Total 971 variables Form 2 Eligibility Screening (45) Variable AGEHYST AVAILDM AVAILHRT BLDPROB CHF_F2 COMECC DBDIETF2 DIAB DIABAGE DIABCOMA DIABNW DIABPILL DIABTRT DIALYSIS DVT_F2 HARDSTDY HELPCC HELPFILL HORM HORM3M HORMBK HORMSTAT HRTINFDR HYST_F2 HYST3M HYSTAGE INSULIN INSULINW INTDM INTHRT_F2 L15LBS6M LFDIETF2 LIVERDIS MALDIET MEALOUT MENSELST MI_F2 MIAGE OSTEOBK OTHCHRON PE_F2 Label Hysterectomy age group Available for regular dietary meetings Consider taking only HRT from CC Bleeding problem ever Heart failure ever Able to come to clinic Special diet for diabetes Diabetes ever Age first told had diabetes Hospitalized for a diabetic coma Diabetes now Pills for diabetes ever Diabetes treated (pills or shots) Kidney dialysis for kidney failure DVT ever Problems make it hard to participate Kind of help needed to come to clinic Need someone to help fill out forms Female hormones ever Female hormones last 3 months Hormones to treat osteoporosis fracture HRT use ever Send HRT info to Doctor Hysterectomy ever Hysterectomy last 3 months Age at hysterectomy Insulin shots ever Insulin shots now Interested in DM part of study Interested in HRT part of study Lost 15 lbs in the last 6 mo w/o trying Special low-fiber diet Liver disease ever Special malabsorption diet 10 or more meals prepared away from home Last time had any menstrual bleeding MI ever Age first had MI Osteoporosis-related fracture ever Other long-term illness Pulmonary embolism ever SCANEMIA STROKE_F2 TALKDOC TIA_F2 Sickle cell anemia ever Stroke ever Interested in talking to Dr. about HRT TIA ever Form 20 Personal Information (47) Variable ABNPAP3Y ANYINS CAREPROV CERVDYS DISABLED EMPLOYED ENDOASP HMOINS HOMEMKR INCOME JOBHMMKR JOBLABOR JOBMANGR JOBOTH JOBSERV JOBTECH LSTASPDY LSTMAMDY LSTPAPDY LSTVISDY MAINJOB MAMMO MARITAL MEDICAID MEDICARE MLTRYINS NOINS NOMAM2YR NOPAP3YR NOTWRK OTHPRVIN OTHWRK PAPSMEAR PAYOTH PDISABLE PEDUC PEMPLOY Label Abnormal Pap smear last 3 years Any Insurance Current Health Care Provider Cervical dysplasia ever Currently disabled Currently employed (full- or part-time) Endometrial aspiration ever Pre-paid private insurance Currently homemaker Family Income Job as homemaker Job as operator, fabricator, laborer Job as managerial, professional Job as other than listed Job as service Job as technical, sales, admin support Days from rand to last aspiration Days from rand to last mammogram Days from rand to last pap smear Days from rand to last visit Occupation Mammogram ever Marital status Medicaid Medicare Military or VA insurance No insurance No mammogram in last 2 years No pap smear in last 3 years Currently not working Private insurance (other than pre-paid) Other current job status Pap smear ever Other insurance than listed Partner currently disabled Partner highest level of education Partner currently employed PHOMEMKR PMAINJOB PNOTWRK POTHWRK PRETIRED RETIRED TIMELAST TIMELSTS USSERVE VAMEDCTR Partner currently homemaker Partner's main job Partner currently not working Partner currently other job Partner currently retired Currently retired Time Since Last Medical Visit (months) Last Medical Visit within 1 Year Served in US armed forces Used a VA medical center ever Form 30 Medical History (95) Variable ALS ALZHEIM ANGINA ANGNPILN AORTICAN ARTHRIT ASTHMA ATRIALFB BKBACK BKBACK55 BKBONE BKFOOT BKFOOT55 BKHAND BKHAND55 BKHIP BKHIP55 BKLARM BKLARM55 BKLLEG BKLLEG55 BKOTHB BKOTHB55 BKUARM BKUARM55 BLADCA BRCA_F30 BRCA55 CABG CANC_F30 CARDCATH Label ALS ever Alzheimer's disease ever Angina ever Pills for angina now Aortic aneurysm ever Arthritis ever Asthma ever Atrial fibrillation ever Broke spine ever Broke spine first time 55 or older Broke bone ever Broke foot ever Broke foot first time 55 or older Broke hand ever Broke hand first time 55 or older Broke hip ever Broke hip first time 55 