1 Electronic Appendix 1. Calculation of grazing rates and grazing conversions 2 3 Calculations of contemporary stocking rates were based on detailed unpublished records of 4 stock numbers from the past 20 years obtained from the Department of Lands (Western Lands 5 Commission: Eldridge and Koen, 2003). These figures were adjusted for additional herbivore 6 activity of kangaroos (Macropus spp., 0.005 to 0.1 ha-1), goats (Capris hirtus, 0.3 to 1 ha-1) 7 and European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus 15 to 50 ha-1; Myers and Poole, 1963; Cooke, 8 1983), with exact densities depending on vegetation community (Bayliss, 1985; Cairns and 9 Coombs, 1992). Published and unpublished data were then converted to dry sheep equivalents 10 per hectare (DSE ha-1; e.g. Russell, 2010). The assessment of grazing intensity was supported 11 by information on grazing–induced disturbance such as soil erosion, stock tracks, dung 12 deposits, and the degree of shrub browsing, particularly by goats measured at the sites. 13 14 References 15 16 Bayliss P. 1985. The population Dynamics of Red and Western Grey Kangaroos in Arid New 17 South Wales, Australia. I. Population Trends in Rainfall. The Journal of Animal Ecology 54: 18 111-125. 19 20 Cairns SC, Coombs MT. 1992. The monitoring of the distributions of commercially harvested 21 species of macropod in New South Wales, unpublished report to the Australian National 22 Parks and Wildlife Service. 23 24 Cooke BD.1983. Changes in the age-structure and size of populations of wild rabbits in South 25 Australia following the introduction of European rabbit fleas, Spilopsyllus cuniculi (Dale), as 26 vectors of myxomatosis. Australian Wildlife Reasearch 10: 105-120. 27 28 Eldridge DJ, Koen TB. 2003. Detecting environmental change in eastern Australia: rangeland 29 health in the semi-arid woodlands. Science of the Total Environment 310: 211-219. 30 31 Myers K, Poole WE. 1963. A study of the biology of the wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus 32 (L.), in confined populations. IV. The effects of rabbit grazing on sown pastures. Journal of 33 Ecology 51: 435-451. 34 35 Russell A. 2010. Using DSEs and carrying capacities to compare sheep enterprises. New 36 South Wales Department of Primary Industries and Agriculture. Sourced from: 37 http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/farmbusiness/budgets- 38 /livestock/sheep/background/dse 39 40 41 Total current stocking rates (DSE ha-1) based on published and unpublished data on domestic 42 and native animal densities 43 Site name Grazing rate Current grazing rates (DSE ha-1) Sheep Goats Kangaroos Rabbits Total 44 45 Yathong Eastern Low 0 0.8 0.1 10 2.6 Cobar Common 1 Low 0 1 0.1 10 2.9 Cobar Common 2 Low 0 1 0.1 10 2.9 Cobar Common 3 Low 0 1 0.1 10 2.9 Glenwood Low 0.5 0.5 0.1 15 3.2 Cobar Common 4 Medium 0 1.2 0.1 15 3.5 Yathong Cobar Road Medium 0 1 0.1 15 3.5 Yathong Marta1 Medium 0 1 0.1 15 3.5 Yathong Marta1 Medium 0 1 0.1 15 3.5 Yathong Back Rd Medium 0 1 0.2 15 3.6 Nullawarra High 0.7 1 0.1 15 4.2 Yathong Airstrip High 0 1.1 0.2 20 4.4 Experimental Area High 0.7 2.5 0.1 15 6.6 Goat1 High 0 3 0.1 15 6.7 Goat2 High 0 3 0.1 15 6.7 46 Electronic Appendix 2. Description of the 13 soils surface condition attributes recorded at 47 each site (after Tongway, 1995). 48 No. Indicators 1 Description and relevance Type and method No of classes of indicator of measurement Range of values Surface Surface microtopography. Qualitative Five classes: roughness Rougher surfaces have a Visual assessment Small (< 3 mm) greater ability to retain to very large (> abiotic and biotic resources 100 mm) depressions 2 3 Crust The ability of the soil to Quantitative Five classes: resistance resist erosion. More Penetrometer to fragile (<3 N resistance soils are able to measure penetration cm-2) to very withstand erosion by water, resistance of soil strong (≥ 80 N wind or trampling crust (N cm-2). cm-2) Crust Extent to which the soil Qualitative Five classes: brokenness crust is broken. Broken Visual assessment Nil to intact crusts are more susceptible crust to erosion 4 Crust stability Ability of soil fragments to Qualitative Five classes: break down in water. Stable Emerson slake test Unstable to very soil fragments will stay stable intact with wetting 5 Biocrust cover The cover of surface Quantitative Five classes: biological crusts. Increased continuous Nil to >50% crust cover indicates greater Visual assessment cover A measure of the degree to Quantitative Four classes: which the surface is eroded. categorical < 10 to > 50% stability and nutrient cycling 6 Erosion cover Visual assessment 7 Cover of Deposited material on the Quantitative Four classes: deposited surface indicates erosion Visual assessment < 5% to > 50% material from nearby No. Indicators 8 Description and relevance Type and method No of classes of indicator of measurement Range of values Plant projected Percentage of soil surface Quantitative Five classes: foliage cover Visual assessment ≤ 1% to > 50% covered by plant foliage. Indicates how foliage protects the soil from rainsplash 9 Basal plant Percentage of the surface Quantitative Four classes: cover covered by plant stems. Visual assessment < 1% to > 20% Percentage and thickness of Quantitative Ten classes: litter cover on soil Visual assessment < 10% (< 1 mm Indicates stability and potential nutrient cyclings 10 Litter cover thick) to 100% (>170 mm thick) 11 Litter origin Assessment of whether litter Qualitative Two classes: is local or has been Visual assessment Local or transported from elsewhere 12 transported Litter The degree to which the Qualitative Four classes: incorporation litter has become Visual assessment Nil to extensive The percentage of clay in Qualitative Four classes: the surface soil Bolus technique Heavy clay to incorporated into the soil 13 Soil texture sand 49 50 51 References 52 53 Tongway DJ. 1995. Monitoring soil productive potential. Environmental Monitoring and 54 Assessment 37: 303-318. 