Scottish Government Justice Analytical Services Division Analytical Programme 2014-2015 This document sets out the 2014/15 analytical programme for Justice Analytical Services, highlighting the main analytical projects proposed for this year. Contents Section 1: About Justice Analytical Services .....................................3 1.1 Our Purpose ......................................................................................3 1.2 Our Approach ....................................................................................5 1.3 Our People ........................................................................................5 1.4 Organogram: Justice Analytical Services (at July 2014) ....................7 Section 2: Our Work ............................................................................8 2.1 Analytical Planning and Prioritisation.................................................8 2.2 External Commissioning and Contract Management ....................... 10 2.3 Routine Analytical Work ..................................................................10 2.4 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS)......................................10 2.5 JAS Analytical Programme for 14/15 ...............................................12 Section 3: Guidance for Potential Contractors ................................ 29 3.1 For Research Contractor Guidance: ................................................29 3.2 For Advertisements of Upcoming Research Projects: ..................... 29 Section 4: Sources of Further Information .......................................29 4.1 Justice Policy .................................................................................. 29 4.2 Justice Evidence and Analysis ........................................................ 29 4.3 Scottish Government Analysts: ....................................................... 29 Section 1: About Justice Analytical Services 1.1 Our Purpose The overarching purpose of Justice Analytical Services is: to provide analytical insights to underpin and influence the delivery of justice and safety for the people of Scotland. We play a key role in creating, delivering and communicating the evidence base for a Safer and Stronger Scotland. We are a multidisciplinary team and our analytical contribution comes in various forms including social research, statistics, economics, operational research and the administration that underpins analysis. We seek to promote the use of analysis to challenge and improve the policy and practice essential for achieving outcomes. We strive to ensure that robust evidence gets to the people who need it, is accessible, easy to interpret and is widely used. In planning and delivering our work we have taken full account of the analytical requirements attendant to the Scottish Government National Performance Framework (SG National Performance Framework). JAS supports delivery of policies that are focused on the key national outcomes of: We live our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger We have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient & responsive to people’s needs Our evidence shapes, informs and measures progress towards the vision set out in The Strategy for Justice in Scotland: a justice system that contributes positively to a flourishing Scotland, helping to create an inclusive and respectful society in which all people and communities live in safety and security, where individual and collective rights are supported, and where disputes are resolved fairly and swiftly. The Justice Strategy is explicitly based on evidence and follows an outcomes-driven and user-focused approach that has been shaped by our analysis. 1.2 Our Approach The strategic approach described above has been underpinned by robust evidence and it is our role as analysts to develop and further strengthen and communicate the evidence to improve policy, delivery and outcomes. We seek to deploy our analytical resources flexibly, innovatively and cost-effectively to provide timely, fit-for-purpose, qualityassured analysis that gives our colleagues the best information they need to improve public policy. Therefore in framing this year’s programme we have worked closely with policy colleagues to focus on a clear set of priorities to direct limited analytical resources to where they can have the greatest impact in supporting delivery of justice outcomes. We will regularly review these priorities to ensure they are responsive to evolving policy needs and external developments. We make an important analytical contribution through primary analysis such as compiling official statistics and undertaking or contracting research. We also have a key role to play in ensuring that existing knowledge and information – both internal and external - is drawn together and channelled effectively to people who need to know it and in a way that they can make use of it. We aim to increase our knowledge and enhance our analysis through constructive engagement with justice stakeholders, the academic community, analysts and policymakers both in Scotland and internationally. 