FAQ about Intramurals

Common Questions
How can I register intramurals?
Online at www.ccsu.edu/recentral under the intramurals tab at www.imleagues.com.
What if I don’t have a team?
If you want to join a team, and have no other team mates, register as a ‘free agent’, and come
to the captains meeting for your league to be placed on a team. Captain’s meeting dates can be
found on the Intramurals Calendar.
What sports are offered?
Soccer, flag football, floor hockey, dodgeball, volleyball, basketball, kickball, waterpolo,
badminton,and softball.
Where do we play?
Flag football, soccer and softball are played on Arute Football Field and the new recreation field.
Volleyball, dodge ball, and basketball are played in the Kaiser Gymnasium.
Floor hockey is played on the outdoor basketball courts behind the bubble.
How do I become an official?
Contact ReCentral’s main office for an application 860-832-3732 or online at
www.ccsu.edu/recentral under the employment tab.
What do we get if we win?
An Intramural Champion t-shirt, your teams’ picture taken, and posted on the main wall outside
RECentral’s office and on the website - so everyone knows who the intramural champions are.
Can I play on more than one team in the same sport?
NO – here at RECentral we want every team to have the same advantage, playing on more than
one team is not fair, and if someone is found playing on 2 teams, they will be ejected from the
league. Although, you cannot play on two teams in one sport, you can play more than one sport
at a time, for example, you can play Soccer and Football during the same season.
Can I play intramurals if I’m on an NCAA team in college?
Yes, but you cannot play the intramural sport you played in the NCAA if you are still playing it, if
you no longer play the varsity sport you can play on the intramural team.
Who may participate in Intramurals?
Students and faculty with a valid blue-chip card.
When are standings posted/updated?
They are posted online the morning after the games are played.
Where can I park?
The best place to park for any intramurals is Arute Field parking lot.
When is intramural registration?
Registration varies by season and sport, due dates are below. Please see Intramural Calendar.
What should I bring with me to games?
Bring your BLUE-CHIP CARD, you will not be allowed to play unless you have it, and an optional
water bottle.
Can I add players to my roster during the season?
Yes, you can add players until before the first overall playoff game, after that it is not allowed.
How long does the season last?
Roughly 6 weeks including playoffs during the last week.
How do I find out my team's game schedule?
Online at www.imleagues.com, or on the RECentral office board (located outside the office
Kaiser 039)
How do I find out if games are canceled?
Online at www.ccsu.edu/recentral and all players will also be emailed and/or text messaged if
there is a cancelation.
Um, you haven't answered my question…
Anymore questions call the RECentral Office at 860-832-3732!