Synthetic Environment (SE) Core Database Development Process Robert Cox PEO STRI, PM CONSIM Guillermo Flores PEO STRI, PM CONSIM Mark Johnson PEO STRI, PM CONSIM Dolores Lowe PEO STRI, PM CONSIM Connie Perry PEO STRI, PM CONSIM Keywords: ABSTRACT: The SE Core is part of the United States Army's overarching strategy of developing simulation systems that help make our Warfighters the best trained in the world. The two primary initiatives under the SE Core program are the Architecture and Integration (A&I) and the Database Virtual Environment Development (DVED). The A&I is not the focus of this presentation and will not be discussed. The SE Core's primary mission is to rapidly generate correlated simulation system terrain databases. The master SE Core database is populated from a union of multiple authoritative data sources by using a suite of commercial and government-off-the-shelf database tools. The SE Core DVED architecture and tools will enable the generation of SE Core runtime terrain databases in days or weeks vice months or years. The focus of this presentation is to describe the SE Core DVED production process. Key areas that will be discussed will include the overall process and then focusing on the details to include: the initial database request process; how source data for the requested database is gathered and prepared for use; the refinement and enhancement of the source data; the standardization process; and the verification and quality measures employed before delivery. Additionally, the authors will present the current production along with the various formats and map projections that are supported. The presentation will end with exemplars of future efforts that SE Core DVED will be pursing in the future. 1 1. Introduction The acquisition of simulation training databases has been a very complex, lengthy, and costly endeavor. SE Core’s effort is developing processes and tools to create non-proprietary, open format, image generator (IG) independent Environmental Representation (ER) databases1. The SE Core Master Database (MDB) is the central repository for the creation of correlated databases used to train, mission plan, or mission rehearsal in the Live, Virtual, or Constructive (LVC) domains. Within the DVED the database architecture is coupled with a suite of COTS tools that enable database development. The SE Core effort will also develop common virtual vehicle models, common virtual sensor simulation software, and the virtual simulation component of the dynamic environment. The dynamic environment will include approximate visual effects from simulation (e.g., munitions, mobility, engineering, rubbled buildings, etc.)2. The SE Core process is flexible, data-driven, and extensible. The Standard/Rapid Database Generation Capability (STDGC) is designed to standardize, align, and clean source data in the Master Terrain Database Generation Toolkit (MTDGT), which also is used to generate synthetic environment data using the Runtime Database Generation Toolset (RDGT). Data is exported in various formats from a standard application programmer interface (API)3. Furthermore, the SE Core process addresses other challenges such as miscorrelation between simulations and lower database generation costs. In this paper we will first provide some background on the terrain database generation process. Next, we will present the SE Core methodology to include how a database is requested, the procedure for gathering source data, the standards that are used by SE Core, and the techniques used to refine and enhance the data. We will end with a discussion of the verification and quality process used by SE Core. 2. Background4 Military training simulation systems have been around for decades. Most of these systems have used some derivation of the real environment to represent the three-dimensional reality. In the last three decades the price-performance benefits of computer technology and the demand for reconfigurable, less expensive, and more realistic representations have driven simulation systems towards real-time digital computing and fully synthesized environments. Until the early 1980's, simulators were mostly stand-alone systems designed for a specific task training purpose. Until the introduction of the SIMNET program, no one had ever used a multitude of simulators in a combined forces training environment, interacting over a network in real-time. SIMNET technology allowed crewmembers in one simulator, to interact with many other manned or unmanned simulators located at the same or other training sites. Environmental Representation databases are comprised of many parts. Those parts include but are not limited to the terrain surface, terrain features, 3-dimensional models, textures, images, and other data such as system specific data to satisfy computational requirements and labels for producing electronic and paper maps. There are several constraints on the creation of environmental databases. Perhaps the most prominent of these is dictated by the real-time computation requirements. Since processing power is often limited, once a computing platform is chosen for a given cost-performance range, the software must be designed for best real-time performance. This means both the data and the data structures stored in a platformspecific version (runtime) of an environmental database play an important role in optimizing the system performance. Given the fixed computational budget of a system, the database designer must take into account the applicationspecific requirements, the size and extents of the database, the desired density and fidelity, as well as the type and amount of the available raw data elements that must be incorporated into the database. There are other application-specific requirements that must be taken into account such as those related to whether the database will be used for air, ground, sea, near ground, or any combination of these simulations. The detail needed by a simulator that allows an individual to walk on the terrain is much greater than that expected for a helicopter simulator typically flying several hundred feet in the air. Database density, size 2 and extents, viewing range, field of view, and other important simulation requirements dictate the amount and type of data that can be included in a database without overwhelming the performance requirements. condition for achieving it. Since the variables affecting interoperability are many and complex, effective mechanisms for making the database interchange process successful become significantly more difficult and challenging. Often the intended simulation platform imposes specific constraints. The specific special purpose hardware architectures, designed for the sole purpose of real-time image generation, impose vastly different constraints on the database contents. Two database designers building a database of the same region for two different IGs often arrive at entirely different end results. The polygon or object processing capacity of an IG limits the database density to levels that can be processed in real-time. Similarly, image rendering techniques drive whether a database can contain textures and how many, or if the image generator can render all the objects that are potentially viewable in a scene within a fixed frame time. There are other architecture-specific features such as caching scheme, processing of transparent objects, or image enhancement techniques like anti-aliasing drive how a database may be partitioned. A critical factor in constructing and sharing environmental data is incorporation and use of good tools. Most tools are special purpose, given the various criteria and techniques employed by different suppliers for constructing and tailoring databases. As the domain of networked simulation expands and other information technology sectors emerge, the need for more common and yet more sophisticated tools will increase. Standard / Rapid Terrain Database Generation Capability Supervisor Write API Read API Configuration Management Source Data Corrections Raw Sources Source Data Quality Assurance Refinement Raw Source Master Database (MDB) Source Interchange Formats Interoperability of multifidelity systems on the same network is highly desirable; in fact it is often demanded. The challenge is in determining the "right" type and amount of environmental data that each simulator should use to ensure interoperability. Most successful heterogeneous networked exercises have been conducted under restricted conditions. CAD Sources CGF SEDRIS Plug-In Polygon/Geometry Engine MDB Repository Quality Assurance Specialization Run Time Database Generation Toolset (RDGT) Filtered Viewer 3D Models Vectors Attribution Imagery Elevation Master Terrain Database Generation Toolset (MTDGT) Source Data Inporter These types of computation constraints are not unique to visual systems. Any information technology application that must achieve specific real-time performance measures has to reflect such objectives in its design. This in turn impacts the data structures, data types, and the information that is needed and expected to be available from a database. Figure 1 is the SE Core processes with the objective to be able to collect, generate, and manage the Master Database (MDB) with the highest fidelity of source data available. There are four major parts of the process. For this paper the focus will be on how a database is requested, the gathering of source data and its refinement. We will include a discussion of the standards and quality measures that are used. Paper Map Plug-In CER Elec. Map Plug-In SEE API Application Plug-Ins Run Time Databases DBDD Plug-In Visual Maps Mission Run Time Applications Storage Architecture Source Data Asset Management A common misconception is to equate success in the interchange of data with success in interoperability. Interchange of data does not guarantee interoperability, but is one necessary PVD Sensors Figure 1: SE Core Process 3. Database Request Process The SE Core Database Request process is shown in Figure 2. 