SFC Mintues Dec. 17, 2012 - Baltimore City Public School System

Family School Council Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 17, 2012
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Hild at 4:00 PM
18 people attended; No Elected SFC Members present
Karimah Williams Represented the PTA; Mr. James Lindsay only parent present
Chair Hild noting that everyone in the room knew each other asked if Introduction could be skipped. All
were in favor of this. Also, it we asked if we could amend the Agenda order as Mr. D’Ambrosio has
another engagement to attend. No one objected.
Standing Committee Reports
Instruction Leadership Team (ILT)- Miss Woerner was unable to attend will be presented at the next
State of the School/Safety Protocol- Mr. D’Ambrosio spoke in regards to the incident on Friday,
December 14, 2012 in Connecticut and how we are safe but can do more some precautions better.
There are some concerns about the Elementary Entrance/Exit Door facing the tree in the front of the
school. There is a work order already in to have the door fixed, but in the mean time he would like to
limit the access for exiting during the school day and after 3 PM. The door does not shut properly and
sometimes be opened from the outside. It was also mentioned that no should be propping open doors
during the school day, and to please use the main entrance if you are leaving the building. A sign will be
posted asking visitors not to use this door to exit during the day.
All visitors to our building must Sign In and Sign Out in the Main Office and receive a Visitor’s Pass at all
times. There is a camera that will record a picture and voice by the Main Office. It was suggested that
when a visitor come in and wants to visit a particular House Office, that they call ahead before sending
them to that office. Mrs. Hild talked about a parent on the 3rd floor on Thursday whom she did not
recognize and that she did question him. He was a parent of several students in the building.
Question was asked if the contractors have Name Badges. Baltimore City contractors do, but it will be
looked into as to other contractors who are working in our building. Many of them do wear a uniform
with their company name on them.
Mr. D’Ambrosio will send out a communication to the parents regarding the protocol to enter our
building. Everyone even PTA Officers need to have a yellow pass. It was suggested that the Substitute
Teachers wear their name badges as not everyone knows all the substitutes.
There is a program in the Middle School about stress management. There have been several students
who have needed help in this area and the school is trying to help all the middle school students’ deal
with stress management. Student will be surveyed in January so that the right issues can be address. A
letter has been sent to the Middle School parents about a meeting on January 10, 2013 where there will
be Professionals in this area as well as our own Support Staff. All parents in the school are welcome to
attend, but it will be geared toward the Middle School students.
Mr. D’Ambrosio will be at the next General PTA Meeting on January 15, 2013 to address the parents
about the State of the School. He will be addressing issues such as the upcoming Budget, School
Improvement Plan and School Safety
Attendance Committee- Mrs. Hild reported that the committee has met and are going to start the
Bulletin Boards again for Attendance. It was stated that the Middle School House Offices have assistants
who can do the certificated for 6th through 8th Grade, but the Elementary Assistant would have a larger
number to do. Neither Mrs. Hild or Miss Goff have the time available to do these certificates, so Miss
Hunter will be asking for volunteer who are not in a classroom to help with the certificates.
Climate Committee- The committee met on November 29, 2012. Next meeting will be January 10, 2013
at 3:30 PM in the Principal’s Conference Room. We now have Continuance Growth Program is now in
place here at school. There is a Behavioral Specialist who is working in our building. The gentleman’s
name is Chris Mathews. He takes care of the Reflection Room, which is where students who are
referred by the House Administrator to do work and to talk with Mr. Matthews. He is also helping in the
cafeteria, at recess and in the hallways.
Boys Groups have been established. The 7th Grade Group is finished and the 6th Grade Group will start
up after the Winter Break.
Beat the Street is a wrestling program that has begun here at the school for middle school students.
They should be practicing in the gym during this meeting. A question was asked if girls would be
welcome and the answer was yes.
Group of Safeties is now in place to help at various times during the day.
Mentoring Program has begun. Not all staff have received a student as of yet, but all students who have
been referred have been place.
Town Hall Meetings are still occurring. Administrators are trying to make them more productive and on
an ongoing activities from month to month.
There will be a Mid Year Climate Survey for faculty and staff.
Family and Community Engagement- Mrs. Zorn (Fonda) and Mrs. Goldenberg were on hand to submit
their report, see the attached sheet.
Principal Search Committee-The feedback from the various forums has been given to the search
committee. The results will be shared with the faculty, staff and the parents at a later date. Everyone
seems to be looking for the same things in a Principal. The profile is about 95% complete. It is hoped to
be sent out for the National Search around the 2nd week of January. The Job Opening is already out
within Baltimore City. When a list of candidates is put together, teachers will be asked to help come up
with questions for them.
PTA- There was no update on the Affordable Auction. Cookie Exchange is to take place tomorrow,
December 18, 2012 in the Principal’s Conference Room. PTA is down as supporting the 21st Century
Plan. Several Members of the PTA Board as well as Mr. D’Ambrosio met with Eddie’s about their
protocol for students in the store.
Goucher College-Mrs. Walker reported that the interns have completed their coursework, although
there is still 1 Spanish Intern in the middle school. She thanked everyone for allowing them to be a part
of Roland Park. It was mentioned that the next meeting for the volunteers with Ms. Godsey will be
January 3, 2013 at 11 AM.
Meeting Adjourned 4:45 PM
Submitted by
Darlene Furno for Amanda Kowalik