THEF 425/525 - University of Montana

THTR 475 (01)
Directing II
4 CR
CRN 72463
Jere Hodgin
School of Theatre and Dance
College of Visual and Performing Arts
McGill 216
Office Hours: 10:30am – noon Monday; 9:00- 10:30 Tuesday and by Appointment
Term: Fall 2010
Location: PARTV- Masquer Theatre
In addition to exploring a more in-depth approach to the director’s unique textual
analysis, the course will examine the director/actor relationship. We will examine diverse
rehearsal techniques for the director to utilize in approaching specific directing
challenges. The ultimate goal will be to work extensively with the text and explore
storytelling through exercises and rehearsals.
To review textual analysis and the unique method of interpreting a script a director
employs when Orchestrating Action, Shaping Dramatic Moments, and Creating
Character as they relate to storytelling.
To explore the unique relationship between the director performer and develop the
director’s communications skills with actors.
To explore the use of space and staging in storytelling.
To explore the formation of a Production Concept as a means of storytelling.
A Director Prepares by Anne Bogart
A Sense of Direction by William Ball
Recommended Reading:
The Director at Work by Robert Benedetti
Backwards and Forwards by David Ball
In addition, you are assigned four plays to read. We will use these works for scenes for
in-class exercises and they could be used for scenes for directing too. Though a working
knowledge of all four plays is expected, for two—one from each category-- you will
prepare a written analysis and production concept. The first two listed below are new
plays with Native American themes written by Native writers who are examining the
patterns and impact “white” domestication has taken on Native cultures. Both are
compelling and contain powerful insights into the eradication of traditional values and
practices. The other two are new works by women playwrights who explore
contemporary themes of selfhood.
Tombs of the Vanishing Indians by Marie Clements
Time Immemorial by Jack Dalton and Allison Warden
Ward 54 by Jessica Goldberg
Grace or The Art of Climbing by Lauren Feldman
Other assigned reading will include various articles, essays, and trade publications that relate to
specific topics with which we deal in class could be assigned.
Academic Misconduct and the Student Conduct Code:
All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic
penalty by the course instructor and/or disciplinary sanction by the University. All students need
to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at
School of Theatre & Dance:
All Theatre & Dance students must have an in-depth knowledge of the practices and procedures
outlined in the School of Theatre & Dance Student Handbook. The Handbook is available online
There is inherent risk involved in many Theatre & Dance classes as they are very physical in
nature. Please proceed through class, shop, or rehearsal with caution. Always be mindful of your
personal safety and the safety of others. Students participating in
class/shop/rehearsal/performance do so at their own risk.
Disability Services:
The University of Montana assures equal access to instruction through collaboration between
students with disabilities, instructors, and Disability Services for Students (DSS). If you think you
may have a disability adversely affecting your academic performance, and you have not already
registered with DSS, please contact DSS in Lommasson 154. I will work with you and DSS to
provide an appropriate accommodation
Graded Course Requirements:
Written Responses to Plays (30%)
Written Exercises: Text Analysis, Character Analysis, Plot, Script Analysis (10%)
Rehearsal Journal (5%)
Participation (20%)
Scene Work and Presentation (30%)
Profile of Self Development (5%)
Note: As this class is based on participation, attendance is requisite. The collaborative and
creative processes of theatre are the foundation of our class. Mutual feedback and a free
exchange of ideas are necessary. Your attendance supports the work; your absence has an
effect upon the work of the entire class. More than three unapproved and unexcused
absences will result in a full grade reduction of one level.
31 August
2 September
7 September
9 September
14 September*
16 September*
21 September
23 September
28 September
30 September
5 October
7 October
12 October
14 October
19 October
21 October
26 October
28 October
2 November
4 November
9 November*
11 November
16 November*
18 November*
23 November
25 November
30 November
2 December
7 December
9 December
Wm. Ball’s “Consciousness, Belief, Unity” and
”Intuition, Creativity, Positation”
Wm. Ball’s “Cornerstones to Success” and
“Relationships to Actors”
”Objectives”; Assign Analysis Papers
Discussion of Tombs and Time Immemorial;
Analysis Paper Due
Discussion of Ward 54 and Grace;
Analysis Paper Due
Ann Bogart’s A Director Prepares; Presentation of
The Dramatic Theory of Essays One- Three
Ann Bogart’s A Director Prepares; Presentation of
The Dramatic Theory of Essays Four- Seven
Discussion of Fry Bread Queen; Response Paper
“Forming a Production Concept”
Presentations: “Production Concept”
Presentations: “Production Concept”
“Spatial Staging ”
Staging/Blocking Exercises
Staging/Blocking Exercises
“Working With Actors/ Objectives” Exercises
“Working With Actors- Objectives” Exercises
Scene Selection; Effective
Components of Scenes- Exercises
Election Day- No Classes
In-Class Rehearsals of Scene 1
Hair Discussion; Response Paper Due
Veterans Day Holiday
In-Class Rehearsals of Scene 1
In-Class Rehearsals of Scene 1
Presentation/Critique of Scene 1
T’giving Holiday
In-Class Rehearsals of Scene 2
In-Class Rehearsals of Scene 2
In-Class Rehearsals of Scene 2
Presentation/Critique of Scene 2;
Rehearsal Journals Due
Discussion of Hay Fever; Response Paper Due
Profile of Self Development Due
15 December
8:00- 10:00 am
Exam Period
* Classes meet in Montana Theatre instead of Masquer