1.3 Our People Justice ASD consists of two cross-professional units and a business management support team, as described below and illustrated in the diagram in 1.4. Justice Analytical Unit The Justice Analytical Unit provides analytical advice and support in the areas of both criminal and civil justice, working with a range of key stakeholders to develop a shared understanding of available evidence and to maximise the use and impact of this evidence across the justice system. This work includes the publication of key statistical data on both criminal and civil justice issues. The current work of the Unit has a strong focus on informing the Making Justice Work and Reducing Reoffending change programmes. This work includes the provision of analytical advice on courts and case management, victims and witnesses, tribunals and access to justice; advising on the impact and value for money of interventions for offenders, both in prisons and in the community; and on policies to manage and reduce the prison population. The unit also provides economic support across both the Justice and Safer Communities Directorates. Safer Communities Analytical Unit The Safer Communities Analytical Unit is a multi-professional unit that provides evidence, analysis and advice to the Safer Communities Directorate. This covers the policy areas of policing, fire and rescue, organised crime and counter terrorism, resilience, community safety, illicit drugs use and recovery. Significant themes in the unit’s current work are: police and fire reform; supporting the Advisory Group on Tackling Sectarianism in Scotland; and enhancing the evidence-base on drug misuse and treatment. The unit also produces a range of regular National Statistics publications using police and fire service data, and is responsible for the management, analysis and dissemination of the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS). 1.4 Organogram: Justice Analytical Services (at July 2014) JUSTICE ANALYTICAL SERVICES External number is 0131 -24(ext no) Nicola Edge Head of Justice ASD Ext 44501 Safer Communities Analytical Unit C2 - Euan Dick Ext 47408 Head of Safer Communities Business Support Team B2 - Elaine Brown, Business Manager Ext 40882 B1(TRS) – Willie Hunter, Administration Ext 40874 A3 - Fiona Hope, PA Ext 47100 Justice Analytical Unit C2 - Peter Conlong, Ext 47542 Senior Economist Safer Communities Analytical Unit Community Safety, Knives/violence, Reducing Crime, Drugs/Alcohol, Fire/Resilience, Crime Stats, Sectarianism, Police Organisation, Organised Crime, Defence Research, SCJS C1 Kirsty Bosley, Analyst &OR C1 Fiona Fraser, Researcher C1 Ben Cavanagh, Researcher C1 Sandra Campbell, Statistician C1 Neil Grant, Statistician C1 Katherine Myant, Researcher B3 Phillipa Haxton, Statistician B3 Linzie Liddell, Researcher B3 Fran Warren, Researcher B3 Jan Young, Statistician BFS Trish Campbell, Researcher B2 Neil Davidson, Researcher B2 Neil Henderson, Statistician B2 Vacant, statistician B1 Alex Reid , Statistician BFS Brendan Nisbet, Researcher Fire and Resilience Drugs and Safer Communities Community Safety Crime Statistics Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Police & Fire Reform Fire and Statistics Safer Communities Drugs and Safer Communities Crime Statistics Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Safer Communities Crime Statistics 47447 43282 41602 44603 46176 44085 41673 42424 42541 45459 46598 44949 44374 Police Strength and Performance Police 43079 43512 Justice Analytical Unit Making Justice Work, Criminal Proceedings, Victims & Witnesses, Civil Stats, Civil Research/Access to Justice, SCCJR-lead, Reoffending/RRP II, Sex Offending, Offender Management, Sentencing Policy, Reconviction Analysis, CJSW, Prison Population, Law Reform C1 Emma Milburn, Statistician C1 Debbie Headrick, Researcher C1 Catherine Bisset, Researcher C1 Elizabeth Fraser, Statistician C1 Michael O’Neill, Economist Criminal Justice Analysis Making Justice Work Offender Management & Rehabilitation Prisons Analysis Economic Analysis 45910 44737 42983 45908 45913 C1 Jenny Leishman, Statistician B3 Alan Fleming, Statistician B3 Tamsyn Wilson, Researcher B3 Gilly Diggins, Statistician B3 Alasdair Anthony, Statistician B3 Sacha Rawlence, Researcher B2 Vacant B2 Howard Hooper B2 Eileen Rospendowski, Data manager B1 Andrew Morgan, Statistician A4 Liz Martin A4 Vacant A4 Adele Walls Youth Justice Community Sentencing MJW/Offender Management & Rehabilitation Criminal Justice Analysis Civil Justice /Access to Justice Offender Management & Rehabilitation Civil Justice/Access to Justice Statistical Administrator Prisons Data Reconviction Analysis Statistics Support Officer Statistics Support Officer Statistics Support Officer 44297 47768 43842 49695 44373 43675 44931 42927 40085 42595 42931 42635 45428 Section 2: Our Work 2.1 Analytical Planning and Prioritisation The work of the division covers both an agreed forward programme of analytical priorities, and routine analytical work particularly related to the compilation of National and Official Statistics, ongoing project management and knowledge transfer activity. Analytical planning to develop a programme for the financial year 2014/15 followed a structured process of engagement with policy colleagues which was designed to closely align our analysis with current policy priorities and to the delivery of outcomes. Key priorities for this year’s programme include: Justice system insights and development justice change programmes - to provide the best available evidence and advice to support delivery of these programmes, in particular the Reducing Reoffending and Building Safer Communities programmes justice business volumes - innovative modelling of the systemwide impacts of actions taken by individual parts of the justice system with a view to improving future decision-making and enhancing efficiency across the system as a whole cross-justice “quality assurance” - working closely with justice organisations to develop a new approach to understanding and promoting system-wide efficiency and effectiveness, with a particular focus on the user perspective Data improvement and analysis Scottish Crime and Justice Survey - publication of survey modules, improved data analysis and dissemination, continued development of this flagship survey police data - delivery of key national statistics, essential data development and improvement including a key focus on quality assurance and support for Police Scotland and SPA to publish their own data youth justice and data linkage - investigation of available data and scope for data linkage in the youth justice area to shed new light on this priority area and inform the preventative spend agenda sentencing analysis - analysis of data on long-term changes in sentencing practice and communicating these critical insights to decision