or older Broke lower arm ever Broke lower arm first time 55 or older Broke lower leg ever Broke lower leg first time 55 or older Broke other bone ever Broke other bone first time 55 or older Broke upper arm ever Broke upper arm first time 55 or older Bladder cancer ever Breast cancer ever Breast cancer 55 or older Coronary bypass surgery ever Cancer ever Cardiac catheterization ever CARDREST CAROTID CATARACT CERVCA CHF_F30 COLITIS COLN_F30 COLNSCDT COLNSCPY COLOCA55 CVD DIVERTIC EMPHYSEM FAINTED FRACT55 GALLBLRM GALLBS GALLBSNW GALLSTRM GLAUCOMA GOITER GOITERNW HEMOCCDT HEMOCCUL HIBLDCA HICHOLRP HIP55 HIPREP HTNTRT HYPT HYPTAGE HYPTPILL HYPTPILN INTESTRM KIDNEYST LUPUS MELN_F30 MIGRAINE MS NACOND NACVD NODULE NODULENW NUMFALLS OTHERCA Cardiac arrest ever Carotid endarterectomy/angioplasty ever Cataract ever Cervix cancer ever Congestive heart failure ever Ulcerative colitis ever Colorectal cancer ever Date of last colonoscopy Colonoscopy ever Colorectal cancer 55 or older Cardiovascular disease ever Diverticulitis ever Emphysema ever Fainted last 12 months Fracture at Age 55+ Gallbladder removed Gallbladder disease or gallstones ever Gallbladder disease or gallstones now Gallstones removed Glaucoma ever Goiter ever Goiter now Date of last hemoccult test Hemoccult test ever High blood calcium High cholesterol requiring pills ever Hip fracture age 55 or older Hip replacement ever Hypertension Hypertension ever Age told of hypertension Pills for hypertension ever Pills for hypertension now Part of intestines removed ever Kidney or bladder stones ever Lupus ever Melanoma cancer ever Migraine headaches ever MS ever None of listed medical conditions ever None of the listed CVD conditions ever Thyroid nodule ever Thyroid nodule now Times fell down last 12 months Other cancers ever OTHJREP OVRTHY OVRTHYNW PAD PADANGGR PADANGP PADSURG PANCREAT PARKINS PCOLONRM PTCA REVASC RHEUMAT SKINCA STOMULCR THYRCA55 THYROID UNDTHY UNDTHYNW Other joint replacement ever Overactive thyroid ever Overactive thyroid now Peripheral arterial disease ever Angiography for PAD ever Angioplasty for PAD ever Surgery to improve flow to legs for PAD Pancreatitis ever Parkinson's disease ever Polyps of colon removed Angioplasty of coronary arteries ever CABG/PTCA Ever Rheumatoid arthritis ever Skin cancer (not melanoma) ever Stomach of duodenal ulcer ever Thyroid cancer 55 or older Thyroid Cancer Underactive thyroid ever Underactive thyroid now Form 31 Reproductive History (54) Variable AGEFBIR ANYMENSA BOOPH BRSTAUG BRSTAUGA BRSTBION BRSTDIS BRSTFDAF BRSTFDAL BRSTFDM BRSTFDMO BRSTFDN BRSTFEED BRSTIMP BRSTOPOT BRSTPREM BRSTREM BRSTREMO BRTHSTLN ECTPREG FULLTRMR GRAVID Label Age at First Birth Age at last bleeding Bilateral Oophorectomy Operation to increase breast How old at breast augmentation How many breast biopsies Breast Disease How old when first breastfed How old when last breastfed How many months total Number of months breastfed How many children breastfed Breastfeed at least one month What type of implant Any other breast operations Removal of part of breast Removal of one or both breasts Other breast operation How many still births How many tubal pregnancies Full term pregnancy ever Number of Pregnancies MENARCHE MENOPSEA MENPSYAF MENPSYAL MENPSYMP MENSREG MENSREGA MENSWO1Y MENSWOD MISCARYN NEDLASP NOCNCEIV NOCNCVDK NOCNCVDR NOCNCVEN NOCNCVHR NOCNCVOT NOCNCVPT NOCNCVR NOCNCVUT NUMLIVER OOPH OOPHA PARITY PREG PREG6M PREG6MAF PREG6MAL PREG6MN PREGNUM TUBTIED TUBTIEDA Age at first period Age at last regular period Age at first hot flash Age at last hot flash Hot flashes or night sweats Were periods regular Age at first regular period One year without period Time between first and last period How many miscarriages Needle aspiration ever Tried becoming pregnant > 1 yr Don't know reason Saw doctor because