ungraded argument

Cesar Herrera
Section 2
Argumentative Essay
Due Date Wednesday, July 1
Revision Might Be An Important Part Of Writing.
Revision has been an important thing in my writing. Some people might think that
revision is a waste of time, or maybe that they get it perfect on the first try. Well I used to think
when I would write a paper that my first draft was going to be the only drat. When I found out
about revision I discovered that you can make your paper even more perfect if you just revise.
Some instructors might let you revise to get an even better grade on your writing. My past essays
show that revision has played big part a big part on how clear my writing is. Should revision be
part of my writing process? I believe that revision will be used in all my writing assignments.
When I read “The Makers Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscript.”Murray (1973). I found
out that revision is done by a lot of writers some revise more than others. When I read “The
Makers Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscript.”Murray (1973). I was writing my essay “A Fossil
Named Ida” Herrera (2009). I discovered that revision helped me get that good grade that I
wanted. Revision made me realize there is always room for improvement. With that said about
revision I came to the conclusion that revision strengthens my ability to create clear writing.
Revision makes my writing clear because it helps find places where I don’t make sense. I have
had comments from people who have read and help revise my papers saying that my papers
make a clear point. I think I was able to make a clear point on my papers thanks to revising.
One of my latest essays has been “Should Advertising Be Less Pervasive and Show More
Ethics?” Herrera (2009). , in this essay I had a little more experience in revising, so that made me
come out even more clear on the paper. Revision in my opinion should be used by everybody
that enjoys writing for other people to read. For me revision has helped me get good grades and
made my readers give good comments. Most of my teachers and friends have recommended
revision as a process to improve my writing skills. Revision in my opinion should be pressured
to any person that wants to pursue a writing career. “In Monkey See, Monkey Do” Scarbek
(N.D) she gives a good example of how a teacher revises a paper and she keeps giving him
chances to rewrite it. So to me revision can be like extra chances to get a better grade or just to
make your paper clear. When I revise my papers I do it at least 5 times and I can say that every
time I revise I find a way I can improve my. So in a way I am pleasing the reader and myself.
After all the writing I have done lately I think that I have become an ok writer. To some
extent I believe that revising has helped me put my thoughts out there. I have read many articles
that have backed me up in this theory that I have about revision helping make things clearer. I
am pretty sure that there are people that believe that revision might be a waste a time or that they
write their paper perfect at the first time. I revise my papers more than 4 times and, to me it
makes me a better writer. My past essays can prove that revision has helped me in my writing
experience.I am going to try to make revision a very important part of my writing assignments. I
think that in this paper I have given my thoughts about revision. One of the most important
things that I believe that revision is going to help me in my writing is being clear of course and
also being able to accept good or bad comments about my writing.