PGO-LEIDRAAD ANW – V4A Module Module 2 Groepsle den Artikel (titel) Voorzitter: Carlijn van Herpt Notulist: Vivian Allis Internetartikel Onderwerp Biosfeer Overige: Bibi van Eijk Mountain ranges 1. Verhelder onduidelijke termen en begrippen. There were no difficult words. 2. Definieer het centrale probleem / vraag van het artikel. How are mountain ranges created? 3. Analyseer het artikel / de rode draad. To balance the new ocean crust that is being created, old crust must be reduced or destroyed. Two continentental plates on a collision course crumple and fold under the pressure forming mountain ranges. The snow-capped himalayas were created when India and Eurasia collided by the movement of tectonic plates. Since both plates have about the same rockdensity and landmass there was no sign of one of the plates subducting under the other. As a result of that the pressure could only be relieved by thrusting skyward. Geologists found fossils of sea creatures near the peaks of the Hymalian mountains and were very puzzled by it. They could explain this by using the theory of plate tectonics: when the Indo-australian plate collided with the Eurasian continental plate it's leading edge consisting of oceanic crust was the first to be lifted upwards. 4. Orden de ideeën uit de analyse van het probleem. The text is already divided into paragraphs with subtitles. 5. Formuleer leerdoelen. 1. How did geologists find out that India was an island that went northward and created the Himalayas by colliding against Eurasia? 2. Do mountains keep growing? 3. Are volcanoes created in the same way? PROCESCONTROLE DOCENT (punten,datum) ________________ 6. Beantwoord je leerdoelen. 1. When geologists went to the peaks of the Himalaya's they found fossils, they were very intrigued and wanted to find out how this was possible. Then they came with the tectonic plate theory which would explain that India was an island, which must have moved northward. By doing so it must have collided with the Eurasian plate it's leading edge consisting of oceanic crust was the first to be lifted upwards forming the Himalaya's. 2. Yes mountains grow but instead of really growing like a living organism. The mountains get higher every year by 1cm despite erosion. This happens as a result of the tectonic plates pushing against each other and thrusting the mountain upwards. 3. Mountains are formed when two tectonic plates of about the same rock density collide, because the landmass of the two plates is the same as a result of that the pressure created can only be realeased thrusting upward. While volcanoes are created when one of the two plates subducts under the other this is often the oceanic plate, because it is made of lighter material than a continental plate. The plate that subducts under the other goes deeper and deeper into the earth by doing so it starts melting because of the heat, and forms magma. This becomes lava when it is erupted out of the volcano. Schrijf een korte samenvatting van de ‘oplossing’ van dit probleem. Mountains are created when to tectonic plates colide against each other. PROCESCONTROLE DOCENT (punten,datum) ________________