President Report - Alpha Phi Omega | Mu Zeta Chapter

Fall 2014 General Meeting (Welcome Back)
Alpha Phi Omega – Mu Zeta Chapter
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
I. Call to order at: 7:21 pm
Three sharp taps of the gavel signify the threefold purpose of this meeting…
I. First to foster good Fellowship,
II. Second to promote Leadership to worthwhile activities,
III. Third to develop plans for Service to our fellow men,
So therefore let us dedicate this meeting to Leadership, Friendship and Service.
II. Roll Call
Kelly Duong (Present)
Service Vice Presidents:
Michelle Vasquez (Present) & Felipe Lopez (Present)
Membership Vice Presidents: Jordan Santiago (Present) & Kevinjoeffre Piguing (Present)
Pledge Masters:
Jaime Yasaki (Present) & Evan Calip (Present)
Fellowship Vice Presidents:
Dennis Chang (Present) & Sharon Diep (Present)
Finance Vice Presidents:
Izien Cabreza (Present) & Isabella Thompson (Present)
Administrative Vice Presidents: Courtney Camua (Present) & Sara Joseph (Present)
Gordon Tai Luu (Present) & Raymond K Yu (Present)
Alumni Advisory Chairs:
Alyssa Royce (Absent), Joseph T. Enriquez (Absent) & Kristin
Ryan Medina (OZ)
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Officer Reports
President Report:
Kelly: Hi! Welcome back, as you can see there are no slides because there isn’t a projector.
Today we are going over reports from officers, appointeds, fall fellowship and rush. I don’t have
any other reports. Can I have my PRO Destanee come up?
Public Relations Officer Head:
Destanee: Hello! All I have for you is that we know what the theme is for the Fall Fellowship.
Does anyone know what it is?
Evan: 90s TV shows!
Destanee: Yeah!
Destanee: Do you want to decide now?
Kelly: We can decide now, or just get ideas this week and vote next week.
Josh: Let’s list ideas today.
Kelly: So we have Fresh Prince
Evan: All that
Karen: Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Evan: Boy meets world
Michelle: Friends
Kelly: That’s what the Fall Fellowship’s title looks like.
Ernest: Keenan and Kel
Christina: Power Rangers
Vivian: Rugrats
Josh: Rocket Power
Evan: Full House, because we’re from San Francisco.
Destanee: The date of Fall Fellowship is Saturday, November 15. Tickets are on sale for $28, for
banquet it is 20 more dollars. If anyone is interested for being choreographer for roll call, email
Kelly: I forgot to mention that we have a guest in the house. Introduce your name, what chapter
you’re from, and an interesting fact about you.
Ryan: Hello, my name is Ryan Medina, I’m from OZ, pledged Spring 2013, and an interesting
fact is that I’m Michelle’s boyfriend.
Kelly: I currently don’t have a leadership chair, if you’re interested in the position, contact me. If
no one is, then we’ll have a committee.
Kelly: Next are our historians, Karen and Sean.
Sean: Hey guys, we have a Go Pro. For Historians we are bringing back #MZHistorian because
it was very popular.
Karen: We are going to probably open up an Instagram for our chapter so we can update
everybody, we will announce the name of it the next meeting.
Sean: The next new thing I want to announce is this thing called Moving Moments: which is
going to be MTV Style videos of our chapter. Basically, 30 seconds – 1 minute videos every
other or every week.
Karen: Just clips of people having fun in our chapter
Sean: Since we’re so big, help us out and take videos on your phones and send it to us at it’ll be fun and great. Thank you very much!
Leadership Day Chairs: VACANT
Service Vice Presidents Report:
Felipe: Hi guys!
Michelle: Our first service event is next Friday.
Felipe: We’re doing our first glide memorial 3:30-5:30pm. We’re asking for three members. The
following Tuesday, September 9th at 12:30-3:30pm is the SF food bank and hillcrest gardens
from 3-5pm.
Kelly: Is it on the calendar?
Felipe: Kind of. We just put the name on the dates, but no sign ups or details.
Felipe: We also have a marathon next Sunday, but you’ll get more info on that in an email.
Membership Vice Presidents Report:
Kevin: In terms of rush, new actives have to attend the workshop first. Associates you don’t
have to rush, but you can if you want. Who is planning on becoming an associate? You still have
to rush. Who is currently active and want to stay active? You guys have to rush. The only people
who don’t have to rush are associates, everyone else have to rush.
Jordan: Speaking of associate, if you’re currently active and want to go associate we will be
sending out a form by the end of this week. Dues will be due on September 12th, which is the day
of Rack n Cue.
Michelle: can you explain associate?
Jordan: You have to have a rational reason to why you want to be an associate, and if you want
you can send us the reason and we will accept it or not.
Steven: What is a valid reason?
Jordan: If you can’t make the meetings because school or work conflicts, which are mostly the
reasons we get are very valid because school comes first.
Jordan: For family heads, we still need a paper head, so that is vacant.
Kevin: Our rush masters will come up and speak about rush.
Rush Masters:
Colleen: Info night this Friday from 5-6pm, we will be meeting in front of Malcolm X. We will
be sending out a sign up sheet tonight.
Yeelin: The boba social is this Friday also, right after the info night.
Colleen: Katrina Harvey Pledge Class we will have to attend a rush workshop in order to rush
people, our first workshop is Wednesday 5-6pm, we will be having it on Thursday and Friday as
Jordan: There is no school on Friday unless it is a Friday only class.
Yeelin: Show of hands who would want to do a workshop this Friday? How about Tuesday? Ok,
Tuesday it is instead.
Evan: Are you allowed to crash info nights?
Yeelin: The first one is okay, but not too many people should go so we don’t scare off the
Chris: You should probably cap it, knowing from experience, you don’t want to overwhelm the
Colleen: Okay, we will cap it. For people rushing at the table, you should sign in and out. We
are going with the three point system, where you can get a point from going to an info night,
signatures, and a social. You can’t go to all info nights and get your points.
Yeelin: Try to get them from signatures though.
Colleen: Mary is the one who made the flyer, so go tell her good job.
Colleen: Info nights are August 29th 5-6pm, September 2nd 5-6pm, September 10th 6-7pm, and
September 11th 4-5pm. Boba Social is on August 29th 6-8pm, Game Night is on September 4th 57pm, Ice Cream Social is on September 8th 4-6pm, and Rac-N-Cue is on September 12th 6-9pm.
Tommy: What is the rush theme?
Yeelin: The rush theme is social media.
Franny: Info night and Game night is two points?
Colleen: Yes, it is two.
Pledge Masters Report:
Evan: Look we’re matching!
Jaime: First, we want to say thank you. And all we have to say is that there is a Big Brother
workshop 5-7pm on September 4th, more on an email that we’re going to send.
Jaime: The pledge name is going to be K. A.Y.
Dennis: When is the workshop? It’s the same as the game night.
Evan: You should schedule an appointment with us if there are conflicts.
Evan: Our pledge trainers are Mary Nguyen and Bao Nguyen.
Pledge Trainers: No Report
Fellowship Vice Presidents Report:
Sharon: Bonfire! You guys excited? We’re still working on the time, but it is after the pinning.
Dennis: Go to the Socials.
Chris: Where is the boba coming from?
Dennis: Boba night is August 29th this Friday. The boba is most likely for the potentials. We’re
still thinking about it.
Isabella: BYOB. Bring your own boba.
Sharon: Whatever is left over, members can go have it.
Evan: Are there caps on the event?
Dennis: There will be a cap.
Sharon: We’ll send out an email.
Sarah: When is bonfire?
Sharon: September 13th, after the pinning.
Gresedajl: How did the summer fellowship go?
Dennis: It was kind of cold, so our water balloon event didn’t go out as plan.
Sharon: But it was really fun, after the whole day of games, we went out to get Chinese food.
Dennis: We had a Gamma Beta brother attend which was really cool.
Sharon: His name was Edward.
Dennis: Our banquet chairs are Alicia Lo and Kimberly Wong.
Sharon: Look forward to banquet, we will give more details when the date comes closer.
Banquet Chairs: No Report
Finance Vice Presidents Report:
Isabella: Nothing much to say right now, because everyone is focusing on rush. We do plan on
having fundraisers soon. The big thing is dues, which is $40, which is due before rack-N-cue.
We will send an email out. Any Questions?
Administrative Vice Presidents Report:
Sara: Hi. Our main project is our how to chair video. We will send it out soon.
Our Publications Director is Michelle Totten. Our email chairs are Vicki Liu and Diana Tran.
If anyone is interested in Webmaster, contact us.
Email Chairs: No Report
Webmaster: Vacant
Publications Director: No Report
Sergeant-At-Arms Report:
Raymond: Hi. Nothing to report.
Alumni Advisory Chairs Report:
Kelly: Advisors aren’t here because they are at work, and want us to have a good first week at
V. Old Business
Kelly: no old business
VI. New Business
No Report
VII. Announcements
Kelly: Any announcements?
Felipe: Happy Rush!
Karen: If you’re looking for a job, as a cook or a driver, my job is hiring.
Evan: If you signed up for info night, be prepared to talk and answer questions.
Steven: If you like juices and smoothies Jamba Juice is hiring, especially Serramonte.
Cory: Does anyone have a clicker?
Kelly: I’m sorry for the lack of the projector. Everything would have been more entertaining.
Tommy: What are we going over next week?
Kelly: Excomm is going to go over policies, member requirements, and pledge requirements, get
ready to vote on that. Excomm meetings are usually Tuesdays T-160, 5-7. Some meetings are on
Monday, there are only four of them. If you want to attend those, email me and I’ll give you
more details.
VIII. Muggings
IX. Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm.