
Leadership Team Minutes
Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015
3:30 p.m.
Mission: Jordan-Matthews High School, through the use of collaboration, technology
enhanced lessons, and a focus on individual learning and growth is committed to
developing critical thinkers and life-long learners and empowering them with the skills and
dispositions to meet the challenges and demands of the 21st Century global economy.
Team Members:
Cynthia Bredenberg (p)
Elizabeth Deaton (p)
Ileana Herrera (p)
Jessica Kimrey (p)
Jonathan Davis (p)
Justin Tillett (p)
Manda Bass (p)
Margaret Grayson (p)
Matt Fry (p)
Megan George (p)
Melody Dark
Rose Pate (p)
Tammy Morris
Tori Mazur (p)
Tripp Crayton (p)
Victor Knight
Wendi Pillars (p)
Welcome (Crayton)
Crayton: School has had a smooth opening, very pleased with what he’s seen so far. Been in every
classroom so far. Will be observing all teachers for first round so he can see what’s happening in
every room first hand.
Issues/Concerns (all)
Mr. Tillett asked about the policy of no more faculty family admissions to athletic events; his
department was surprised and disappointed this was the case. Mr. Crayton responded he and Ms.
Dark discussed the issue, adjusted it to spouse/children up to 18 (through high school). Mr. Fry
mentioned some people come to the pass gate and say they are getting in with a coach; those names
need to be on pass list to make it easier for the gatekeepers. Crayton responded that all those
individuals should have a pass.
Mrs. Bass asked if there was a specific the policy about allowing students to stay in a teacher’s
classroom during their lunch period. Discussion followed, including the concerns that student
requests could “snowball” and teachers end up monitoring students during their entire lunch
period. Decision: If a teacher needs a student to leave the cafeteria during a lunch period (for
example to finish a test) they should give students a pass before lunch. Otherwise, students should
stay in the cafeteria. Mrs. Pate reminded the team the media center is open during all lunches for
students who do not want to go to the cafeteria.
Mrs. Bredenberg brought up custodial issues in the trailers; they are not being cleaned and trash
cans near the ramp overflowing. Ms. Herrera responded that additional custodians have been hired
hired, but that we are still waiting for people to be approved by the BOE so they can begin work.
Re-LAUNCH (Crayton/all)
Mr. Crayton reminded the team that as we discuss this issue, let’s keep in mind we need to all be in
agreement on how we will proceed with our required remediation plan, which we are terming “ReLaunch.”
Pros from departments:
World Language, Yes
English, Yes
Counseling, Yes
CTE, likes that students who need remediation are already in room. This point was echoed by ESL,
Science and Arts.
Social St: likes enrichment potential and no extra teacher duties.
Tillett: Can teachers have freedom to choose their day, and change the day, also perhaps have
remediation at beginning of block instead of end? One concern is if there are changes, may have
massive student sign-outs for fourth block.
Deaton: Will there be a school-wide grade cutoff for required participation in remediation, as we
had last year with the “80” cutoff grade for attending Launch? Mr. Crayton responded his original
thought had been that cutoff would be at the teacher’s discretion.
Bass: Math department regrets losing the “reward” aspect of the old Launch plan. Also they have
some concern about inconsistency among teachers about remediation cutoff.
Mr. Cryaton moved the discussion focus to specific procedural questions, first: Should teachers
choose the day & part of the period? Discussion followed, including asking teachers to submit an
initial plan, and then any revisions based on what they actually ended up doing.
During Sept. 16 staff development session, would like 2-3 people to present plan to staff. We’ll
need to do a good job making expectations clear to staff, and promote it positively to students and
community. Focus on enhancing learning.
Discussion moved to concerns over losing reward component. Mrs. Bredenberg asked if we could
at some point consider an open campus lunch as a reward for high grades. Mr. Knight added that
daughter was unhappy about not getting to hang out with friends during Launch, and Mr. Fry
expressed a concern about liability. Mr. Crayton responded open lunch might be an issue to look at
for next year. Ms. Mazur asked if we could we ask the new SGA reps to try to come up with ideas
after their election.
Discussion moved back to the idea of a school-wide grade cutoff for remediation. After discussion,
Mr. Tillett moved:
The classroom teacher has discretion when to schedule their 25 min remediation per class per week.
Mrs. Bredenberg seconds; Motion passed 13-1.
Mrs. Bredenberg moved:
Relaunch time remediation participation required will be required of students with a grade below
Mr. Davis seconds; Motion passed 10-4.
Tillett and Pate will present plan to staff. Ms. Kimrey will talk with Mrs. Harris about the SGA
component, and Mr. Crayton will create a phone message.
School Improvement (Crayton/Pate)
Crayton: School Improvement Plan: deadline coming up. He has asked team members for
feedback and has edited and updated data. Asked us to review plan and see if we need to remove or
add strategies—send updates to him and Pate, and also to make him aware of mistakes or errors.
He asked the team if anything stood out on our review.
Pillars: Do failures reported include FDAs as well as failures by grade? Would be helpful to know
that info.
Crayton: Current data in this section is being updated by student services; will check.
Mazur: In Goal 1, St. 3: first action step may fit better with strategy one; remediation may not help
recapture a lost credit.
Pillars: What will we use for benchmarks? Crayton said benchmarks will be Schoolnet on
Crayton: Will be reviewing Benchmark process and AP exam policy with department heads. Email
himsuggestions about SIP by next Thursday.
Motion to adjourn: Moved by Tillett, seconded by Grayson. Motion passed by acclimation.