3 Figure 2: SE Core Database Request Process data is collected (discussed in the next section) and any revisions to the request are processed depending on the needs and availability of data. If all is acceptable to the customer, the request is passed to the database development team. The current and future data formats available from SE Core will be discussed in a later section. The customer is provided with a database request form. That form allows the customer to specify the content they require. This includes but is not limited to the features they require (e.g. bridges, roads, agricultural areas), areas of significance to include their location (e.g. specific buildings, airfields), and the format of the database transmittal. The customer can also use this form to request any high resolution inserts that are of importance to them. 4. Source Data When a database request form has been submitted and it has been approved, the process of gathering source data begins (Figure 3). Initially a program fills out a database request. If the data already exists in the MDB and a means to generate the required formats is available (e.g. plug-ins) the request is forwarded directly to the production team and the desired data in the requested format is prepared and sent back to the requesting program. If the desired data is not already in the MDB, the request is validated by the US Army TRADOC Capabilities Manager (TCM) Virtual to include the size of the database region, the level of fidelity required, and any other requirements of interest to the customer which have been validated by TCM Virtual. The database can be divided into separate zones if the customer requires. Those zones range from providing only the terrain skin for a reqion in the database to high fidelity inserts of urban environments. Currently, there are five (5) different zones available for the customer to request and they include levels of fidelity of the transportation network, population density to include buildings and building interiors, any hydrography, significant military operational features, and various vegetation that is required. Once the request has been validated, it is passed to the program manager. At this point, source START DATABASE REQUEST SOURCE DATA COLLECTION REVIEW TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS DETERMINE RESOURCES FOR ACQUISITION COORDINATE DETERMINE COORDINATE STORAGE AND SOURCE DATA EXPECTATIONS ENTERING/ SPACE ALLOCATION EXITING FACILITY NO REVIEW SOURCE USEABLE SOURCE? YES VECTOR SOURCE DATA STANDARDIZATION IMAGERY PROCESSING ELEVATION PROCESSING 3D MODELING END Figure 3: SE Core Source Data Collection Process There are five (5) questions that must be answered as the database request is fulfilled. Those questions are: 4 1. What are the technical requirements (database and system)? What are the resources required for acquisition? What are the storage/space requirements for the data? What coordination of acceptance of the source data must be done and how do we deliver the resultant data? Are there any conversions that are expected? information as the user that inserted the data into the database, notes on why the data was populated, and the origin of the data. SE Core will be expanding the level and type of metadata in the coming year. The SE Core has also developed an extensive document that outlines the source data investigated for use5. The reference document lists over 160 different types of data that are currently investigated for use in building an SE Core database. The principle data types that SE Core uses include: Along with the above standards, the SE Core program is in compliance with the US NGA standards that are developed by ISO Technical Committee (TC) 211. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. Imagery: CIB, Buckeye, and Quickbird Vector: VMAP, Urban Tactical Planner, NAVTEQ, DAFIF, and Shape Files Elevation: DTED, LIDAR Models: Site Photos, Building diagrams, CAD Once the five questions have been answered and the source data identified and collected, SE Core is now ready to start processing of the data to include refining and enhancement. However, before this discussion is presented, a brief discussion of source data standardization will be presented. The SE Core data model is based on the SEDRIS ISO/IEC 18023-1 Data Representation Model (DRM)8 and all data concepts are defined by the SEDRIS ISO/IEC 18025 Environmental Data Coding Specification (EDCS).9 Regional information is stored as areal features with the attribution that defines the region. For example, a feature for a given area has the attribution that defines possible textures that can be applied to models within the spatial extent of that region. In addition, regions can be stacked with a priority based on user needs. There are several tools that are used to certify the data is ready for use. These tools check for invalid and null geometry and attribution. Plus, the tools check for compliance to the SE Core standards for geometry, spatial referencing, definition, labelling, etc. There will be a complete section on the SE Core quality process and where in the SE Core process checks are performed to make sure the user request has been met. 6. Data Refinement and Enhancement 5. Standards All data is spatially partitioned based on MILPRF-89041A6. The imagery is stored based on the US NGA CIB format. For consistency, the vectors are also partitioned based on the CIB schema with one important difference; they are not chopped to the tiles, but references the groups of features to the CIB tiles they intersect. All data is stored in latitude/longitude using the WGS-84 reference datum. If source data uses a different coordinate system or reference datum, the SEDRIS developed ISO/IEC 18026 – Spatial Reference Model7 is used for coordinate conversion or datum transformation. Data element also have metadata attached. Currently, the metadata includes such A database, while required for a specified purpose or training event in totality, oftentimes contains certain areas in it that are more