you didn't Endometriosis Hormones or ovulation Other problem with you Problem with partner Reason found for non-pregnancy Tubes or uterus Number of Live Births One or both ovaries removed Age when ovaries removed Number of Term Pregnancies Ever been pregnant Ever have full-term pregnancy Age at first term pregnancy Age at last term pregnancy How many times term pregnancy How many times pregnant Ever had tubes tied Age when tubes tied Form 32 Family History (79) Variable BKBCKDAD BKBCKMOM BKBONDAD BKBONMOM BKBONREL BKHIPDAD BKHIPMOM BKLARDAD BKLARMOM Label Age father broke spine or back Age mother broke spine or back Father broke a bone after age 40 Mother broke a bone after age 40 Mom or dad broke bone after age 40 Age father broke hip Age mother broke hip Age father broke lower arm Age mother broke lower arm BKOTHDAD BKOTHMOM BKUARDAD BKUARMOM BRCADAU1 BRCADAU2 BRCADAU3 BRCAFREL BRCAGMAM BRCAGMAP BRCAMOM BRCASIS1 BRCASIS2 BRCASIS3 BRONUM BROTHER CANCFREL CANCMREL CERVREL CERVRELN COLOBRO1 COLOBRO2 COLOBRO3 COLODAD COLODAU1 COLODAU2 COLOFREL COLOMOM COLOMREL COLOREL COLOSIS1 COLOSIS2 COLOSIS3 COLOSON1 COLOSON2 DADAGE DADALIVE DADDIEDA DAUGHTER DAUNUM DIABREL DIABRELN ENDOREL ENDORELN MIBRO1 Age father broke other than listed bone Age mother broke other than listed bone Age father broke upper arm Age mother broke upper arm Age daughter (1) had breast cancer Age daughter (2) had breast cancer Age daughter (3) had breast cancer Female relative had breast cancer Age mat. grandmother had breast cancer Age pat. grandmother had breast cancer Age mother had breast cancer Age sister (1) had breast cancer Age sister (2) had breast cancer Age sister (3) had breast cancer Number of brothers Have a brother who reached adulthood Female relative had cancer Immediate male blood relative had cancer Relative had cervical cancer Number of relatives had cervical cancer Age brother (1) had colorectal cancer Age brother (2) had colorectal cancer Age brother (3) had colorectal cancer Age father had colorectal cancer Age daughter (1) had colorectal cancer Age daughter (2) had colorectal cancer Female relative had colorectal cancer Age mother had colorectal cancer Male relative had colorectal cancer Male/Female relative had colorectal cancer Age sister (1) had colorectal cancer Age sister (2) had colorectal cancer Age sister (3) had colorectal cancer Age son (1) had colorectal cancer Age son (2) had colorectal cancer Natural father's current age Natural father still alive Age natural father died Have a daughter who reached adulthood Number of daughters Relative had adult diabetes Number of relatives had adult diabetes Relative had endometrial cancer Number of relatives had endomet. cancer Age brother (1) had MI MIBRO2 MIBRO3 MIDAD MIDAU1 MIDAU2 MIMOM MIREL MISIS1 MISIS2 MISIS3 MISON1 MISON2 MOMAGE MOMALIVE MOMDIEDA OVARREL OVARRELN PROSREL PROSRELN SISNUM SISTER SON SONNUM STRKREL STRKRELN Age brother (2) had MI Age brother (3) had MI Age father had MI Age daughter (1) had MI Age daughter (2) had MI Age mother had MI Relatives had heart attack Age sister (1) had MI Age sister (2) had MI Age sister (3) had MI Age son (1) had MI Age son (2) had MI Natural mother's current age Natural mother still alive Age natural mother died Relative had ovarian cancer Number of relatives had ovarian cancer Relative had prostate cancer Number of relatives had prostrate cancer Number of sisters Have a sister who reached adulthood Have a son who reached adulthood Number of sons Relative had a stroke Number of relatives who had a stroke Form 34 Personal Habits (54) Variable ALC12DR ALCNOW ALCOHOL ALCQUIT ALCSWK AVWKEXP CIGSDAY COFFEE CUPREG DBDIET34 FBDIET34 FFWKEXP HARDEXP HRDEX HRDEX18 HRDEX35 Label Drank 12 alcoholic beverages ever Still drink alcohol Alcohol intake Reasons quit drinking alcohol Alcohol servings