55 56 Electronic Appendix 3. Assessment of measures of landscape function and soil surface 57 condition 58 59 The 13 soil surface attributes were assessed within 0.25 m2 quadrats. This soil survey is 60 derived from the Soil Survey Analysis methodology provided by Tongway and Hindley 61 (2004) as a part of the Landscape Function Analysis. Soil surface roughness is a measure of 62 the surface microtopography and is assessed by noting the difference between the lowest and 63 highest points of the soil surface. Soil surface roughness defines the ability of the soil to 64 capture and retain resources such as water and organic matter. Crust resistance is a measure of 65 the ability of the soil to resist erosion and is measured on dry soil. It involves assessing the 66 ease with which the soil can be disturbed, producing material suitable for erosion by wind or 67 water. Crust brokenness is a measure of the extent to which the surface crust is broken. A 68 more detached crust is likely to indicate material prone to movement by erosion, but can also 69 relate to the provision of potential microsites for the collection of seeds. Crust stability, which 70 relates to the stability of soil fragments, is measured using the Emerson slake test (Tongway 71 et al,. 2003). Cover of biocrusts provides a useful measure of surface stability because of the 72 tendency of cryptogams to stabilise surface soils (Eldridge et al., 2011). The cover of erosion, 73 either by wind or water, is assessed by measuring erosional features such as rilling, sheeting, 74 scalding, terracettes and pedestals. Deposited material is material that is deposited by wind or 75 water erosion and derived from elsewhere. Projected foliage cover is the percentage of the 76 soil surface that is located under the canopy of a plant species, assessing the ability of plant 77 species to ameliorate the potentially damaging effects of raindrops on the soil surface. Basal 78 cover is the percentage of perennial vegetation cover that extends into the soil. This indicator 79 assesses the belowground contribution of the vegetation to nutrient cycling and water 80 infiltration processes. The cover of litter is assessed, as well as its origin, whether it is derived 81 from local plants or transported from elsewhere, and its degree of incorporation into the 82 surface, i.e. how well the litter and soil are mixed together. Soil texture is assessed using the 83 bolus technique (Tongway and Hindley, 2004) and relates not only to soil permeability, but its 84 ability to retain water. 85 86 For a particular quadrat, the value of each attribute was given a score, usually from 1–5, but 87 sometimes from 1–4, such that a larger score equated with a healthier surface. For example, 88 the soil microtopography classes of <5 mm, 5–8 mm, 8–15 mm, 15–25 mm and >25 mm were 89 assigned the scores of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Thus a rougher surface implies a better 90 soil condition and therefore receives a higher score. The quadrat’s index of stability was 91 derived as the sum of the seven scores for crust resistance, crust stability, cover of biocrusts, 92 cover of erosion, cover of deposited material, projected foliage cover, and litter cover 93 expressed as a percentage of 40, the maximum possible score. Four of the surface attributes 94 described above (surface roughness, biocrust cover, basal plant cover, and a combined litter 95 index derived from the product of its origin, cover and degree of incorporation) were used to 96 derive a score for the nutrient status of the soil, based on its ability to cycle and retain 97 nutrients. Finally, values for surface roughness, crust resistance, crust stability, basal cover, 98 soil texture and the combined product of litter cover–origin–incorporation were used to derive 99 an index of infiltration, i.e., how well the soil accepts water. These indices have been used 100 widely to assess different landscapes worldwide and are known to be related with laboratory 101 and field measurements of their related processes (e.g. Tongway, 1995; Tongway and 102 Hindley, 2004; Maestre and Puche, 2009). 103 104 References 105 106 Eldridge DJ, Val J, James AI. 2011. Abiotic effects predominate under prolonged livestock– 107 induced disturbance. Austral Ecology 36: 367-377. 108 109 Maestre FT, Puche MD. 2009. Indices based on surface indicators predict soil functioning in 110 Mediterranean semi-arid steppes. Applied Soil Ecology 41: 342-350. 