makers within the criminal justice system, especially the judiciary Research and evidence review hate crime and sectarianism - including research into the scale and nature of sectarianism, publication of hate crime statistics and evaluation of the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act violence and organised crime - review of evidence on violence and fear of crime as well as on scale and nature of organised crime in Scotland domestic abuse - analysis of trends in domestic abuse and impacts on criminal justice system and exploration of a “whole system” approach to looking at the criminal justice system response to violence drugs - providing underpinning evidence for policy including prevalence estimates as well as exploring emerging data on New Psychoactive Substances court reform - analytical support and advice to ensure that proposals are evidence based and developing plans to monitor and evaluate implementation Evaluation police and fire reform evaluation - programme of work to provide an independent and trustworthy evidence base to demonstrate progress of reform community justice evaluations - including an evaluation of Community Payback Orders, Criminal Justice Social Work reports and the presumption against short sentences, to inform and improve practice and policy improving evaluations of offender interventions - promoting innovative 4-step evaluation guidance, evaluations of the Reducing Reoffending Change Fund etc. Section 2.5 sets out the forward programme of priority projects for 2014/15 agreed with senior policy colleagues and approved by the Cabinet Secretary for Justice at the end of June 2014. The list of projects is organised by Unit structures within the division (see Section 1.3 – Our People). While some of the projects are new topic areas or introducing new methodologies to existing evidence issues, others are continuations of existing programmes. 2.2 External Commissioning and Contract Management JAS follows the Scottish Government consultancy procurement guidance in commissioning external work. This includes consideration of value for money, ethics and risk management. Further guidance on how we procure research and analysis is available in Section 3 of this document, along with details of where and how to locate and bid for work. 2.3 Routine Analytical Work Much of the routine work within JAS revolves around the collection, maintenance, improvement and production of statistics. These statistics form a vital resource to inform public policy and enable accountability in Scotland. They are a resource used not only by the Scottish Government but also by stakeholders, users, the academic community and the general public. Significant work is also undertaken in response to ad hoc analytical requests – such as answering Parliamentary Questions (PQs) and Freedom of Information requests. This work is an essential aspect of democratic accountability. 2.4 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey is a social survey which asks people about their experiences and perceptions of crime in Scotland. Its main aims are: provide reliable statistics on people’s experience of crime, including services provided to victims of crime assess the varying risk of crime for different groups of people examine trends in the level and nature of crime in Scotland over time collect information about people's experiences of, and attitudes on a range of crime and justice related issues An important role of the SCJS is to provide an alternative and complementary measure of crime to the police recorded crime statistics, which provide statistics on crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by Scottish police. 2.5 JAS Analytical Programme for 14/15 Cross-cutting projects Title Justice Quality Assurance Framework User Benefits Toolkit development, testing and application Support for academic institutions to provide justice evidence and advice Detail of proposed analysis Development and implementation of a quality measurement framework for the justice system, incorporating the User benefits toolkit work. Work to further refine and develop user benefits toolkit, to work with stakeholders to explore its potential application to inform benefits management, monitoring and evaluation, and Justice dashboard development. Also to design methods for implementation and take forward a cross-agency response to improving user measures and filling gaps in key data areas. Financial support for academic institutions, to support provision of justice evidence and advice. Lead Person Debbie Headrick Tamsyn Wilson Debbie Headrick Business volumes and criminal justice system modelling Costs of the Criminal Justice System To develop a model of the criminal justice system, and apply in the context of Michael O’Neill work on likely future business volumes and costs. To publish updated figures on the costs of the criminal justice system in relation Michael O’Neill to i) expenditure of criminal justice agencies, ii) unit costs of case stages for courts, prosecution and legal aid, and iii) community disposals. Economic and social costs of crime Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation - development of a crime domain Domestic abuse recorded by the police 2013-14 To finalise initial estimates of the economic and social costs of crime, and publish figures with an explanation of the methodology. Request individual level crime data (for selected crime codes) from Police Scotland. Develop data sharing agreement. Working with OCSP, QA data submitted by PS. Annual data collection, quality assurance and publication of statistical bulletin for 2013-14. Michael O’Neill Sandra Campbell Jan Young Hate crime - data collection and publication Scoping out the setting up of a new data collection on hate crime, quality assurance and publication of a statistical bulletin. To involve detailed discussions with a range of stakeholders including Police Scotland, SPA and COPFS as well as internal SG colleagues. Annual data collection, quality assurance and publication of statistical bulletin. Sandra Campbell / Jan Young To pull together findings from the SHS questions on discrimination and harassment with reference to findings from the SCJS module on harassment. Review UKSA requirements of previous review of SCJS. Develop any required amendments to SCJS. Improved dissemination of survey results. Review and consider publication of additional information on SCJS trends. Consider options for contract renewal. Increased policy engagement and questionnaire review. Linzie Liddell SCJS 2012/13 Drug Use module report Production and publishing of report the extent of self-reported illicit drug use ever, in the last year and in the last month and examines the experience of first drug use and drug use in the last month by adults aged 16 or over. Fran Warren SCJS 2012/13 Partner Abuse module report Production and publishing of self-report module report which estimates the extent of partner abuse, both since the age of 16 and in the last 12 months. Neil Grant SCJS 2012/13 Sexual Victimisation and Stalking module report Production and publishing of self-report module report looking at the extent of sexual victimisation and stalking among adults in Scotland. Neil Grant SCJS 2012/13 Microdata Release The SCJS 2012/13 microdata should be published via the UK Data Service. Will be first time this has been done in-house so will require additional work to set up appropriate processes and documentation. Alex Reid SCJS Civil data analysis Supervise, complete and publish the work to analyse the civil questions from the SCJS. Development of SCJS questionnaire (following on from 2014-15 review) through internal and external consultation. Will also require production of summary reporting outlining approach and outcomes. Alasdair Anthony Racist incidents in Scotland 2013-14 Analysis of SHS data on experience of prejudice Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) - Forward Work Plan SCJS Questionnaire Consultation Jan Young Neil Grant Trish Campbell Analysis of trends in young people offending Whole System Approach Justice outcomes Update previous analyses of youth offending and produce briefing paper, explore data sources and potential for data linkage. Assessment of Justice Outcomes for young people who have been managed through the Whole System Approach. Evaluation to be commissioned by Education ASD, but will require analytical input and data from JAS. This project has a number of strands including public/judicial understanding of sentencing; longer-term drivers of sentencing; public perceptions of sentencing; public understanding of issues such as early release, consecutive/concurrent sentences; impact of sentencing on reoffending; judicial decision-making processes; impacts of changes to sentencing policy, and role of sentencing council. Jenny Leishman Data Linkage in Justice To expand the analytical capability of Justice data, by facilitating the increase linkage of unit level data, in order to provide a better understanding of how outcomes can be improved. Emma Milburn Linking offender data from the Criminal History System (CHS) to the "spine" via the data linkage service Linkage - Transitions between courts and the use of direct measures Explore the feasibility of including offender characteristics from the CHS within the population spine - potentially focusing on linking offender data with the SLS. Joint project with ADRC. Emma Milburn Analysis of the transitions individuals make through courts and non-courts to identify patterns of offending following Summary Justice Reform. Gilly Diggins Extending provision of bail data Review the availability of data relating to bail and with a view to extending the data on the conditions attached to bail, the reasons behind bail decisions and factors in breach of bail. Gilly Diggins Redesign of the prison statistical system Redesign of Scottish Government prison statistical system to ensure it runs on modified IT platform. Elizabeth Fraser Understanding sentencing Jenny Leishman Emma Milburn IT infrastructure development Current focus is on re-engineering prison statistical system, with plan to appraising/re-engineering criminal proceedings statistical system. Longer term aspiration to enhance access to and use of justice data through improved IT infrastructure and support, improved data management, including metadata, system documentation and risk control, and increased access and accessibility (open data, building capacity among key stakeholders to access and use information effectively). Elizabeth Fraser Communications project Develop a strategy to improve our communication of evidence and analysis to Katherine Myant external audiences. The strategy may include improved internet/intranet/sharepoint sites, use of social media, infographics, developing narratives, better representation at conferences, and regular contact with leading Scottish academics and stakeholders. Justice Analysts Group (JAG) Organise JAG meetings; present findings of recent JAS work (and work by other bodies); seek agreement to collaborate on future analysis. Peter Conlong JAS monthly brief Monthly synthesis of topical justice information. Alan Fleming Justice Dashboard Maintaining and communicating Justice Dashboard Alan Fleming Civil Law and Legal System Title Administrative Justice Civil Law Analytical Report 2012-13 Detail of proposed analysis Collation of administrative justice data into one source. Assessment of 'costs of failure'. Follow-up report on the civil law stats 2012-13 release. This analytical report will bring together commentary on the court statistics with other relevant pieces of analysis e.g. on administrative justice, analysis of civil questions from the SCJS. Lead Person Michael O’Neill Alasdair Anthony Civil data mapping To determine what data sources could be employed in civil statistics and aim to understand their limitations. To identify data sources which could be used to inform policy decisions and/or be published in Civil Law Statistics in Scotland publication. Alasdair Anthony Civil Law Statistics in Scotland bulletin 2013-14 Civil stats: assessment of data on children in divorce To publish an improved bulletin on civil issues across Scotland. Alasdair Anthony Review data on children in divorce/dissolution. Alasdair Anthony Civil stats: Data Access, PIA, and Disclosure Control Policies Civil stats: Data development and improvement project SCS Management Information System review Create Data Access Agreement/PIAs, DCPs. Alasdair Anthony Analysis of ancillary craves Development of ancillary craves stats using case-level data. Alasdair Anthony Divorce and dissolution statistics publication Drivers and outcomes in Alternative Dispute Resolution Publication, implementing same-sex marriage changes. Alasdair Anthony SLAB led project exploring motivations for and outcomes of ADR in the Scottish pilots Debbie Headrick QA of data on aggregate, case level, and DR1 data. Possible secondee to SCS to Alasdair Anthony assess situation and implement solutions. SCS intend to review their MI system for civil courts. We intend to collate views Alasdair Anthony from SG policy leads/stakeholders and feed these into the review and try to ensure our own views are taken on board. Community Justice Title Detail of proposed analysis Community Reintegration Pilot Support for evaluation. Lead Person Sacha Rawlence Community Women's Justice Centres Evaluation CPO etc. Evaluation Support to design an evaluation, to hire an evaluator, and manage their work, including QA of outputs. This is an externally commissioned process and early outcome evaluation of CPOs, CJSW reports and the presumption against short prison sentences. Ongoing support including management of year 1 and subsequent evaluation, plus support to develop and implement a monitoring framework. Commissioning and management of external work on the unit costs of delivering community justice disposals/services. Tamsyn Wilson Criminal Justice Social Work Statistics, 2013-14 Data linkage remand and sentencing outcomes Development of reconviction rate matching methodology Publication of Criminal Justice Social Work Statistics at a national level derived from Local Authority Social Work management information systems. An update of the original pilot project using more recent data, which will include near complete S numbers from the prisons data. Review of potential methodology to allow robust comparisons of reconviction outcomes for different groups of offenders and testing of methodology in the context of community sentences vs. short prison sentences. Alan Fleming Drug Treatment and Testing Orders 2 evaluation Questionnaire design and analysis. Tamsyn Wilson Reducing Reoffending Change Fund Analytical Support Research on unit costs of Criminal Justice Social Work services Sacha Rawlence Sacha Rawlence Michael O’Neill Elizabeth Fraser Andrew Morgan Evaluation strategy for Criminal Justice interventions To provide leadership and support on evaluation strategies for CJ interventions, including drawing up guidance, providing ad hoc support, clarifying issues around statistical significance and control groups, and to ensure a clear line of sight to performance management frameworks and/or models of "payment by results". Comparing reconviction rates across countries. Scotland is collaborating with the Ministry of Justice organisations in England & Wales and The Netherlands on a project to generate comparable figures, building upon earlier work that was published by the MoJ. Linking data from risk assessment tool to convictions data and conducting factor analysis on results in order to identify the factors related to offending. Community Justice division is developing a range of potential options to manage and ultimately reduce the prison population. This will require further analysis of the impact of various options. Catherine Bisset Reconviction Rate Statistics, 2011-12 cohort Reducing Reoffending Programme 2 (RRP2) Structures Produce statistical publication of reconvictions of offenders discharged from custody or given non-custodial sentences in 2011-12, Scotland Analytical support for redesign of the community justice system, focussing initially on assistance with costs of different options and dependencies with the other projects (especially funding and performance management). Peter Conlong Reducing Reoffending Programme 2 (RRP2) Support for Throughcare project Reducing Reoffending Programme 2 (RRP2)- Funding Support Ministerial group and any follow-up work. Catherine Bisset Reducing Reoffending Programme 2 (RRP2) Performance Management Analytical support for the Performance Management project within RRP2. Likely to include logic modelling, development of intermediate outcome framework, metrics, and consideration of governance issues. International comparisons of reconviction rates LSCMI and convictions data Prison Population and Penal Policy - Analytical input Andrew Morgan Emma Milburn Peter Conlong Peter Conlong Assisting with revising formula for distributing CJA funds including providing the Michael O’Neill necessary statistics. Involvement in RRP2 funding group and development of future funding model. Peter Conlong SG Criminal Proceedings Database - Postcode Outcode Analysis 2013-14 Scottish Prison Service performance management support First part of post code now included in CP data feed. To carry out analysis of the quality of the information with a view to recommending how the information could possibly feed into the SNS site as well as be used in other areas of JAS. Refinement of logic models based on the new vision of SPS, which could be used to develop a more meaningful performance management system. Includes logic modelling of "purposeful activity". Andrew Morgan Catherine Bisset Update 'What works to reduce To oversee the work of an intern updating this evidence review. reoffending' review Sacha Rawlence Venture Trust reconvictions analysis