essential than others for that particular use. Therefore, SE Core has developed a stratification of “zone” that help both the user and SE Core to focus resources in those areas that are required by the customer to have greater attribution, while developing the full database. There are five separate zones that are based on map projections (e.g. 1:250, 1:100). The zones contain the level of fidelity that the map projection would have, but in some cases there is more information added based on the requirements that must be met. The additional information could be based on: 5 A. B. C. D. E. SAF only padding Ancillary areas Navigationally significant areas Training areas High resolution Inset Also, within each of these zones/map projections there are different significant characteristics that are organized based on the user’s need. Below is an example of five of those characteristics. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Transportation Population Hydrography Military Operations Vegetation Thus, if an area of the database is to be developed at the Zone D level, the following would be way the area is prepared for each of the five characteristic areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Transportation: All transportation features extracted as linears. Parking lots extracted as areals. Population: All buildings represented with either 3D buildings or areal features that are extruded by the RDGT. Hydrography: Hydro features validated against the imagery for location and width. Military Operations: All features extracted from imagery. Features not recognizable in overhead images will be placed by hand when appropriate source is provided. Vegetation: Individual tree locations will be provided in the source data. Forests will be extracted as areal features. Trees will be scattered in the RDGT. have the correct height, and the SE Core automated tool checks are passed. Elevation: Checks for elevation data include checking for spikes in the data, making sure the proper projection is used along with the requested resolution is present. Also, a check is made to make certain the data is correlated to the ground truth. Models: The models are reviewed for polygon attribution, footprint, LoD, lights, etc. Plus, there is a texture review that includes the format, sizing, and application. 3. 4. Once the data has been refined and enhanced, it is ready for the quality process checks. 7. Verification and Quality Figure 4 shows the SE Core quality steps (marked by letters “QC”). While there are steps throughout the SE Core process, the majority of steps are found in the Master Terrain Database Generation Process. This is where source data is taken in and a sequence of steps are executed to guarantee the data is ready for uploading into the SE Core MDB. Each of the four principle source data types has a quality check. For instance, the vector data is checked for duplicate features, self-intersecting features, feature overlap, and valid attribution. For imagery, the data is checked for the projection type and orthorectification. There are elevation data checks for spikes and gaps and the models are checked for conformance to the SE Core model specification. Standard / Rapid Terrain Database Generation Process Supervisor As presented in the previous section, there are four fundamental data types that SE Core uses. The following are the general processing that SE Core does for each of these data types. Master Terrain Database Generation (MTDGT) Process QC Sources Standardize QC 2. Imagery: A check is performed for overall aesthetic quality to include colour and cloud cover. In addition the resolution, projection, and correlation to ground truth data are checked. Vector: Checks include ensuring that vectors are aligned with the imagery, attributions are consistent, buildings Pre-Validated RDGT QC QC CER QC QC Textures Elevation Imagery 1. DBRR Adherence MDB Repository Quality Assurance Vector Cleaning 3D Models Run Time Database Generation (RDGT) Process Vector Digitizing Raw Sources Source Interchange Formats QC DB QC QC CAD Sources QC QC QC Master Database (MDB) Storage Architecture Figure 4: Process QC Project Set Up Free Fly CCDS Technical Interchange In Meetings Process Reviews Source Data Collection QC Measure Performance Run Time Check Out SME Quarterly Working DB Group Request Process Database Request from TCM-V Quality Checks Built into the At the runtime database generation step a series of tests are performed to validate the database 6 being generated for a user meets their requirements. Checks at this step include such items as missing textures, terrain through bridges, disconnected bridges, bad vertices, missing blocks, and specific tests for the various formats that SE Core can produce (e.g. DTED, Shape Files, OTF, CTDB, and STF). Here is a brief list of tools that have been created. 1. 2. One such tool that SE Core has developed to assist in this process is called the Vector Analyzer (VAZER). This tool was developed as an extension to the ESRI ArcGIS and contains a suite of tools that assist in finding issues with vector data the production process. This tool can find issues such as duplicate features, or improper attribution, or improper vector alignment. 3. 8. Current Databases and Formats 6. The SE Core program has produced several databases and supports over 15 different formats. This phase of the effort has focused on the PEO STRI virtual programs Close Combat Tactical Trainer (CCTT) and Aviation CATT (AVCATT). As such, the primary databases that have been developed by SE Core have been those to support these programs. The databases include Fort Hood, Fort Riley, Hawaii, Fort Stewart, and several overseas databases. As stated above, the following list is some of the formats that are supported by SE Core: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. CADRG CCTT PVD CTDB DTED Open Flight OTF SEDRIS Transmittal Format VBS2 SE Core DVED also supports these and other image generators: 1. 2. 3. 4. EPX 50 Radon SAGE S2 Focus Along with the various databases, format, and image generators that SE Core supports, the program has created over 60 tools that are used to support these and other processes in DVED. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. AutoSnapper: Used to enhance ArcMap snapping functionality. MADV: Extends ArcMap and provides techniques to move, add, and delete vertices. Google Earth Sync tool: Syncs the area of the world loaded within ArcMap to Google Earth. CM2 FID SMC tool: View and edit the feature ID (FID) and Surface Material Code (SMC) setting of a moving model in Multigen Creator. The Attributor: Applies materials attribution to a selected polygon based on the data model specified. EDM Editor: Used for editing the data model. Validation Plug-in: Used with Terra Vista to validate data within the terrain database specified by user inputs. Illuminati: Calculates and stores default intensity values or and average luminance of a group of polygons. Tune Town: Allows a user to tune terrain database data. 9. Future Efforts The SE Core program has been focused on supporting the virtual domain. Now the program will begin to add other domains. The first of which is the constructive domain. In particular, SE Core will start the effort to provide OneSAF with its required environmental representation databases. Also, with the addition of supporting constructive simulations, the type and amount of metadata required will increase. The SE Core program will re-evaluate all of its current metadata types and add other data types to not only support constructive, but live simulation and training programs. As new required metadata types are identified, they will be compared with ISO 19115-2, the currently used metadata standard by the US NGA. If a new metadata type is identified and it is not currently in this standard, the SE Core program will approach ISO TC 211 and request that it be added to the standard. 7 In addition to these efforts, the program has several other required tasks that will be worked as resources are made available when existing efforts are completed. (3) Johnson M.D., J. Freeman, C.M. Perry; SE Core DVED – An Introduction to the Standard/Rapid Database Generation Capability (STDGC), July 2007 IMAGE Conference. 10. Summary (4) The Background Section was taken in part from This paper provided the current status of the SE Core program. We provided background on why the SE Core program is essential to the US Army simulation community and provided the top level SE Core process. From there, we outlined the database request process; how to get a database form SE Core and then described the source data and the process used to acquire source data. The principle data types used by SE Core are imagery, vector, elevation, and models (both static and moving). Next, the SE Core standardization process was discussed. The process includes the use of several international standards. A key area of discussion was how SE Core refines and enhances the source data collected. In particular, a discussion of how SE Core has defined five characteristic areas (or zone) to enhance the level and fidelity of the databases produced. By building a database defined by these zones, enables the production process to focus on user required areas for high definition/details and focus resources in those areas. The verification and quality process was outlined, too. There are over a dozen steps in the SE Core process that have detailed quality checks to make sure a database is developed and delivered to a user correctly. The SE Core database can be delivered in multiple formats and can support multiple image generators. Lastly, the future efforts were outlined. It is SE Core’s intent to begin supporting constructive simulation in the near future along with reviewing the current metadata for possible extension. (5) SE Core SVR Management Program Attachment 19: Baseline Source Data Providers List, W900KK11R0002, October 2010, e=form&id=314cda5d9287918a09d465a30378cc cd&tab=core&_cview=1 (6) US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, MIL-PRF-89041A. Controlled Image base. Bethesda, Maryland, USA: NIMA, 2000. (7) ISO/IEC 18026:2005, Information technology – Spatial Reference Model (SRM). (8) ISO/IEC 18023-1:2006, Information technology – Data Representation Model (DRM). (9) ISO/IEC 18025:2005, Information technology – Environmental Data Coding Specification (EDCS). 11. Reference (1) SE Core Home page, Database-Virtual Environment Development (DVED). Available from World Wide Web: (2) SE Core Program Begins helping Army Warfighters train as they fight, Military Simulation & Training News, Issue Number 19, Fall 2008/Winter 2009, CAE. Available from World Wide Web: 19.pdf. 8