Assessment criteria for all students 1. (20%) Presentation and layout—includes the general appearance of the document or assignment, attention to document detail and quality to provide an easily legible document. 2. (80%) Content—includes the accuracy and relevance of answers, application of knowledge, language and grammar used in answering the questions. Assignment 1 – Marking Criteria Due date: Monday, Week 4, 5:00 pm Weighting: 25% ASSESSMENT 1 Objectives Note: 1. Students will submit their own work in their own words. All assignments will be submitted via Turnitin to be checked for copying of content. 2. Answers will be well organised and well presented. Marks will be deducted for poorly organised or poorly explained solutions. Refer to the relevant section in the course material for appropriate presentation, setting out and formatting of answers. 3. Answers will be relevant. Students should refer to the marking criteria information to ensure their answers are relevant and correctly address the question. 4. Relevant diagrams and pictures will be used, where possible, to help explain your answers. 5. All work will be referenced correctly. Material that is not correctly referenced using the Harvard style guide will not be awarded any marks. Question 1 (a) (b) (c) (20 marks) Briefly describe the processes involved in surface mining, commencing with exploration drilling and finishing with rehabilitation of spoil piles. (1000 words) (10 marks) Explain the term, “stripping ratio”. What is the difference between a cut-off ratio and a break-even ratio? (500 words)(5 marks) Describe the term “rehandle” and how it is calculated in relation to dragline operations. (500 words)(5 marks) Clear coherent sentences. Photographs, pictures and diagrams are referred to within the text of the answer. Sources of information are correctly cited and referenced. List of references are included at the end of the assignment. Mining terminology is used correctly. Question 2 (a) (20 marks) Describe the important elements in the design of a strip mining operation. Explain how safety and productivity are impacted by these elements. (10 marks) (b) Describe an aqueous mining method currently in use or previously used at a mine site in Australia or internationally. Your description should include references to websites or texts. Briefly describe the site, the mineral being recovered, the aqueous mining method, its advantages and disadvantages. (10 marks) Clear coherent sentences. Photographs, pictures and diagrams are referred to within the text of the answer. Sources of information are correctly cited and referenced. List of references are included at the end of the assignment. Mining terminology is used correctly. Question 3 (30 marks) Explain the duties of a mine planning engineer. How do they contribute to the safety and productivity of the development, operation and closure of the mine? (1500 words) (15 marks) Describe the capabilities and features you would expect to be included in a mine planning software package especially designed for surface coal mining operations. (1500 words) (15 marks) (a) (b) Clear coherent sentences. Photographs, pictures and diagrams are referred to within the text of the answer. Sources of information are correctly cited and referenced. List of references are included at the end of the assignment. Mining terminology is used correctly. Question 4 (10 marks) What is the ultimate pit limit? Describe different methods used to determine the ultimate pit-limit. (1000 words) Clear coherent sentences. Photographs, pictures and diagrams are referred to within the text of the answer. Sources of information are correctly cited and referenced. List of references are included at the end of the assignment. Mining terminology is used correctly. Question 5 (5 marks) Why would you optimise the pit outline before commencing the detailed pit design? (500 words) Clear coherent sentences. Photographs, pictures and diagrams are referred to within the text of the answer. Sources of information are correctly cited and referenced. List of references are included at the end of the assignment. Mining terminology is used correctly. Question 6 (5 marks) A shovel has the following dimensions: K: Clearance radius – revolving frame = 7.5 m J: Clearance – boom point sheaves = 12.5 m G: Maximum digging radius of level floor = 10.7 m E: Maximum cutting radius = 17.6 m For a drop cut the required bench height is 12 m and the cut slope angle will be 75˚. Find the following: (a) minimum width of drop cut at the crest level, (b) maximum width of drop cut at the floor level, (c) maximum width of drop cut at the crest level, (d) maximum floor radius, and (e) minimum crest radius. A clearly labelled diagram detailing the dimensions of the shovel and the excavation. Formulae and workings are shown in sufficient detail to clearly explain how the answer was derived. Sources of information are correctly cited and referenced. List of references are included at the end of the assignment. Mining terminology is used correctly. Question 7 (10 marks) For a vertical cylindrical orebody, calculate the volume of waste rock that is mined in excavating the ramp to access the orebody and the volume of ore extracted from the ore body given the following data: RW (average ramp width) = 25.8 m, H (bench height) = 12.0 m, g (road grade) = 8%, D (Ore body diameter) = 215 m. A clearly labelled diagram detailing the dimensions of the excavation. Formulae and workings are shown in sufficient detail to clearly explain how the answer was derived. Sources of information are correctly cited and referenced. List of references are included at the end of the assignment. Mining terminology is used correctly.