW cite major events, inventions, or discoveries made by this civilization. The student is able to list major milestones in this civilization. 4. TSW analyze the reasons for any fall, or major change of leadership/organization of this civilization. The student can discriminate between mistakes and events that led to this civilizations decline, and rate which ones were most substantial. The student is able to give a general reason that the civilization failed. 5. TSW make connections between this civilization and other societies around it during its existence. The student is able to make multiple connections the civilization being studied and other civilizations at the time regarding trading, cultural diffusion, and acculturation. The students can identify this civilization’s trading partners and neighbors. 6. TSW critique the legacy of this civilization, if any, to later civilizations and the modern world. The student is able to critique the inventions, innovations, and ideas this civilization gave the modern world. The student is able to describe inventions, innovations and ideas this civilization gave the modern world. 52 QSI CULTURAL STUDIES-12/13 COURSE II S06 Copyright © 1988-2015 ‘P’- in progress