McMaster University, Faculty of Health Sciences Continuing Health Sciences Education Department 1280 Main Street West, 5 th Floor, Room 5004 Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4K1 Email: scarff@mcmaster .ca Continuing Health Science Education Program (CHSE) Research and Innovation Fund The Continuing Health Science Education Program (CHSE) seeks to promote scholarly activities in continuing healthcare professions education, as well as to build a community of scholars within the field. The CHSE is introducing the Research and Innovation Fund (RIF) to promote research, innovation and overall program evaluation within continuing education. RIF grants are intended to support scholarly projects that relate directly to the planning, implementation, delivery and evaluation of continuing education for health professionals. Grant funds may be used for expenses such as research assistants, meetings of the research group, transcription fees, and incentives for study participants. RIF funds cannot be used to provide salar y support, computer or other equipment, travel (other than meetings of the research group), or institutional overhead costs. Funding is not intended to support educational events, but to support research within educational settings. Research Priorities: 1. Explore methods to capture unperceived learners needs 2. Examine process outcomes of continuing education activities (e.g., knowledge retention, attitude changes, etc). 3. Develop and evaluate best practices to promote lifelong learning 4. Promote rigorous application of self-directed learning 5. Measure continuing education impact on health outcomes SECTION 1: Principal and Associated Investigators Principal Investigator: Name Institution Email Co-Investigators: Name Institution Email Name Institution Email Name Institution Email Name Institution Email SECTION 2: Proposed Dates (max. 1 year) Successful applicants will be notified of award in March 2016 Start Date End Date SECTION 3: Title of Proposal SECTION 4: Summary a) Problem statement/topic/issue/relevance (maximum 1000 words - please copy & insert or include/attach a word document) b) Theoretical or conceptual framework (e.g., is the project aimed at testing newly developing theories, re -testing established theories, or aimed at developing new theories?) (maximum 1000 words - please copy & insert or include/attached a word document) c) Research question(s) (maximum 300 words - please copy & insert or include/attach a word document) d) Study methods/research design (e.g., subjects, instrumentation, data analysis) (maximum 1000 words - please copy & insert or include/attach a word document) e) A description of the relevance of the project to continuing education and how potential findings will be disseminated (e.g., conferences, presentations, rounds, manuscripts, publications, etc.) (maximum 500 words - please copy & insert or include/attach a word document) SECTION 5: Budget and Justification Sum of money requested, along with justification SECTION 6: References Completed forms, along with 2-page CVs of all investigators, should be submitted as one PDF file to Georgia Scarff @ no later than February 16, 2016.