Evaluation of Caledonian System Prison statistics and projections 2012-13 Reconvictions analysis Review Group To apply matched pairs analysis to offenders on the Venture Trust programme. Andrew Morgan Design, commissioning and management of an evaluation of the Caledonian system, to inform reaccreditation decision. Annual update of prison statistics and 10 year population projections. Sacha Rawlence An initial review of the reconvictions analysis programmes has raised a number of questions about the detail of the methodology. The group will aim to explore issues in to ensure that the analysis fully reflects the current Justice system and user needs. Andrew Morgan Electronic monitoring Consideration of existing evidence base on the success/impact of GPS-based systems, and potential use of electronic monitoring as a condition of bail. Collect data at unit level for community payback orders and drug treatment and testing orders for the year 2013-14; Liaise with local authorities over the provision of this data and the correction of any errors in the data. Lead role in the review of throughcare data. Also review CPO and DTTO collections in time for 2014-15 data collection. Catherine Bisset Review of criminal justice social work statistics Elizabeth Fraser Alan Fleming Criminal Justice Title Court Reform Bill: measuring success Making Justice Work: monitoring and evaluation Detail of proposed analysis Lead Person Development and sign off of indicators; development of measures for success; Debbie Headrick baseline data review; recommendations; design and implementation of pilots. Support for monitoring and evaluation of the projects within the MJW Michael O’Neill programme - advice on logic models and alignment to MJW outcomes, design and development of an appropriate monitoring and evaluation frameworks. Criminal Justice Management Information System Manage the data collection and validation of monthly data from CJOs, loading on to the CJBMIS site. Review calculation of 26 week indicator with COPFS. Update code used to export COPFS data from SG extract, communicate to stakeholders on update, review CJBMIS upload codes. To include working with Audit Scotland. Jenny Leishman Criminal Law and Licencing Title Domestic abuse Detail of proposed analysis Analysis of trends in domestic abuse and impacts on criminal justice system, liaison with SCCJR on possible academic support, and analytical support for proposed Expert Working Group. Criminal Proceedings Database A project to report on the Scottish Government Criminal Proceedings database; 2012-13 identify possible development opportunities, document database logic and to identify possible areas of risk in the medium/long term. Lead Person Debbie Headrick Gilly Diggins Offence modifiers/other recording issues 2012-13 To pursue data recording issues relating to modifiers, bail decisions, and the presumption against short sentences with CJOs to ensure completeness of analysis to inform and monitor policy decisions. Criminal Proceedings Additional Datasets 2012-13 Review and recommend further developments for the additional datasets Gilly Diggins which are produced along with the Criminal Proceedings statistical tables. Specifically around datasets for age breakdowns and further tables on offences. Analyse data relating to 2013-14. Seek to improve structure and commentary, Gilly Diggins identifying other improvements in data collection, processing and quality assurance where possible. Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2013-14 Liquor licensing statistics 2013-14 Publication of statistics collected from local licensing boards on number of businesses licensed to sell alcohol. Gilly Diggins Alan Fleming Drugs and Community Safety Title Detail of proposed analysis Data linkage project to assess Linking data on drug-related deaths to prisons data. drug-related deaths among exprisoners Lead Person Elizabeth Fraser Offensive Behaviour at Football - Evaluation of Part 1 of OBFTC Act Continuing project management of the OBFTC evaluation, being undertaken by Stirling Uni. Will be completed in August 2015. Ben Cavanagh Prevalence estimates of problem drug use for 2012/13 To work with ISD and academic experts to produce estimates of the prevalence of problem drug use in Scotland in 2012/13. Fiona Fraser Report of National Drug Related Deaths Database Provide support to ISD and policy colleagues with quality assuring the report and contributing to briefing. Fiona Fraser Research on drug misuse and older people Research to find out about the experience of older people misusing drugs in Scotland, what are their needs and how suited are current services to meeting them. Fiona Fraser Research on New Psychoactive To establish the prevalence of use, patterns of use and motivations for use of Substances NPS across Scotland. Fiona Fraser Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS) 2013 Fran Warren Provide ad-hoc advice on the 2013 SALSUS survey to ensure that DPU interests are represented. Attend Advisory Group meetings, comment on questionnaires, draft reports, etc. Scottish Drug Misuse Database Work with ISD to ensure that the quality of the data in the SDMD is as good as Fiona Fraser reports 2013-14 possible and to improve the structure and content of the SDMD reports due out in 2013/14. Sectarianism: Community Experiences of Sectarianism The project will explore the day to day experiences of sectarianism in 5 case study locations, to understand how people perceive it, how it impacts on them. Ben Cavanagh Sectarianism: Community impact of marches and parades Managing the externally commissioned research. Aim of the research is to identify the impact that a sample of marches and parades on the local community in which it takes places. Particular focus will be on events that may be considered sectarian. Linzie Liddell Sectarianism: Expert advice to projects tackling sectarianism To help establish a body that will be able to provide evidence-based advice to projects that