SEEM3450 First Term, 2015-2016 1 SEEM 3450 Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship (First Term, 2015-2016) [Tentative course plan] Entrepreneurship is about innovation: how to create value through new products or services, new technologies, business concepts, transaction mechanisms, etc. The purpose of this course is to explore the many facets of innovation and new venture creation, and the issues relating to the conceptualization, development and management of successful new ventures. Course Objectives The main learning objectives of this course are to: 1. Experience the process – develop and/or identify and pursue a business opportunity with a team of motivated peers, 2. Learn to develop an innovation plan, 3. Write a business plan for a new venture, 4. Analyze the issues – ponder the basic issues related to new ventures, the risks, challenges and rewards in innovation and new ventures. The usefulness of the course to you depends on: the commitment of you and your team to your selected venture idea, the effort you and your team put into your project and how well you work together, and the overall sharing and discussion in the classes. In other words, your dedication and participation are what makes the class worthwhile. Class Times and Locations SEEM 3450 : Monday 9:30 am to 12:15 pm Lecturer Kam-Fai Wong HSH 601 3943 8332 YIA LT3 Tutors KANG Shiyin, LI Jing, LIU Pengfei, PENG, Baolin, SHI Wei, LIAO Ming, WU Xixin Course Web-page: SEEM3450 First Term, 2015-2016 2 Textbooks Innovation Hisrich R.D., M. P. Peters and D.A. Shepherd, Entrepreneurship, 9th edition, 2010, McGraw-Hill * Business Plan Pinson, L., Anatomy of a Business Plan, 5th edition, 2001, Dearborn Trade Publishing, Chicago, USA. Business Carnvas: Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur, “Business Model Generation”, pdf Assessment: Lean Launchpad worksheet 1 Lean Launchpad worksheet 2 Business Plan (Note A) Business Plan presentation Final 10 % 15 % 20 % 15 % 40 % Class attendance (including arriving on-time) is a critical component in the course. Readings should be completed and cases analyzed PRIOR to the class session indicated to facilitate discussion during the class. In a case discussion, you should be able to: 1. identify the key issues in the case, including problems and opportunities facing entrepreneurs, 2. articulate and evaluate alternative approaches to the problems, and 3. describe and justify a course of action that you recommend. You are expected to form a new venture team of 5-6 students. Each team will submit 2 Venture Idea Proposals (ie “Kick-Start” and “Brushed-Up” versions) using the lean launch pad business model canvas1 which outlines the product/service to be developed. These proposals will give each team the chance to get an understanding of the size of the business opportunity and the effort required to develop the concept. They should be about 2-5 pages, and should explain the product/service and the business opportunity in detail. One hard copy should be submitted; one soft copy should also be submitted to CUPIDE. A signed declaration of originality (see form at end of syllabus) should be attached to your hard-copy submission. Marks will be deducted for late or non-submission of proposals. The Final Exam will be closed book and based on the lectures. 1 SEEM3450 First Term, 2015-2016 3 Note A: Business Plan The focus of this task is the formation and the on-going work of a venture team that will design a new product or service, and develop an innovation plan for seeking crowd funding. You are expected to form a new venture team of 5-6 students. Each team will develop one product/service and hand in one Innovation Business Plan for the team. As you think about your product/service, be aware that you will need to be able to obtain key information (costs, market forecasts, etc.) for your business idea. All facts and figures must be well-documented. Assume that the readers of the business plan are bankers and investors who are being asked to put their money into the new venture. These people need real information, not unsupported assumptions, to make decisions. Assessment: Submit business plan Presentation 20% 15% Dec 14, 2015 Dec 7, 2015 Presentation of the business plans will be scheduled towards the end of the term. Those students whose scheduled presentation times conflict with other classes or other official University duties must submit a note indicating what the scheduling conflicts are. The presentation of the business plan should cover: Product/service description, Marketing plan and Financial plan. The use of