per week Energy expend from avg walking Smoke, cigs/day Drink coffee each day Number of regular cups of coffee, day Diabetic or ADA diet High-fiber diet Energy expend fr walking fairly fast Energy expenditure from hard exercise Times per week of very hard exercise Very hard exercise 3 times/wk at age 18 Very hard exercise 3 times/wk at age 35 HRDEX50 HRDEXMIN LACTDIET LCALDIET LEPITOT LFATDIET LMSEPI LSLTDIET MILDEXP MLDEX MLDEXMIN MODEX MODEXMIN MODEXP MSEPIWK MSMINWK OTHDIET QSMOKAGE QSMOKHP SEPIWK SMINWK SMOKAGE SMOKEVR SMOKING SMOKNOW SMOKWGT SMOKYRS TEPIWK TEXPWK TMINWK VFWKEXP WALK WALKEXP WALKMIN WALKSPD WGTADULT XLMSEPI YOYO10LB Very hard exercise 3 times/wk at age 50 Duration per time of very hard exercise Lactose-free (no milk/dairy foods) diet Low calorie diet Recr. phys activity per week >= 20 Min Low-fat or low cholesterol diet Mod-stren activity >20 min/week (categorical) Low salt (low sodium) diet Energy expenditure from mild exercise Times per week of mild exercise Duration per time of mild exercise Times per week of moderate exercise Duration per time of moderate exercise Energy expend from moderate exercise Mod. to strenuous phys activity per week Minutes of mod-stren activity per week Other than listed special diet Age quit smoking regularly Quit smoking because of health problems Strenuous activity episodes per week Minutes of stren. phys activity per week Age started smoking cigarettes regularly Smoked at least 100 cigarettes ever Smoking status Smoke cigarettes now Smoked to lose weight Years a regular smoker Recreational phys activity per week Total MET-hours per week Minutes of recr. phys activity per week Energy expend from walking very fast Times walk for > 10 min MET-hours per week from walking Duration of walks when >10 min Walking speed when walking for >10 min Weight during adult life, lbs Mod-stren activity > 20 min/week Number times weight went up/down >10 lbs Form 37 Thoughts and Feelings (216) Variable ACHES ACTDLY AMBEMOT Label General aches and pains Activities of Daily Living Construct Ambivalence over Emotional Expressivenes ANNOYED ANXIOUS APPRVNEG BACKSLP BADLUCK BADSEX BATHING BENDING BIRD BLOATING BODPAIN BOTHER CALM CAREGIV1 CAREGIV2 CAT CGHINCON CHILCON CLUB CLUMSY COERCE CONCEN CONSTIP COUGH COUNTGD CRYSPELL DIAPER DIARRHEA DISAPPNT DIVORCE DIZZY DOG DRESS DWNDUMPS EAT EMOLIMIT EMOWELL ENERFAT ENERGY ENJLIF EXCLUDE EXPCTBST EXPERTS FALLSLP FELTBLUE Becoming easily annoyed or irritable Feeling nervous, anxious, on edge Fear others will not approve if negative trouble getting back to sleep Think people make bad luck for sympathy People guilty of bad sexual behavior Bathing or dressing yourself Bending, kneeling, stooping Bird Bloating or gas How much body pain After anger bothered for a long time Felt calm and peaceful Care Giving Construct #1 (0,1 scoring) Care Giving Construct #2 (0-5+ scoring) Cat Leak urine when cough, laugh Major conflict with children Attend clubs/lodges/groups last month Clumsiness Number of people who try to coerce Difficulty concentrating Constipation Coughing or wheezing Rarely count on good things happening You had crying spells Leak protect/Diaper, Attends Diarrhea Express disappointment Have a divorce or break-up Dizziness Dog Can you dress and undress self Felt down in dumps Can you eat Role Limitations Due to Emotional Proble Emotional Well-being Energy/Fatigue Had lots of energy You enjoyed life Number of people who exclude you Usually expect the best Experts often no better than I fall asleep during quiet activ Felt downhearted and blue FELTDEP FELTSAD FISH FORGET FRIENDIE FRNDIV FRNDSUSE FRNJOB FRQINCON FULLPEP FUN GENHEL GENHLTH GOODADVC GOODTIME HAPPY HEADACHE HEARLOSS HEARTBRN HEARTRAC HLPCHORS HLPPROB HLPSICK HLPSICKT HLTHC1Y HLTHEXCL HLTHWORS HLTHYANY HONEST HOPEFUL HOSTIL HOTFLASH HRSSLP HUNGRY INCONDIS INCONLMT INCONT INOUTBED INTSOC INTSOC2 JNTPAIN KNWANGRY LEAKAMT LESSACCE LESSACCP You felt depressed You felt sad Fish Forgetfulness Did a close friend die Close friend had a divorce Make friends because friends are useful Close friend lost job How often leaked urine Did you feel full of pep Someone to something fun with In general, health is General Health Construct Someone to give good advice Someone to have a good time with Have you been happy Headaches or migraines Hearing loss Heartburn Heart racing or skipping beats Someone to help with daily chores Someone to help understand a problem Helping sick family/friend Times helped sick family/friend Compare health to 1 year ago My health is excellent I expect health to get worse I am as healthy as anybody Most people are honest due to fear Always hopeful about future Hostility Construct Hot flashes How many hours of sleep Increased appetite How much does leakage bother leak limit activities Ever leaked urine Can you get in and out of bed Phys or emotional probs interfere Physical or emotional problem Joint pain or stiffness Usually people around know when angry How much urine you lose Emot/Accomplished less Phys/Accomplished less LESSCARE LESSKNDP LESSWRKE LESSWRKP LFEVENT1 LFEVENT2 LIE LIFEQUAL LIFTGROC LISTEN LIVALN LIVALOR LIVCHLD LIVFRNDS LIVOTH LIVPRT LIVREL LIVSIBL LOVE LOWBACKP MAJACC MARRIED MEDSLEEP MENSPAD MINIPAD MODACT MONPROB MOODSWNG MOREGOOD MSCLACHE NAP NAUSEA NECKPAIN NEGEMOT NERVES NERVOUS NIGHTSWT NOCARE NOCONCEN NOHELP NOHUNGER NOINCON NOPRTCT NOTMYWAY OPTIMISM Emot/Worked less carefully Phys/limited kind of work Emot/cut down on time spent Phys/cut down on time spent Life Event Construct #1 (0,1 scoring) Life Event Construct #2 (0-3 scoring) Most people would lie to get ahead Rate quality of life Lifting or carrying groceries Someone to listen when need to talk Live alone Living Alone Live with children Live with friends Live with other than listed Live with husband/partner Live with relatives Live with brother/sister Someone to love you/make you feel wanted Low back pain Major accident or disaster Currently married or intimate take medication for sleep Leak Protection/Menstrual pad Leak Protect/Mini-pad, tissue Moderate activities Major problems with money Mood swings Expect more good things than bad Muscle tension aches or soreness Did you nap during the day Nausea Neck pain Negative Emotional Expressiveness (NEE) Number of people who get on nerves Have you been a very nervous person Night sweats No one cares what happens to you Trouble concentrating on things, reading People inwardly don't like to help Decreased appetite No longer leak urine Leak Protect/No protection Hardly ever expect things to go my way Optimism Construct ORDERS OTHINCON OTHPET OTHPRTCT PAIN PAININT PANIC PEOPDIS PET PETDIE PHYAB PHYLIMIT PHYSFUN PSHTDEP QUALSLP RELGTIME RELSTRN RESPECT RESTLSIT RESTSLP SAD2WK SAD2YRS SADMUCH SATFRQSX SATLIFE SATSEX SCENEPUB SEX SEX45 SEXACTIV SEXWORRY SHARE SHOWER SICKEASY SKINDRY SLPDSTRB SLPINCON SNORE SOCFUNC SOCSTRN SOCSUPP SPOUSDIE SPOUSILL STAIR STAIRS Take orders from someone who knew less When leak urine, Other Other pet Leaking urine protection, Other Pain Construct How much did pain interfere Having an anxiety attack -- feel fear or panic You felt people disliked you Lived with a pet in home Did a pet die You were physically abused Role Limitations Due to Physical Health Physical Functioning Construct Shortened CES-D/DIS Screening Instrument Typical night's sleep Times attend religious service/church Religion gives strength and comfort People demand more respect than give Feeling restless so hard to sit still Your sleep was restless Felt sad for two weeks Felt sad two or more years Felt sad much of past year Satisfied with sex frequency Satisfied with quality of life How satisfied sexually If angered, cause scene in public place Who you have had sex with Description of adult sexual orientation Sexual activity in last year Sexual activity affect healh Someone to share private worries/fears Can you take a bath or shower I get sick easier Skin dryness or scaling Sleep Disturbance Construct Leak when I am sleeping Did you snore Social Functioning Social Strain Construct Social Support Construct Did your spouse die Did your spouse have a serious illness Climbing one flight of stairs Climbing several flights STAYSLP SUPPRESS SWELLHND SYMPTOM TAKEDR TELLFEEL TIRED TIRED2 TIREEASY TOINCON TOOMUCH TRBSEE TRBSLEEP TREMORS TRUSTNO TRUTH UNFAIR UPEARLY UPSTOM URINPAIN VAGDIS VAGDRY VAGITCH VERBAB VIGACT WAKENGHT WALK1BLK WALK1M WALKBLKS WELBEING WORNOUT WRKDIFFP WRONG Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep Usually suppress anger Swelling of hands or feet Symptom Construct Someone can take to the doctor Tell from facial expressions how feeling Did you feel tired Feeling tired Getting tired very easily Leak when can't get to toilet Number of people who ask too much Trouble with vision Did you have trouble sleeping Tremors Safer to trust nobody Argue to convince people of truth Most people are unfair to gain profit wake up earlier than planned Upset stomach or belly pain Pain/burning while urinating Vaginal or genital discharge Vaginal or genital dryness Vaginal or genital irritation You were verbally abused Vigorous activities Did you wake up several times Walking one block Walking more than one mile Walking several blocks Rate current sense of well-being Did you feel worn out Phys/difficulty perform work Expect something that can will go wrong Form 43 Hormone Use (44) Variable DES DESAGEMAX DESAGEMIN DESTIME DMPA DMPAFREQ Label DES (diethylstilbestrol) use ever Age stopped DES Age started DES DES Duration (years) DMPA (depo-provera) use ever DMPA frequency of use DMPAGEMAX DMPAGEMIN DMPATIME DMPAUOM ESTR ESTRMAX ESTRMIN ESTRSTAT ESTRTIME OC OCAGEMAX OCAGEMIN OCBPREG OCBPTIME OCTIME PCYCLE TEST TESTMAX TESTMIN TESTSTAT TESTTIME TOTE TOTECAT TOTEMAX TOTEMIN TOTESTAT TOTETIME TOTH TOTHCAT TOTHMAX TOTHMIN TOTHSTAT TOTHTIME TOTP TOTPMAX TOTPMIN TOTPSTAT TOTPTIME Age last used DMPA Age first used DMPA DMPA duration (years) DMPA frequency UOM Estratest use Age last used estratest Age first used estratest Estratest usage status Estratest duration Oral contraceptive use ever Age last used OC Age first used OC OC use before first term pregancy OC use before first term preg duration (years) OC duration (years) Progesterone cycle during last PERT use Testosterone or other male hormone use Age last used testosterone Age first used testosterone Testosterone or other male hormone status Testosterone or other male hormone duratation Unopposed estrogen use ever Unopposed estrogen duration by category Age last used unopposed estrogen Age first used unopposed estrogen Unopposed estrogen usage status Lifetime unopposed estrogen duration HRT uuse ever HRT duration by category Age last used HRT Age first used HRT HRT usage status Lifetime HRT duration Estrogen + progesterone use ever Age last used estrogen + progesterone Age first used estrogen + progesterone Estrogen + progesterone usage status Lifetime estrogen + progest duration Form 45 Current Supplements (55) Variable F45BETA F45BIOT F45CALC Label Supplemental Beta-carotene, mcg Supplemental Biotin, mcg Supplemental Calcium, mg F45CHROM F45COMBP F45COPP F45FOLIC F45IRON F45MAGN F45MANG F45MOLYB F45MULTI F45MVMIN F45NIAC F45OTHCM F45PANTO F45PHOS F45POTAS F45RETIN F45SELEN F45STRES F45VITA F45VITB1 F45VITB2 F45VITB6 F45VITC F45VITD F45VITE F45VTB12 F45ZINC TKBIOT TKCALC TKCHROM TKCOPP TKFOLIC TKIRON TKMAGN TKMANG TKMOLYB TKNIAC TKPANTO TKPHOS TKPOTAS TKRETIN TKSELEN TKVITA TKVITB1 TKVITB12 Supplemental