Supplementary materials 1. AICc calculations for model best fit The Akaike Information Criterion with small sample correction (AICc) was used for model selection (Burnham and Anderson, 2002; Sugiura, 1978; Akaike, 1974). AICc assesses the relationship between the goodness of fit of models and their number of parameters, penalizing models that over-fit data. AICc is calculated using the formula: Where k is the number of parameters in the model, SSE is the sum of squared errors for the model fit, and n is the sample size. Using this selection process, models with lower AICc values are considered to be better (Akaike, 1981). Previous models have fit adaptation data with exponential models (Bock et al., 2005, Krakauer et al., 2005). Here we compared three exponential decay models: Two parameter model: Three parameter model: Four parameter model: The two parameter model predicts the error in epoch n by estimating an initial level of error i and a decay constant λ. The three parameter model adds a constant term c. The four parameter model predicts a double exponential process to model error reduction, separating the curve into two parts with separate initial error levels (i1 and i2) and decay constants (λ1 and λ2). We calculated AICc scores for each model based on the fit to the mean data for each group. The two parameter model provided the best (lowest) AICc scores in each condition, and was therefore used for furher analysis of the data (see main text). Adaptation Deadaptation Older Younger Older Older Younger Older Sham Sham Anodal Sham Sham Anodal 2 parameter model 3.67 3.97 3.16 5.57 2.05 4.37 3 parameter model 6.00 5.46 5.19 9.09 5.68 8.06 4 parameter model 14.65 16.7 16.29 16.79 12.10 14.21 Supplementary Table 1: AICc values for the each model fit to the mean data for each group. Note that lower AICc values are indicative of a ‘better’ model. Supplementary References Akaike, H. 1974. A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 19, 716-723. Burnham, K.P., Anderson, D.R. 2002. Model selection and multimodal inference: a practical information theoretic approach (2nd ed.), Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-95364-7. Sugiura, N. 1978. Furhter analysis of the data by Akaike’s information criterion and the finite corrections. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods A7: 13-26. Krakauer, J.W., Ghez, C., Ghilardi, M.F., 2005. Adaptation to visuomotor transformations: consolidataion, interference and forgetting. J Neurosci,25, 473-478.