Success in Mathematics Requires Active Learners

Success in Mathematics Requires Active Learners
Honors Geometry: 2015-2016
Teacher: Mrs. Linton
Phone: 731-7192
Room: 330
I feel that teaching is a great trust, responsibility, honor, and opportunity. I will respect
students’ dignity and value. I will be firm, fair, and consistent in my teaching and classroom activities.
Students will be expected to exercise self-control and accept responsibility for their own
actions. Students will aim to succeed in mathematics and work to overcome obstacles as they arise.
To succeed you must work hard, set goals, and then follow through with your goals.
Course Description: Honors Geometry
In Honors Geometry, students study mathematical concepts such as congruent segments and
angles, circles, chords, secants and tangents, parallel and perpendicular lines, angle measures in
triangles, direct and indirect triangle congruence and similarity, proofs, logic, transformations, the
Pythagorean Theorem, coordinate geometry, and surface area/volume of solids. These topics, along
with the ones taught in Algebra 1, help students to be successful on state standardized tests and are
correlated to AZ common core standards.
 Textbook Geometry – McDougle Littell (blue textbook students will keep at home)
 Online Textbook Geometry – Holt McDougal (Textbook is online…see access codes below)
ID: geometry732
Password: online
 Pencils, pens, and highlighters
 A spiral notebook for notes (This notebook is for math only…no other subject.)
 Loose -leaf paper for homework
 Scientific Calculator (with trigonometry functions)
Code of Conduct:
1. Be on time and prepared to learn with the proper materials.
2. Electronic devices such as cell phones cannot be used during instruction time
4. Respect others and yourself! (This is a “G” rated classroom)
5. Only water in a capped plastic bottle will be allowed in the classroom.
6. Utilize your passing periods to use the restroom and to take care of personal matters
Disruptions in the classroom will not be permitted.
Classroom disruptions will not be tolerated. It is my goal to create a safe and engaging learning
environment for students. However, if disruptions occur, the following will be implemented.
1. Warning and if necessary a change in seating.
2. Call home and removal from the classroom, if necessary
3. Referral
My Tutoring Hours:
Conference Period: 7:55 – 8:40 am Tuesday and Thursday
After School and during lunch - by appointment
***Students with a grade of D or F are expected to attend at least one conference period and/or
tutoring session a week until their grade has improved
Additional FREE Tutoring Opportunities:
 Tuesday: Pantano Christian Church → 7 – 9 pm
1755 S Houghton Rd, 85748
 Wednesday: Rincon Mountain Presbyterian → 4 – 6 pm
8445 E. Tanque Verde, 85749
 Tuesdays/Thursdays : Miller Golflinks Library → 3:30 – 6 pm
9640 E. Golf Links Rd, 85730
Starts Tuesday - Aug 18
Starts Wednesday, Aug 29
Starts Tuesday, Aug 18
Grade Distributions:
Your semester grade is cumulative. Grades are not given, they are earned by you.
 Tests/Quizzes:
80 %
 Assignments:
18 %
 Participation/Math Notebook:
Course Evaluation:
The following scale will be used to determine final grades for each grading period:
A…90% - 100%
Note: Grades are not rounded - make sure you
B…less than 90% - 80%
complete assignments and study if you want
C…less than 80% - 70%
to raise your grade.
D…less than 70% - 60%
F…below 60%
Make-up Policy:
 For Absent Work: You have five days upon return to school to turn in your absent work.
Please write the word ABSENT on the top of your homework to insure your work is accepted.
Please come in during conference periods for help, if needed.
 Late Work: Since this is an honors class, late homework will not be accepted. However, you
will be given 1 coupon exceptions per semester. This can be attached to your late homework
and placed in the basket or turned in at the end of the semester for extra credit. (Do not lose
this coupon, because I will not give out extras.)
 Any Tests or Quizzes that are missed must be made-up upon return to school…please take
these ASAP. You will be given up to 5 days (which includes 2 conference periods) to make up
exams. An alternate exam may be given if the tests have been returned to students.
