Annex-I to Office memo no. 163/07 Entitlements and Rates i). Medical reimbursement 1. The limit for reimbursement in a financial year shall be maximum of Rs.15,000 for employees in scale VIII and above, and Rs. 10,000 for scale I to VII employees. Medical re-imbursement would include doctors/general practitioners/specialists/dentists consultation fee, spectacles/ lenses, medical and laboratory test charges as well as cost of medicine within the existing limit of the employees’ medical allowance. The Rector may, however, relax the limits in special cases. ii). Daily allowance 2. The following Daily Allowance shall be admissible to employees of various salary scales. Salary scale I & II III & IV V & VI VII & VIII IX & onwards Daily allowance Rs. 300 Rs. 400 Rs. 600 Rs. 800 Rs. 1,000 iii). Use of official car for personal use 3. The use of official vehicles of the University for private use in personal emergency or special occasion shall be at the rate of Rs. 8 per kilometer and Rs 3 per kilometer for motor cycle. The facility will, however, be subject to availability of the vehicle and the discretion of the Director. The person requisitioning the vehicle shall also be responsible for payment of over time to the driver. The facility will not be available for more than one day at any one time. 4. Campuses are also required to maintain proper log books and a register of maintenance of the vehicles and it shall be responsibility of the Director to ensure that there is strictly no misuse of the facility. The log books and maintenance registers shall be subject to inspection. iii). Local conveyance charges 5. Where a personal vehicle is used, payment will be made at the following rates depending on the type of vehicle used. Four wheeler Two wheeler Rs. 8 per kilometer Rs. 3 per kilometer. v). Payment rates for visiting faculty 6. Visiting faculty engaged against any of the following categories will be paid at the following rates or as provided from time to time (Vide approval of 10th meeting of BOG held on June 20, 2006). Position Professor Associate Prof. Assistant Prof. Lecturer Computer Science /Engg/ Management Sciences Rs 1,400 per hour Rs 1,200 per hour Rs 1,100 per hour Rs 1,000 per hour Humanities & Sciences Rs 1,100 per hour Rs 1,000 per hour Rs 900 per hour Rs 800 per hour