Year 5 Writing Assessment

Year 5: Writing Composition (Writing Transcription - Please refer to the NC and Appendix 1)
Assessment of writing takes place continually as pupils plan, draft, write and edit their work across a range of writing activities.
Writing Composition
Pupils should be taught to:
Plan by :
Identifying the audience for and
purpose of the writing, selecting the
appropriate form and using other
similar writings as models for their own
Meeting the standards of year 4
Y5 & 6 objectives differ to Y3 & 4
Pupils can identify the text type by
naming it and its key organisational
and language features. With a prompt
they can describe a scenario for using
Working Towards the expected
standard for year 5
Pupils can identify the purpose of the
task – e.g to inform, persuade , re-tell
etc. They are able to identify possible
scenario for using it, and with support
can identify a potential audience.
Noting and developing initial ideas,
drawing on reading and research where
When selecting ideas from discussion,
pupils select the most relevant
information and develop/improve
these further to help plan their own
With support, pupils are able to use
setting and character descriptions from
known authors to create their own
(They may be similar)
Pupils can use modifying adjectives,
nouns and preposition phrases to
expand their sentences. They can use
fronted adverbials to indicate time,
manner or place. They can vary
sentence structure
Pupils can, with support, discuss their
initial ideas, noting them down in
suggested formats.
They sometimes draw on their own
With support, pupils are able to draw on
experiences from known authors to
create their own characters and setting.
Pupils can, with support (wordbank),
select appropriate vocabulary to
describe settings, characters and
atmosphere and is beginning to use
dialogue to provide information about
the character and the action.
No objective in Year 4
.vocabulary is chosen to add interest or
clarity. Adverbs are used to add detail to
action. Pupils are beginning to use
dialogue accurately to provide
additional information and to add pace
to the action.
Pupils can, with support, précis
passages to highlight the key
In writing narratives, considering how
authors have developed characters and
settings in what they have read, listened
to or seen performed
Draft and Write by :
Selecting appropriate grammar and
vocabulary, understanding how such
choices can change and enhance
In narratives, describing settings,
characters and atmosphere and
integrating dialogue to convey character
and advance the action
Précising longer passages
Using a wide range of devices to build
cohesion within and across paragraphs
Text is organised and there is
evidence of some ideas being
developed within and between
Pupils can, with support, select
appropriate grammar and vocabulary
e.g. the use of modifying adjectives,
nouns and preposition phrases to
expand their sentences.
Text is organised into paragraphs to
distinguish between different
information, events or processes.
Adverbs and conjunctions are used to
establish cohesion within paragraphs.
Working at the expected standard
For year 5
Pupils can usually identify the intended
audience and purpose for writing and
choose a suitable writing model to
support their own. E.g. an information
leaflet for fellow pupils offering
guidance and advice on a new sport
Pupils can discuss their initial ideas and
record them using appropriate
organisational models.
They can use their knowledge of texts to
support their writing.
Pupils can draw on what they have
learned about how authors develop
character and settings to help them
create their own.
Pupils can select appropriate grammar
and vocabulary e.g. the use of different
sentence types, including both simple
and complex sentences, appropriate to
the writing task.
They have an understanding of how this
choice can enhance their writing.
Pupils use adventurous vocabulary to
describe settings, mood and characters
in narrative writing. They integrate
dialogue appropriately in order to add
interest and pace to the action
Use summarising strategies to précis
longer passages retaining key
information. They can re-write passages
sometimes using their own words.
Ideas are sustained and some are
developed within and between
Developing their use of paragraphs of
varying length to achieve pace and
emphasis, and to structure the plot.
Working at greater depth within the
expected standard for year 5
Pupils can identify the intended
audience and purpose for writing
and choose a suitable writing model
from a range of familiar text types
which are provided.
Pupils can discuss their initial ideas,
adapting and enhancing them by taking
into consideration the ideas from peers
or from research.
Pupils experiment with different
narrative forms and styles they have
learned to develop and create their own
characters and settings.
Independently select appropriate
grammar and vocabulary, apply what
they know about different sentence
types. Understand how important
vocabulary choice is to enhance writing.
They are aware of the difference
between structures of informal speech
and those required for formal speech
and writing.
Through the use of detailed descriptions
and the effective use of dialogue they
add interest and advance the action.
Pupils can independently apply their
knowledge to ensure they include key
information when précising longer
Paragraphs clearly link and maintain
the main ideas across the whole text.
Using further organisational and
presentational devices to structure
texts and guide the reader ( e.g.
headings, bullet points, underlining)
Pupils can use appropriate and
engaging main headings and a suitable
sub heading for each paragraph.
Pupils can use some organisational
devices to structure their non-narrative
writing e.g. headings, bullet points,
which will provide guidance to the
Evaluate and edit by:
Assessing the effectiveness of their own
and others’ writing
Pupils can discuss in pairs the
effectiveness of their own and others
writing. They can make suggestions for
alteration and improvement
Pupils can, with support, evaluate their
own work and discuss in pairs or groups
whether the writing goals/ success
criteria have been achieved in a piece of
Proposing changes to vocabulary,
grammar and punctuation to enhance
effects and clarify meaning
Pupils can identify with a peer where
vocabulary dies not provide the reqired
Pupils can, with support, identify
where vocabulary is repetitive or does
not provide the required effect.
Through re-reading they can sometimes
identify errors in grammar and
With support, pupils can use the
correct tense in their writing.
Ensuring the consistent and correct use
of tense throughout a piece of writing
With support, pupils can use the
correct tense in their writing.
(not a Y4 objective)
Ensuring correct subject and verb
Pupils can, with support, use correct
agreement when using singular and
subject/verb agreement in their writing
plural, distinguishing between the (not a y4 objective)
language of speech and writing and
choosing the appropriate register
Proof-read for spelling and punctuation
Pupils can spot most of their own and
others’ spelling and punctuation errors
including errors with recently taught
spelling patterns
Performing Writing
Perform their own composition, using
appropriate intonation, volume and
movement so that meaning is clear
Vocabulary, grammar & punctuation
With support, use correct subject/verb
agreement in their writing.
beginning to distinguish between the
language of speech and writing and this
is reflected in their writing.
With support, pupils can identify some
of their spelling and punctuation errors
With support, pupils can perform their
own composition using appropriate
intonation, volume and movement so
that meaning is clear
Beginning to or with support
Recognising vocabulary and structures that are appropriate for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms
Using passive verbs to affect the presentation of information in a sentence
Using expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely
Using modal verbs or adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility
Using relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or with an implied relative pronoun
Learning the grammar in Column 1 in Appendix 2
Pupils can use an increasing range of
organisational devices when writing
non-narrative texts to guide the reader
e.g. headings, sub-headings may be
questions, bullet points to organise
materials, they may incorporate tables
and diagrams
Pupils can locate and identify aspects of
their own and their partner’s writing
which meet the writing goals/success
criteria – both those which have gone
well and those aspects which need
improvement. With support, they can
provide feedback to peers.
Pupils can adapt sentence construction
or use alternative vocabulary to more
effectively achieve their goal.
Changes in word choice supports
purpose more effectively.
With increasing accuracy, pupils use
the correct tense in their writing.
Pupils have an understanding of correct
subject/ verb agreement, apparent in
their writing. They sometimes use
standard English when appropriate
Pupils can identify many of their own
and their partner’s punctuation and
spelling errors and attempt to correct
With increasing confidence, pupils can
perform their own composition, using
appropriate intonation, volume and
movement so that meaning is clear
Independently and with accuracy
Pupils are able to use a wide range of
cohesive devices e.g. headings, subheadings, bullet points, diagrams,
tables, illustrations ellipsis, in order to
link ideas and guide the reader
Pupils can confidently give feedback to
peers, based on the writing goals /
success criteria agreed at the planning
stage. This provides some permanence
to the process beyond the assessment
discussions children have.
Independently make changes to
grammar and punctuation to enhance
meaning. Their use of vocabulary is
varied and appropriate and includes the
use of specific and technical words to
enhance precision and economy.
Pupils independently and with
increasing consistency, use the correct
tense in their writing.
Good understanding of subject/verb
agreement - reflected across a range of
their writing. Distinguish between
language of speech and writing; usually
write in standard English as appropriate.
Independently and with increasing
consistency, identify and correct their
own punctuation and spelling errors
during the editing process.
With confidence and enthusiasm,
perform their own composition, using
appropriate intonation, volume and
movement so that meaning is clear
Confidently, consistently and adding
concise meaning through the use of:
Indicate grammatical or other features by:
Using commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in writing
Using hyphens to avoid ambiguity
Using brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis
Using semi-colons, colons or dashes to mark boundaries between main clauses
Using a colon to introduce a list
Punctuating bullet points consistently