111 112 Mills AJ, Fey MV, Grongroft A, Petersen A, Medinski TV. 2006. Unraveling the effects of 113 soil properties on water infiltration: segmented quantile regression on a large data set from 114 arid south-west Africa. Australian Journal of Soil Research 44: 783-797. 115 116 Tongway DJ. 1995. Monitoring soil productive potential. Environmental Monitoring and 117 Assessment 37: 303-318. 118 119 Tongway, DJ, Hindley N. 2004. Indicators of ecosystem rehabilitation success. Unpublished 120 report. Available from 121 http://www.cse.csiro.au/publications/2003/IndicatorsOfMinesiteRehabilitationSuccessStage2- 122 100703.pdf. 123 124 Tongway DJ, Sparrow AD, Friedel MH. 2003. Degradation and recovery processes in arid 125 grazing lands in central Australia: Part 1. Soil and land resources. Journal of Arid 126 Environments 55: 310-326. 127 128 Electronic Appendix 4. Structural Equation Model procedures 129 130 The process of constructing structural equation models typically involves model specification, 131 model identification, parameter estimation, testing model fit, and, model re-specification 132 (Malaeb et al., 2000, Iriondo et al., 2003). This requires the use of theoretical knowledge to 133 develop a hypothetical systems model. Then, numerical data that represents variables within 134 the model is gathered, the value of unknown parameters estimated (Iriondo et al., 2003), and, 135 model fit tested. The testing of model fit is then repeated under the final process of re- 136 specification. 137 138 In the present study, the fit of data to the model was evaluated using a maximum likelihood χ2 139 goodness-of-fit test, Joreskog’s goodness of fit index (GFI), and the normed-fit index (NFI). 140 Under the χ2 test, a good model should have a P value >0.05, the better the data fits the model 141 the greater the P value resulting from the χ2 goodness-of-fit test. The GFI value provides 142 additional assessment of the results obtained from the χ2 goodness-of-fit test through 143 examining the variances and covariances accounted for in the model, thereby showing how 144 closely the model replicates the data. The GFI statistic ranges from 0–1 and typically does not 145 exceed 0.9. The NFI assesses the model by comparing the χ2 value of the model to the χ2 value 146 of the null uncorrelated model. The NFI ranges from 0–1 with values exceeding 0.90 being 147 indicative of a good model fit. 148 149 Consistent with SEM procedure, we used expert knowledge to develop a priori models to 150 present the predicted causal relationships among the variables operating in our system. Our a 151 priori models show the pathways hypothesized to explain the manner in which observed 152 variables influence infiltration (Figure 1) and soil nutrients (Figure 2). Ovals, boxes and 153 hexagons represent different types of conceptual variables, with no regard for how they would 154 be specified in statistical models (Chaudhary et al., 2009) and arrows represent hypothesized 155 causal relationships anticipated to exist between variables. Table 2 details the hypothesized 156 relationships occurring between grazing, shrub cover and our response variables, infiltration 157 (through matrix pores and all pores) and soil nutrients. 158 159 References 160 Chauhary, V.B., Bowker, M.A., O’Dell, T.E. Grace, J.B. Redman, A.E., Rillig, M.C., 161 Johnson, N.C., 2009. Untangling the biological contributions to soil stability in semiarid 162 shrublands. Ecological Applications 19: 110-122. 163 164 Iriondo, J.M., Albert, M.J., Escudero, A. 2003. Structural equation modelling: an alternative 165 for assessing causal relationships in threatened plant populations. Biological Conservation 166 113: 367-77. 167 168 Malaeb, Z.A., Summers, J.K. Pugesek, B.H. 2000. Using structural equation modeling to 169 investigate relationships among ecological variables. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 170 7: 93-111. 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 Electronic Appendix 5. Median values of the soil surface and nutrient response variables in 178 relation to grazing and microsite. 179 Attribute Low grazing Shrub Surface roughness (mm) Open Shrub Open High grazing Shrub Open 3-8 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 70.7 75.7 72.6 77.8 84.3 83.1 Slight Slight Slight Slight Slight Slight Moderate Moderate Unstable Moderate Unstable Unstable Biocrust cover (%) 41.1 56.2 32.2 48.5 20.3 17.4 Erosion cover (%) <10 10-25 <10 <10 <10 <10 Deposited materials (%) 5-20 5-20 5-20 5-20 5-20 5-20 Foliage cover (%) 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 Basal cover (%) 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 Litter cover (%) 50-75 10-25 25-50 10-25 25-50 <10 Litter origin Local Local Local Local Local Local Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Crust resistance (N) Crust brokenness Crust stability Litter incorporation Soil texture 180 181 Moderate grazing 182 50 word précis 183 184 In drylands, shrubs are often regarded as indicative of degraded systems. Our work challenges 185 this view and suggests that shrubs are associated with functional soils. Rather than reducing 186 function, we show that shrubs can moderate any negative effects of overgrazing on infiltration 187 and soils. 188 189