Year 2 - GEOGRAPHY OVERVIEW, Semester 1 – (10 hours) Our Place - Big Question: Where are we? Unit Title: Achievement Standard Year 2 Achievement Standard Knowledge By the end of Year 2, students identify the features that define places and recognise that places can be described at different scales. They describe how people in different places are connected to each other and identify factors that influence these connections. Students recognise that the world can be divided into major geographical divisions. They explain why places are important to people. Skills Students pose questions about familiar and unfamiliar places and collect information to answer these questions. They represent data and the location of places and their features in tables, plans and on labeled maps. They interpret geographical information to draw conclusions. Students present findings in a range of texts and use simple geographical terms to describe the direction and location of places. They suggest action in response to the findings of their inquiry. Geographical Concepts Place Space Environment Interconnection Sustainability Scale Change Content Descriptions The location of the major geographical divisions of the world in relation to Australia (ACHGK009) The definition of places a parts of the Earth’s surface that have been given meaning by people, and how places can be defined in a variety of scales (ACHGK010) They ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples maintain special connections to particular country/place. (ACHGK011) Represent data and location of places and their features by constructing tables, plans and labelled maps (ACHGS015) Draw conclusions based on the interpretation of geographical information sorted into categories (ACHGS016) Present findings in a range of communication forms for example written, oral, digital and visual, and describe the direction and location of places, using terms such as north, south, opposite, near, far (ACHGS017) Assessment (A) Assessment for Learning: Describing the location of their home. (ACHGK009) (ACHGK010) Assessment as Learning: make and label world map using play dough (ACHGK009) Assessment of Learning: Envelope writing – concept of scale (ACHGK010) Place name sorting (ACHGK016) (ACHGK010) Aboriginal and non-aboriginal place sorting (ACHGK011) Major Assessment Task Colour and label world map (ACHGK009) (ACHGS015) Re-describe the location of their home using geographical terms and concept of scale. (ACHGK009) (ACHGK010) (ACHGS017) Learning Framework Cross Curricula Priorities General Capabilities Links to other LA’s Community Contributor Leader and Collaborator Active Investigator Effective Communicator Designer and Creator Quality Producer Catholic Ethos Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Social Emotional Learning Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia Inclusive Education Sustainability Education Literacy Critical and Creative Thinking Numeracy Ethical Behaviour Information and Communication Technology Personal and Social Competence English – Reading - using stories as stimulus and speaking and listening. Mathematics – Location History – Change of local area over time Learning and Teaching Strategies Week Cross Curricular Priorities Engage 1 2 3 4 5 Catholic Ethos Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Inclusive Education Explore Explain 6 7 General Capabilities 8 9 10 Literacy Ethical Behaviour Critical and Creative Thinking Elaborate Evaluate ENGAGE Resources Opening scenario: Introduce a teddy/koala toy who has won a round the world ticket and is too scared to travel – he has only been in one place (their place) – this term Teddy and the students will learn about the world in order to help Teddy feel brave enough to travel. In the next unit the class will use their connections to other parts of the world and/or other places in Australia to help teddy plan his vacation. Read You and Me: Our Place – Leonie Norrington, Dee Huxley. Discuss the book and how it focuses on what the place in the story means to different characters in the story and how different groups share one place. Compare the place in the story with the students’ own place. Discuss the local indigenous place names e.g.Cairns – Gimoy. How do we care for and share our own place? Who is responsible for communal spaces? In the story newcomers share the beach with the indigenous people – discuss who has come to share our place with its first inhabitants. (ACHGK010) (ACHGK011) How does a place change when more people come to live in it? What sustains life in a place? What do more people need? Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast their place with the location in the story. Extension activity could be to use a Y chart to imagine what the place in the story looks like, sounds like and feels like. (ACHGK010) Soft Toy Teddy/Koala or similar “You are a winner” letter from competition stating Teddy has won a round the world flight ticket You and me: Our Place – Leonie Norrington, Dee Huxley Local Elders Assessment for learning: Where do I live? Students to describe where they live – draw/write. This activity will be repeated later in the unit and teachers will be able to assess how much more students know and understand about how to describe their location using geographical terms and scale. (ACHGK010) (ACHGK009) Map of local area – Indigenous place names (Can be downloaded from the Geography 2013 diigo site and on the Curriculum Place/ Geography/Support Materials) Geographical Language Place, location, environment, town, city, rural, coastal, localised indigenous place name, localised indigenous sacred place names, country, north, south, opposite, near, far Reflection Assessment Opportunities Assessment for learning: Where do I live? (ACHGK010) (ACHGK009) Week Cross Curricular Priorities 1 2 3 4 5 Catholic Ethos Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Social Emotional Learning Inclusive Education Critical and Creative Thinking Engage Explore Explain 6 General Capabilities 7 8 9 10 Literacy Numeracy Information and Communication Technology Ethical Behaviour Elaborate EXPLORE Explore our address. Teacher model the school address on the board. What does each line of an address represent? street, city/town/suburb, state, country. Evaluate Resources Student’s addresses Envelopes and stamps Students look at their own address (teachers need to ensure they have each child’s address available) Google maps and Students to copy their address onto an envelope and swap with another class member. They can write a letter and/or do Google earth a drawing to put in their co-student’s envelope. How accurately can the students write their address? arth/index.html What does our town name mean? And what do the street names mean and what is the origin of these place names? (ACHGK010) Sort local place names into aboriginal and non-aboriginal place names. (ACHGK011) Write and discuss place names for .au/maps?hl=en&tab=wl Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander place names/country e.g Babinda –Binda, Gordonvale – Dulabed, Cairns –Gimoy, Extension: World Worree- Worry, Earlville – Bukal, Walsh Pyramid – Djarragun (Scrub hen’s nest). Explorer App An excursion could be planned for this week to the local post office to post the letters and find out how the postal system Teacher Resource: operates. Make a flow chart of the journey of a letter showing the steps of how a letter is processed. From an Message Stick indigenous perspective, discuss the importance of the message stick, which was a symbol that a message was being delivered by the person who held the message stick, identifying traditional communication pathways between tribal groups. Use Google maps/World Explorer App to locate students’ addresses and the school. As a class, plan a trip for Teddy using the IWB, Google Map or World Explorer to visit some friends from the class and local places that you are connected to e.g. library, shopping centre, school, police station, church park, sports and recreation centres etc. 1. Locate places Teddy will visit on a local map 2. Provide Teddy with a planned itinerary of his local visits 3. Request Teddy to reflect on how he feels after visiting new places and meeting new people? Message_Stick_protocol s.pdf Extension activity (scale) is to find Brisbane and locate a suburb and street in that suburb using Google maps. How would their address change if they were to move to that place? Geographical Language scale, street, city/town/suburb, state, country, localised indigenous place name, localised indigenous sacred place names, country, north, south, opposite, near, far, connection, itinerary, address, postcode, plan, local, Reflection Assessment Opportunities Assessment of Learning Address: writing on envelope (ACHGK010) Place name sorting (ACHGK011) Week 1 2 3 Cross Curricular Priorities Critical and Creative Thinking Engage Explore 4 5 6 General Capabilities Explain 7 8 10 Literacy Information and Communication Technology Elaborate Evaluate EXPLAIN Resources Explicitly teach the major geographical divisions of the world – continents, oceans, equator, north and south pole, hemispheres, tropics of Capricorn and Cancer. Create a word bank for e.g. continents/countries/town/state. Discuss what these words mean. Look at atlases, globes and digital atlases to identify continents, oceans, states and countries. Use a Frayer Model to define and characterise the word continent, providing examples and non examples. (Modelled) Sorting activity: Sort places into a table with the following headings: Place name Continent Ocean State/Territory Country Thursday Island Brisbane Queensland 9 City Island Students put a tick in the appropriate column for each place. Suggested places to sort; Australia, Pacific, China, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Indian, Wellington, Papua New Guinea, North America, Antarctica, Lapland, Brazil, Mexico, Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory, Africa etc. (ACHCS016) Major Assessment Task Part A: Assessment of Learning: Colour and label a world map showing land/sea, continents, NESW, equator, tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, north and south pole. Note that the students must have a completed copy in the classroom to refer