transparencies or presentation software (e.g. Beamer or Powerpoint) is expected. Each team member must participate in the presentation. One hard copy of your report should be submitted and one softcopy should be submitted to CUPIDE. A signed declaration of originality (see form at end of syllabus) should be attached to your hard-copy submission. Marks will be deducted for late or non-submission of business plans. Your report should be 10 to 15 pages, type-written, double spaced, preferably with size 12 font. The report should be organised into three sections: SEEM3450 First Term, 2015-2016 4 1. FRONT: a. Cover page – Include name of the new venture, group member names, date, etc. b. Table of Contents c. Executive summary (not to exceed two typewritten pages) 2. BODY: a. Company history (some project may skip this section) b. Business profile c. Business strategy d. Description of the product/service - its functions and characteristics, benefits to the user, etc., e. Marketing strategy - target markets, market size forecast, etc., f. Competitive analysis - economic feasibility, etc. g. CVs of Officers and Owners h. Plan of operation i. Financial data - viability of the start-up, profitability forecasts, etc. j. Investment proposal - capital requirements, etc. k. Implementation timetable 3. APPENDICES Place most of the data for analysis here, and make references from the main report. Departmental Guideline for Plagiarism If a student is found plagiarizing, his/her case will be reported to the Department Examination Panel, and thence to the Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee (FDC). If the case is proven after deliberation, the student will likely fail the course in which he/she committed plagiarism. The definition of plagiarism includes copying of the whole or parts of written assignments, programming exercises, reports, quiz papers, mid-term examinations and final examinations. The penalty will apply to both the one who copies the work and the one whose work is being copied, unless the latter can prove his/her work has been copied unwittingly. Furthermore, inclusion of others' works or results without citation in assignments and reports is also regarded as plagiarism with similar penalty to the offender. A student caught plagiarizing during tests or examinations will be reported to the Department and to the Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee and appropriate disciplinary authorities for further action, in addition to failing the course. SEEM3450 First Term, 2015-2016 5 Course code : SEEM 3450 Course title: Engineering Innovation Entrepreneurship We declare that the assignment here submitted is original except for source material explicitly acknowledged. We also acknowledge that I am aware of the SEEM Department guidelines on plagiarism and the Chinese University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and of the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations, as contained in the website ___________________ Signature ___________________ Date ___________________ Name ___________________ Student ID ___________________ Signature ___________________ Date ___________________ Name ___________________ Student ID ___________________ Signature ___________________ Date ___________________ Name ___________________ Student ID ___________________ Signature ___________________ Date ___________________ Name ___________________ Student ID ___________________ Signature ___________________ Date ___________________ Name ___________________ Student ID SEEM3450 First Term, 2015-2016 Wk 1 Date 7.9 2 3 4 5 6 14.9 21.9 28.9 5.10 12.10 16.10 19.10 26.10 2.11 9.11 16.11 13.11 23.11 30.11 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2.12 9.12 13.12 Syllabus (Tentative) Topic Course Introduction Part I: The Entrepreneurial Perspective Part I: The Entrepreneurial Perspective Invited Lecture: Introduction to Lean Launch Pad Mid-Autumn Festival Holiday Part II: From Idea to the Opportunity Innovation Plan I presentation (Lean Launch Pad) Innovation Plan I Submission Part II: From Idea to the Opportunity Part III: From the Opportunity to the Business Plan Part III: From the Opportunity to the Business Plan Part IV: From the Business Plan to Funding the Venture Innovation Plan II presentation (Lean Launch Pad) Innovation Plan II Submission Part IV: From the Business Plan to Funding the Venture Part V: From Funding the Venture to Launching, Growing and Ending the Venture Exam Week Business Plan Presentation Submission Business Plan 6 Chapter * 1-3 1-3 4-6 4-6 7-10 7-10 11-12 11-12 13-15 SEEM3450 First Term, 2015-2016 7