Chromium, mcg Any Combination Pill Supplemental Copper, mg Supplemental Folic Acid, mcg Supplemental Iron, mg Supplemental Magnesium, mg Supplemental Manganese, mg Supplemental Molybdenum, mcg Multivitamin without Minerals Multivitamin with Minerals Supplemental Niacin, mg Other Comb Pill (not multivit/stress) Supplemental Pantothenic Acid, mg Supplemental Phosphorus, mg Supplemental Potassium, mg Supplemental Retinol, mcg Supplemental Selenium, mcg Stress Formula Pills Supplemental Vitamin A, mcg RE Supplemental Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), mg Supplemental Vitamin B2 (Thiamine), mg Supplemental Vitamin B6, mg Supplemental Vitamin C, mg Supplemental Vitamin D, mcg Supplemental Alpha-tocopherol, IU Supplemental Vitamin B12, mcg Supplemental Zinc, mg F45 Taking biotin from single sup F45 Taking calcium from single sup F45 Taking chromium from single sup F45 Taking copper from single sup F45 Taking folic acid from single sup F45 Taking iron from single sup F45 Taking magnesium from single sup F45 Taking manganese from single sup F45 Taking molybdenum from single sup F45 Taking niacin from single sup F45 Taking pantoth. acid from single sup F45 Taking phosphorus from single sup F45 Taking potassium from single sup F45 Taking retinol from single sup F45 Taking selenium from single sup F45 Taking vitamin A from single sup F45 Taking vitamin B1 from single sup F45 Taking vitamin B12 from single sup TKVITB2 TKVITB6 TKVITC TKVITD TKVITE TKZINC F45 Taking vitamin B2 from single sup F45 Taking vitamin B6 from single sup F45 Taking vitamin C from single sup F45 Taking vitamin D from single sup F45 Taking alpha-toco from single sup F45 Taking zinc from single sup Form 60 Energy (139) Variable F60ACARO F60ADSGR F60ALAN F60ALC F60ALCWK F60ANMPR F60ARGIN F60ASH F60ASPRT F60ATOCO F60BCRYP F60BETA F60BIOCHN F60BTOCO F60CAFF F60CALC F60CARB F60CBPCT F60CHOLS F60COPPR F60CUMST F60CYSTN F60DAIDZ F60DIETGA F60DIETGI F60DTOCO F60ENRGY F60ENRGYJ F60FAT F60FIBER F60FLDEQ F60FLNAT F60FLSYN F60FOLA F60FRMNT Label Dietary Alpha-Carotene (mcg) Dietary Added Sugars (g) Dietary Alanine (g) Dietary Alcohol (g) Alcohol servings per week Dietary Animal Protein (g) Dietary Arginine (g) Dietary Ash (g) Dietary Aspartic Acid (g) Dietary Alpha-Tocopherol (mg) Dietary Beta-Cryptoxanthin (mcg) Dietary Beta-Carotene (mcg) Dietary Biochanin A (mg) Dietary Beta-Tocopherol (mg) Dietary Caffeine (mg) Dietary Calcium (mg) Dietary Total Carbohydrate (g) Percent Calories from Carbohydrates Dietary Cholesterol (mg) Dietary Copper (mg) Dietary Coumestrol (mg) Dietary Cystine (g) Dietary Daidzein (mg) Dietary Glycemic Index (using available carbs) Dietary Glycemic Index (using total carbs) Dietary Delta-Tocopherol (mg) Dietary Energy (kcal) Dietary Energy (joules) Dietary Total Fat (g) Dietary Fiber (g) Dietary Folate Equivalents (mcg) Dietary Natural Folate (food folate) (mcg) Dietary Synthetic Folate (folic acid) (mcg) Dietary Folacin (mcg) Dietary Formononetin (mg) F60FRUCT F60FRUIT F60FTPCT F60GALAC F60GLAC F60GLUC F60GLUT F60GLYCN F60GLYCTN F60GNISTN F60GRAMS F60GTLC F60GTOCO F60HISTD F60INSFB F60IRON F60ISOLE F60LACT F60LEUCN F60LUTZX F60LYCO F60LYSIN F60MAGN F60MALT F60MANGN F60METH F60METHN F60MF141 F60MF161 F60MF181 F60MF201 F60MF221 F60MFA F60MFPCT F60NATOC F60NIACN F60NICNEQ F60OMGA3 F60OMGA6 F60OXALC F60PANTO F60PECT F60PF182 F60PF183 F60PF184 Dietary Fructose (g) Daily Fruit Consumption (med portion) Percent Calories from Fat Dietary Galactose (g) Dietary Glycemic Load Based on Available Carb Dietary Glucose (g) Dietary Glutamic Acid (g) Dietary Glycine (g) Dietary Glycitein (mg) Dietary Genistein (mg) Dietary Gram Amount Dietary Glycemic Load Based on Total Carb Dietary Gamma-Tocopherol (mg) Dietary Histidine (g) Insoluble Dietary Fiber (g) Dietary Iron (mg) Dietary Isoleucine (g) Dietary Lactose (g) Dietary Leucine (g) Dietary Lutein+Zeaxanthin (mcg) Dietary Lycopene (mcg) Dietary Lysine (g) Dietary Magnesium (mg) Dietary Maltose (g) Dietary Manganese (mg) Dietary 3-Methylhistidine (mg) Dietary Methionine (g) Dietary MFA 14:1 (g) Dietary MFA 16:1 (g) Dietary MFA 18:1, Oleic Acid (g) Dietary MFA 20:1 (g) Dietary MFA 22:1 (g) Dietary Total MFA (g) Percent Calories from MFA Dietary Natural Alpha-Tocopherol (mg) Dietary Niacin (mg) Dietary Niacin Equivalents (mg) Dietary Omega 3 (g) Dietary Omega 6 FA (g) Dietary Oxalic Acid (mg) Dietary Pantothenic Acid (mg) Dietary Pectins (g) Dietary PFA 18:2, Linoleic Acid (g) Dietary PFA 18:3, Linolenic Acid (g) Dietary PFA 18:4 (g) F60PF204 F60PF205 F60PF225 F60PF226 F60PFA F60PFPCT F60PHNYL F60PHOS F60PHYTC F60POTAS F60PROLN F60PROT F60PRPCT F60RETIN F60RIBO F60SELEN F60SERIN F60SF100 F60SF120 F60SF140 F60SF160 F60SF170 F60SF180 F60SF200 F60SF220 F60SF40 F60SF60 F60SF80 F60SFA F60SFPCT F60SODUM F60SOLFB F60STOCO F60STRCH F60SUCR F60TF161 F60TF181 F60TF182 F60TFTOT F60THIAM F60THREO F60TRYPT F60TSUGR F60TYROS F60VALIN Dietary PFA 20:4 (g) Dietary PFA 20:5, EPA (g) Dietary PFA 22:5 (g) Dietary PFA 22:6, dha (g) Dietary Total PFA (g) Percent Calories from PFA Dietary Phenylalanine (g) Dietary Phosphorous (mg) Dietary Phytic Acid (mg) Dietary Potassium (mg) Dietary Proline (g) Dietary Protein (g) Percent Calories from Protein Dietary Retinol (mcg) Dietary Riboflavin (mg) Dietary Selenium (mcg) Dietary Serine (g) Dietary SFA 10:0 (g) Dietary SFA 12:0 (g) Dietary SFA 14:0 (g) Dietary SFA 16:0, Palmitic Acid (g) Dietary SFA 17:0 (g) Dietary SFA 18:0, Stearic Acid (g) Dietary SFA 20:0 (g) Dietary SFA 22:0 (g) Dietary SFA 4:0 (g) Dietary SFA 6:0 (g) Dietary SFA 8:0 (g) Dietary Total SFA (g) Percent Calories from SFA Dietary Sodium (mg) Water Soluble Dietary Fiber (g) Dietary Synthetic Alpha-Tocopherol (mg) Dietary Starch (g) Dietary Sucrose (g) Dietary Trans Fatty Acid, 161T (g) Dietary Trans Fatty Acid, 181T (g) Dietary Trans Fatty Acid, 182T (g) Dietary Total Trans Fatty Acid (g) Dietary Thiamin (mg) Dietary Threonine (g) Dietary Tryptophan (g) Dietary Total Sugars (g) Dietary Tyrosine (g) Dietary Valine (g) F60VB12 F60VEG F60VEGPR F60VITA F60VITAIU F60VITARE F60VITB6 F60VITC F60VITD F60VITE F60VITK F60VTEIU F60WATER F60ZINC Dietary Vitamin B12 (mcg) Daily Vegetable Consumption (med portion) Dietary Vegetable Protein (g) Dietary Vitamin A (RAE) Dietary Vitamin A (IU) Dietary Vitamin A (mcg RE) Dietary Vitamin B6 (mg) Dietary Vitamin C (mg) Dietary Vitamin D (mcg) Dietary Total Alpha-Toc Eq (mg) Dietary Vitamin K (NDS Value) (mcg) Dietary Vitamin E (IU) Dietary Water (g) Dietary Zinc (mg) Form 80 and others (41) Variable BMICX BMIX DIAS DIASBP1 DIASBP2 DIASTOL group21 group24 group249930 group26 group28 group32 group33 group34 group35 group36 group37 group38 group39 group40 group57 group58 group59 group60 group64 group65 group72 Label BMI Categorical BMIX Diastolic BP Diastolic blood pressure (1st reading) Diastolic blood pressure (2nd reading) Diastolic BP Antineoplastics Estrogens Estrogen & Progestin Progestins THYROID ANTIANGINAL AGENTS BETA BLOCKERS CALCIUM BLOCKERS ANTIARRHYTHMIC ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DIURETICS PRESSORS Antihyperlipidemic MISC. CARDIOVASCULAR Antianxiety Agents Antidepressants Antipsychotics Hypnotics ANALGESICS - NONNARCOTIC ANALGESICS - NARCOTIC ANTICONVULSANT HEMATOCR HEIGHTX HIPX PLATELET PULSE30 SYST SYSTBP1 SYSTBP2 SYSTOL WAISTX WBC WEIGHTX WHEXPECT WHRX Hematocrit (%) Height cm Hip circumference cm Platelet count (Kcell/ml) Resting pulse in 30 seconds Systolic BP Systolic blood pressure (1st reading) Systolic blood pressure (2nd reading) Systolic BP Waist circumference cm White blood cell (Kcell/ml) Weight kg Waist and Hip measurement expected Waist hip ratio