are being funded to tackle sectarianism. Ben Cavanagh Sectarianism: Scottish Social Attitudes Survey (SSAS) module on sectarianism ScotCen are running a module on sectarianism in the 2014 SSAS. This involves asking respondents how they would feel about Catholic/Protestants family living next door/ marrying into their immediate family etc. Ben Cavanagh Service Evaluation of takehome Naloxone An independent service evaluation of Scotland’s national ‘take home’ Naloxone programme. The evaluation will examine inputs, the effectiveness of the process, outputs, as well as providing an early indication of impact and outcomes. Scoping of and undertaking evaluation of part 6 of the OBFTC Act. Some internal work, possibly externally commissioned elements also. Fran Warren Violence reduction: Understanding the link between football and domestic violence Analysing the ways in which domestic violence is linked to football (cause and correlation). This was recommendation of the joint action group. Linzie Liddell Work to establish the means of deriving prevalence estimates of Problem Drug Use in Scotland Work to establish a technical group to discuss and explore the most appropriate way to estimate the prevalence of problem drug use in Scotland prior to specifying the work for the next round of estimates, due for 2015/16. Fiona Fraser Building Safer Communities JAS will be involved in developing a performance framework and providing advice on the structure and direction for the programme based on the Improvement Science approach. Kirsty Bosley Building Safer Communities: Updating the literature review on Reducing Crime Up-dating the existing literature for important new evidence, filling in gaps and arranging publication. Contribution to handling and publication and follow-up events and workshops with BSC colleagues. Linzie Liddell Drug seizures 2013-14 Continuation of recent data collection to meet statutory data requirements. Sandra Campbell Threatening Communications: Evaluation of Part 6 of OBFTC Act Evidence review: Fear of Crime A review of existing data and research on fear of crime, its causes and effects and how it can be adequately measured. This is to provide context to existing work on reducing crime and why crime has fallen. Neil Davidson Neil Davidson Extension of MAPPA to violent offenders Analytical advice on targeting, potential volumes, and potential costs. Peter Conlong Firearm certificates 2012-13 Annual data collection, quality assurance and publication of statistical bulletin Neil Henderson Homicide in Scotland 2013-14 Annual data collection, quality assurance and production of a statistical bulletin Neil Henderson Offensive Behaviour at Football - Analysis of charges under Section 1 of OBFTC Act Analysis of the COPFS data on Section 1 charges. To include analysis of characteristics or accused and victim, nature and location of offensive behaviour and outcome of charge. Ben Cavanagh Outcomes work on drug misuse To be confirmed. Exploring how to build up a richer story of the place of drug misuse in our wider outcomes picture, drawing on work already being done in other areas of the SG. Fiona Fraser Provide quality assurance and contribute to briefing and handling for various routine ISD publications on drug use Provide quality assurance and contribute to the briefing and handling for routine publications, ensuring that the key messages are brought to the attention of policy colleagues and Ministers to inform policy making going forward Fiona Fraser Recorded Crime in Scotland 2013-14 Statistical publication on police recorded crime in Scotland. Annual publication which provides a measure of the volume of crime with which the police are faced. Sandra Campbell Recorded Crimes and Offences Annual data collection, quality assurance and publication of statistical bulletin. involving Firearms 2013-14 Neil Henderson Religiously aggravated offending: Analysis of charges under Section 74 Analysis of Section 74 data held by COPFS including data on characteristics of accused and victim, religion targeted, location of incident and the outcome of the charges. Ben Cavanagh Research on the impact of Welfare Reform on drug users/ service users Project to be confirmed Fiona Fraser Sectarianism: Up-date of analysis on structural disadvantage for 2011 Census results Violence evidence review: mapping prevalence, nature, typologies, measurement and impact Updated analysis of structural disadvantage that is included in the literature review 'Empirical Evidence on Sectarianism in Scotland' using the 2011 Census data. CAS statisticians will be doing the majority of this work. JAS to provide advice and handling. Updating previous evidence review to provide a summary of what evidence exists on the prevalence and nature of different types of violence in Scotland. To support policy work, and provide a rationale for engagement and funding of other organisations and projects Linzie Liddell Development of a single data base for alcohol and drugs To support ISD and policy colleagues in developing a single national drug and alcohol collection system - sit on project board and implementation group. Fiona Fraser Follow-up analysis to the report from the Expert Group on Substitute Prescribing To assist Brian Kidd with setting up and running an event to establish a drug misuse research agenda for Scotland. Frist task will be to map the research community and various funding sources in Scotland. Fiona Fraser Recorded crime - quality assurance of MKQ and ScOMIS data QA of MKQ data and ScOMIS data in advance of the preparation of the recorded crime bulletin. Preparation of a Technical report detailing findings/outcomes etc. Sandra Campbell Scottish Crime Registrars Group Participation in the Police Scotland versions of what were the ACPOS Scottish Crime Registrars Group and the Scottish Crime Recording Standard Counting Rules sub-group Sandra Campbell Linzie Liddell UKSA Re-assessment of Recorded Crime UKSA conducting the re-assessment of "Recorded crime in Scotland". Update analytical briefing note Update the analytical briefing note on drugs in line with new information on drugs published since the last update in October 2013. Sandra Campbell Fran Warren Fire and Rescue Services Title Fire - Planning and Defining Services Detail of proposed analysis HMFSI are about to embark on a project to consider in detail the processes which the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service applies in designing its various levels of service provision. JAS will support by providing data and analysis. Lead Person Kirsty Bosley Fire and Rescue Service statistics 2013-14 Collection and publication of the first year of functional data for the new SFRS. The formation of the single service requires reformatting of collection and publication. This is the last year that SG will publish these statistics and another project exists to manage the handover of FRS statistics to SFRS. Phillipa Haxton Fire Data Collection and Requirements Post Reform SG publishes incident data and FRS data annually. It has been agreed with SG, the service and the board that SG will publish the FRS data for the last time this year, handing over the publication to the service after that. Kirsty Bosley Fire data consultation Consult users of FRS and incident data to establish new formats for the publications. SG publishes incident data and FRS data annually. With the new single service both publications will have to change and we are required to consult data users on changes. Kirsty Bosley Fire Performance Framework The Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2013 sets out priorities and guidance for the new Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS). JAS have provided performance indicators and targets for the framework and will provide support in reviewing and advising on the SFRS reports. Fire Statistics Scotland 201314 Bulletin contains Fire and Rescue Services incident data for financial year 2013- Phillipa Haxton 14. The format will need to be revised to accommodate the single service and a consultation is underway to determine data users’ requirements for the publication. Fire statistics are currently handled in an Access database. Scottish Phillipa Haxton Government is ceasing to support Access so all databases will have to be migrated to another system. This project covers sufficient migration to provide data for the 2013-14 publication. Fire - IT solution and recoding of data to local authority Kirsty Bosley Police Title Serious organised crime: Measuring community harm Detail of proposed analysis Scoping a qualitative, ethnographic study of the operations of organised crime in one or more communities to establish its scale and nature and its harms. This will follow on from a nationally-based omnibus survey of public perceptions of organised crime. Lead Person Ben Cavanagh Missing Persons analysis Potential analytical work to support the missing persons work. Discussion with SG colleagues has highlighted a range of different interests including research what existing arrangements/protocols are in place for handling missing persons enquiries between various stakeholders, initial investigation and after care, how they differ, whether they’re used, where there’s gaps, proportion of successful outcomes etc. Ben Cavanagh Police - Data Sharing Agreement Work with PSoS and SPA to agree data provision mechanism for policing and crime data, and develop a data sharing agreement to reflect and formalise new arrangements. Police Officer Quarterly Strength bulletins Police Staff Numbers - PQs, ad-hoc requests, PSE consistency Quarterly stats bulletin used to monitor 2007 and 2011 manifesto commitment. Alex Reid Regular quarterly demand for Police Staff Numbers, PQs, ad-hoc requests, consistency/rationalisation of the JAS data collection with the Public Sector Employment (ONS) data collection. Neil Grant Policing performance management Support SPA and PS led-work on development of policing performance data and framework, methods for measuring comparative performance, including to support and inform monitoring of Strategic Policing Priorities. Define and agree future responsibilities for data collection, analysis and reporting, within the SG, PSOS and SPA. This project will be required to engage with stakeholders, complete the process, disseminate the results, and implement the plans (POQS and crime stats publications). It should also consider scope for PSoS/SPA to produce their own Official Statistics in the future. Update of previous analysis on recidivism patterns for sex offenders. Neil Grant The commissioned project will involve two activities: 1) overview and mapping of all major relevant data sources and 2) local fieldwork to collect qualitative evidence on reform in context using a longitudinal case study methodology. Will need to establish working group involving key stakeholders to improve alignment and reduce duplication, ensuring co-ordinated work between the services and SG, across police and fire, and between benefits and evaluation work. Katherine Myant Post Reform Landscape of Police & Crime Data Collection, Analysis and Publication Sex offender notification periods Police and Fire Reform Evaluation Neil Grant Neil Grant / Sandra Campbell Peter Conlong Section 3: Guidance for Potential Contractors 3.1 For Research Contractor Guidance: 3.2 For Advertisements of Upcoming Research Projects: Section 4: Sources of Further Information 4.1 Justice Policy For further information about justice work across the Scottish Government: Scottish Government Topics - Law, Order and Public Safety Justice Strategy - Summary Making Justice Work Reducing Reoffending Police Reform 4.2 Justice Evidence and Analysis Justice Strategy Evidence Paper 4.3 Scottish Government Analysts: To find out more about Social Research in the Scottish Government: To find out more about Statistics in the Scottish Government: To find out more about Economics in the Scottish Government: