
Press Release
1st of October 2015
New REPLICATE EU project: ZABALA position itself as
large Smart Cities projects manager
36 European organizations are participating to this European Project corresponding
to EUR 25 million budget
REPLICATE ("Renaissance of Places with Innovative Citizenship and Technology") is a recently
approved project within the Smart Cities’ lighthouse call for projects (Horizon 2020
Programme of the European Union). It counts on the participation of 36 partners and a budget
of over EUR 25 million. Zabala Innovation Consulting has managed the project’s presentation
for the leader and partner of the initiative, Fomento San Sebastián. This is the fourth project
managed by ZABALA on Smart Cities in addition to EU-GUGLE, SINFONIA and the secretariat of
the Market Place of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities & Communities.
The cities of San Sebastián (Spain), Florence (Italy) and Bristol (UK) are the main protagonists
of the REPLICATE project. Those cities will be the starting point of many pilot experiments like
buildings’ rehabilitation, electric mobility, ICT, renewable energy and smart grids integration.
In a second step, the successful experiences of these lighthouse projects will be replicated in
Essen (Germany), Lausanne (Switzerland) and Nilüfer (Turkey).
The main objective of REPLICATE is to build a sustainable business model to promote the
transition to a smart city. Thus, innovative, organizational and economic solutions are fostered
to increase resources and energy efficiency, improve sustainability of urban transport and
reduce emissions in urban areas.
This model takes into account an integrated planning through cooperation between citizens
and local authorities and business models in accordance to the urban areas’ challenges that
can be applied in other cities. Indeed, more transparency in public administration is needed
and a higher consideration of the three aspects of sustainable development is required:
economic (reduced energy costs), social (avoiding exclusion, improving health and welfare),
and environmental (energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and better integrated
Involved Entities
REPLICATE is led by the public company Fomento San Sebastián and Zabala Innovation
Consulting is one of the partners. The project involves other entities and Spanish companies
such as the municipality of San Sebastián, Ikusi, Endesa Energy, Eurohelp Consulting, Intelligent
Lighting Luix, Tecnalia Research & Innovation Foundation, Euskaltel, Tram Company of San
Sebastian, Esade Business School, and Sistelec Telecommunications Solutions.
Pamplona (sede central) · Madrid · Barcelona · Sevilla · Valencia · Vigo · Bruselas · Londres
info@zabala.es · www.zabala.es Zabala Innovation Consulting S.A. · Paseo Santxiki 3, bis · E-31192 Mutilva (Navarra) · T +34 948 198 000
Press Release
The consortium involves also several British organizations like the Bristol Council, University of
Bristol, University of Oxford, Bristol is Open, Zeetta Networks, Knowle West Media Centre,
Toshiba Research Europe, Route Monkey, Esoterix Systmes, NEC Laboratories Europe,
Commonwheels Cic and the University Car Club of the West of England; Others members are
the Italians Comune di Florence, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Enel Distribuzione,
Mathema, Spes Consulting, Telecom Italia, Universita degli Studi di Florence Italy and Thales;
German: and Stadt Essen and Technomar; a Turkish organization: Nilufer Belediyesi, and
another Swiss partner: Ville de Lausanne.
ZABALA Innovation Consulting
ZABALA is an independent international consultancy firm (SME) founded in 1986 specializing in
comprehensive consultancy services for both R&D and Innovation management. Clients range
from industrial and services enterprises to regional, national and European administrations. Its
mission is to make innovation the key factor of competitiveness for both companies and
administrations. A multidisciplinary team of 190 professionals covers all the technical and
economic fields of our clients: engineering in different disciplines, socio-economic, legal,
journalism, administrative, etc. The head office is in Pamplona (Spain). It has branches in other
5 cities in Spain, in Brussels and in London.
We help our clients obtain the best regional, national, and European grants and tax incentives,
to contribute to the success of their R&D and innovation projects. ZABALA’s activity
represented 1% of the total budget of the Seventh Framework Program for Research of the EC
and represented a total return for our clients of 500 million euros. During the first year of the
Horizon 2020 program, 80 million euros were collected.
For more information:
Adriana Mendívil
Susana Garayoa
Paseo Santxiki, 3 bis · E-31192 Mutilva (Navarra) – Spain
T (+34) 948 198000
Pamplona (sede central) · Madrid · Barcelona · Sevilla · Valencia · Vigo · Bruselas · Londres
info@zabala.es · www.zabala.es Zabala Innovation Consulting S.A. · Paseo Santxiki 3, bis · E-31192 Mutilva (Navarra) · T +34 948 198 000