Last Topic Ch 1 Volcanoes First Objective Understand the interaction between volcanic activity and your community Period Date 1 how many? Standard Earth Science 3 Days in a year? _________ Weeks in a year? _______ Hours in a day? ________ Minutes in an hour? _______ Seconds in a minute? Seconds in a year? _______ =_______ = _______ = _______ = _______ 2 what are volcanoes? 3 what debris comes out of the volcano? 4 how do you classify volcanoes? 5 Where on Earth do volcanoes occur? Summary Last Topic Volcanoes First Objective Understand the interaction between volcanic activity and your community Period Date 1 Where are volcanoes located? The global distribution of volcanoes. 2 USGS maps and map projection 3 Volcanoes beneath the sea and Volcanoes on land 4 Ring of Fire 5 Volcanoes at hotspots Summary Standard Earth Science 3 O/L PB/HS Lat = Equator Long = Prime 3D NO 2D Past/Present Rift U/A p.23 1-4 half sheet of paper 1. Contour Intervals 100 meters, spacing between lines 2. A) gentle slope – spaced contour lines b) Steep slope – closer contour lines c) Vertical slope – near overlapping contour lines d) Crater – center circle has three lines pointing in or dotted 3. Shade in areas of the volcanoes that could possibly be covered in the lava flow Remember draw the width according to topography 4. a) Draw topo map like (2 a) b) Draw topo map like (2c) Last First Period 1,2,5,6 Date 9/21/09 1. Slope, Volume, temp. 2. Pyroclastic lahars Topic : Ch 1.3 Volcanic Hazards: Flows Objective: Understand How topography influences lava flows Standard: Earth Science 3a-f m = rise/run, V= lwh = lw temp = Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin Fire- bombs of lava, 2mm to 64m? Dirt, sand, rocks, water lava 3. Topographic effects Steep slope = fast, increasing (picture) “cone vol” Gentle slope = slow, decreasing (picture) “shield vol” 4. hazards Road catches fire…. 3 more: fire burning, wild fires, landslides, ashes, tsunami if landslide 5. evacuations Duck / cover … give plan and needs Summary U/A p.31 1-4 half sheet 1. An eruption immediately destroys the area. After nutrients are –o-plenty. 2. A)3000 b) 1350 ish SO 350 ISH FEET AWAY c) yes alerted the entire mountain d) swift moving channeled lava e) flowed down to the city 3. a) Water hardens the lava, aka. Cools the temp. b)a lot of water available 4. Lahars are mostly mud and ash while lava flows are…____________ Topic: Ch 1.4 Volcanic Hazards: Airborne Debris Objective: What influences the motion of Debris in the atmosphere? Standard: Earth Science 3a-3f 1. Airborne type -2. 3. 4. 5. Ash, lava bombs, pyroclastic, does lava effect atmosphere? Temp. change Gas, Rocks, Smoke, Co2, Co Tephra plum pg 36 – 2inch sq. VEI – volcanic Explosivity index, 0-7, 0 low 7 high Bottom of p.38 - A caldera formed when the surface collapsed into the emptying magma chamber Our Community - Volcanic debris can enter the atmosphere and reach the world Ash mostly, “jetstream flows west to east” Summary: U/A p.39 1-4 half sheet 1. 2. 3. 4. Least to greatest area covered – lava flows, pyroclastic flows, Ash falls The Jet stream will push the debris across the US. Hawaii is a .................hotspot, Mt. St. Helens.....volcano, “lava” Skip - Extra credit assignment! Due From 9/23 wed Topic: Ch 1.5 notes: Volcanoes and the Atmosphere Objective: What else escapes from the volcano besides lava, rocks, ash? Standard: Earth Science 3a-f volcanic eruptions 1. Dissolved gas- In soda, and what you breathe out? Co2 Pressure must decrease to have gas escape. 2. Types of gas - Steam is water vapor, Co2- trees and plant intake, So2 - sulfur dioxide, odor. 3. Volcanoes are part of water cycle - sand, water, rocks(lava), Acid rain, heat, volcanoes give gas to the atmosphere and mixes with h2o forms acid rain 4. Volcano and the climate - Ash is released – blocks suntemp. decrease Gas is released – traps the sun light – temp. increase Summary: Notes for Thursday 9/24/09 Topic: Ch 1.6 Volcanoes History Objective: What minerals turn cooled lava dark? Magnesium Mg: Iron Fe Standard: ES 3 a-f 1. Intrusive Igneous Rock – underground, slow cooling Igneous = lava after 106 years, large crystals 2. Extrusive Igneous rock – Above ground, fast cooling Small crystals, glassy shine 3. Low silica rock - basalt, fine grained rock, 70 % of surface, ocean floor 4. High silica rock – viscous fine grained rock, Rhyolite Quartz Summary: U/A p.51 1, 2 half sheet 1. Sketch the picture then label: a) two Intrusive igneous rocks b) two extrusive igneous rocks 2. Why study rocks? (a)Crystals inside for jewelry, cement material, building supplies, to know where to build, ore, Sculptures (b) Geological evidence (rocks around you) stress, size, material that makes them up, the pressure difference that makes them up. What minerals are present, where they came from Agenda 9/25 1. Ch 1.7 Volcano Monitoring Notes 2. U/A p59 # 1 Items below: Early today X-credit on time Tue 9/29 CW: notes needs coversheet look at board Hw: Notes Fri 9/25 Topic: Ch 1.7 Volcanic History Objective: Monitoring Active volcanoes How? Why? Standard: Es 3a – f Dynamical Earth Processes 1. Understanding Vol eruptions – Earthquakes occur, smoke ash rise, Animals flee, “Ire silence” 2. Describe volcanic Monitoring – seismicity aka Richter scale, EQ, Dome growth, Lava under pressure, GPS data shows growth of mountain, Lasers used to detect temp. change 3. How to build monitoring – Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, See, hear, feel - Eyes and video cameras, telescope, Ears and audio device, Take samples back to lab - microscope Summary: U/A p. 51 half sheet 1. Draw a picture like p.51 Label outside volcano Extrusive Igneous Label inside Intrusive igneous 2. Study rocks – for past history, mineral understanding, jewelry. Cpu Is there a volcano? Where Fault lines are. U/A p. 59 on back or other half sheet 1. a. Give a name for your volcanic monitoring device. b. copy 1 neighbors device item c. does the “B” help in evacuations? d. Prior to eruption volcano expands e. GPS monitor growth f. gases – temp. Increase Pressure increase g. EQ – more, violent