Coursework Overview:
Homework Assignments:
Homework will be assigned daily and is due the next day. Homework must be completed
before you come to class! All homework is worth 10 points each and must be done in pencil on looseleaf paper. Odd problems should be graded at home using the back of your textbook!
 You must show work (steps) in order to receive credit – no work…no credit. Homework that is
turned in without showing work/steps will be given 0 points.
 The problems must be written down (except word problems).
 Your homework should be labeled properly…see below:
Name (first & last)
Row #
Homework Label
Homework assignment
Jane Smith
Period 2
Row #__
HW: 1-1
Pg. 15, 1-5 all
1. 2x – 3 = 3
2x = 6
 Make sure answers are easy to find…put a box around answers.
You will be given a Mid-Chapter Quiz and Test for each chapter. Tests and Quizzes are worth
a large portion of you grade, so make sure you study. I suggest you make flash cards to help you learn
the vocabulary and theorems for each test. Please come in for help when it is needed; do not wait for
the day of the test to ask for help.
You will be required to keep a notebook that contains only math. This notebook will be turned
in 2 times a semester for a grade, so make sure you take good notes. This notebook should be neat
and contain only math…no other subjects.
Daily Procedures:
 When you enter the classroom, sit down in your assigned seat
 Begin Bellwork (This counts towards your participation points)
 Homework questions
 Turn-in homework
 Take notes on the day’s material in your math notebook, including examples
 If time permits, begin working on your class assignment/homework
important Information:
When the bell rings you are to be seated quietly…working on Bell Work
When a student/teacher is talking, the rest of the class should be listening
Try to sharpen pencils before class or at an appropriate time that is not disruptive
In case of an absence, students are responsible for getting notes from a peer, teacher, or
class website. All missed work must be completed! See me for help, if needed.
Phone and Tardy Policy
Classroom Cell Phone Policy:
Between the hours of 8 am and 3:15 pm, cell phones, MP3 players and all other electronic
devices are not allowed to be used inside the classroom. In accordance with the TUSD policy, they
must be turned off (silent not on vibrate) and put away, they may not be visible at any time inside the
classroom. Students who violate this policy risk having their devices confiscated.
 First offense will be a verbal warning
 Second offense will result in confiscation and one day of detention with teacher. Student may
retrieve device at the end of the class period.
 Third offense will lead to confiscation and two days of detention with teacher. Student may
retrieve device at the end of the class period. Parent will be contacted and student will
receive a referral.
 Additional offense(s) will result in confiscation and referral to appropriate administrator.
Parent will be contacted and administrators will handle the consequences.
Tardy Policy:
 Tardies will not be accepted in this class…it is difficult to learn if you are not on-time and
 On your 3rd tardy, I will notify a parent/guardian.
 On the 5th tardy, you will be given detention – parent/guardian will be notified
 Additional tardies will result in detentions and/or referrals and parent/guardian
 Tardies will reset at the end of each quarter.
***Each day, students will have Bellwork during the first 2-5 minutes of class. Students who are
tardy will not receive credit for that day’s bellwork. Bellwork cannot be made-up! ***
Please keep this syllabus for your records and return the last page signed.
Complete and turn in ASAP!
This counts as a grade – Due by Wednesday (8/12) for full credit
I have read and understand the rules/procedures for Mrs. Linton’s Honors Geometry class 2015-2016
and I understand the Cell Phone and Tardy Policy
Student Signature: _________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________
Date: _____________________
Please Print Clearly
Student’s Name: _____________________________________ Pd.____
Patent/Guardian’s Name: _____________________________
Best phone number to contact: _________________________
circle one → cell
E-mail address: ______________________________________________________________
- Please print clearly so I can keep you updated on assignments, tests, and classroom activities
Student’s e-mail address: __________________________________________________
Best way to contact Parent/Guardian: Please be specific
Any other information you would like me to know: (Feel free to email me with any questions/concerns)
If more room is needed, continue on back
5|Page → Email me anytime 