to. (ACHGK009) (ACHGS015) Worksheets and Maps of world and continents – Geographical Language Scale, Continents, oceans, equator, north and south pole, hemispheres, tropics of Capricorn and Cancer, globes, digital atlases, atlases, north, south, opposite, near, far, east, west. Assessment Opportunities Major Assessment Task Part A: Assessment of Learning: Colour and label world map (ACHGK009) (ACHGS015) Reflection Week 1 2 3 Cross Curricular Priorities Engage 4 5 6 General Capabilities Explore Explain 7 8 9 Literacy Numeracy Elaborate ELABORATE Evaluate Resources In groups use green/white play dough on large pieces of blue card to represent a world map by looking at a world map. Provide each group with labels (oceans and continent names) and toothpicks to stick in the play dough. Also provide string for them to add equator and tropics of Capricorn and Cancer to their models. Photograph and print for their books. Children to compare how well they did with a world map. Children can use a PMI template to reflect on how they found the activity. Geographical Language scale, continents, oceans, equator, north and south pole, hemispheres, tropics of Capricorn and Cancer, north, south, east, west, opposite, near, far Reflection 10 Play dough and card String Toothpicks Labels Assessment Opportunities Assessment as Learning: Play dough maps Week Cross Curricular Priorities 1 2 3 4 Social Emotional Learning Engage 5 6 General Capabilities Explore Explain 7 8 9 10 Literacy Numeracy Elaborate Evaluate EVALUATE Resources Major Assessment Task Part B: Where do I live? Students to re-describe where they live – They can use illustrations as well as written text. This activity is repeated from earlier in the unit and teachers will be able to assess how much more students know and understand about how to describe their location using geographical terms and scale. (ACHGK010) (ACHGK009) (ACHGS017) Geographical Language word bank from the entire unit Assessment Opportunities Major Assessment Task Part B: Assessment for learning: Where do I live? (ACHGK010) (ACHGK009) (ACHGS017) Teacher to make anecdotal notes/tick sheet Reflection Planning for Differently Abled Students Student/s Different Ability Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions being addressed Learning and Teaching Strategies Assessment Strategies Assessment Task Sheet Student Name: Name of Task: Year Level: Where do I live? 2 Teacher: Learning Area/s: Geography Date Commenced: Date Due: Type of Task: Oral Written Other Task Conditions: Individual Pair Group Work In Class Homework Other Opportunity to Access: Books Notes Library Assessed By: Self Peer Teacher Technology Task Description Label a world map to show the major geographical features Students to describe their location using geographical terms and scale. Procedure Part A: Can you label the world map? You need to include continent and ocean names, equator, tropic of Cancer and Capricorn, North and South Poles and the hemispheres Part B: Explain where your home is? Include information about your address and what each line means. Use the globe and maps in class to help you to describe where your home is and what it is like there? Identify traditional custodians of your local area and their connection to country. Remember to look at the geography word bank you have in class. Resources: World Map and un-labeled map worksheet Where do I live? Criteria A B C D E The student work demonstrates evidence of: Ability to label and recognise the major geographical features of the world on a world map I can recognise and label all of the major geographical divisions of the world I can apply my knowledge of the major geographical divisions of the world using a map with a different projection I can recognise and label most of the major geographical divisions of the world – Continents and oceans without using a reference map I can recognise and label the major geographical divisions of the world – Continents and oceans by using a reference map I can recognise and label the major geographical divisions of the world – Continents and oceans by using a reference map with some errors. Without support I cannot recognise and label the major geographical divisions of the world – Continents and oceans by using a reference map. Ability to describe an address using a variety of scales I can explain the lines of my address and give information about its location and features (home, street, suburb/town, state, country, continent, hemisphere, coastal, tropical and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander place name) I can explain the lines of my address and also give information about the location of Australia (home, street, suburb/town, state, country, continent, hemisphere and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander place name) I can explain the lines of my address (home, street, suburb/town, state, country and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander place name) I can explain the lines of most of my address (home, street, suburb/town, state, country) I am unable to explain the lines of my address (home, street, suburb/town, state, country) Feedback Signed: Date: