Hamilton Park Co-Op Ltd PO Box 647 Wangaratta Vic 3678 www.hamiltonpark.org.au Newsletter Keeping you Updated about Youryour Community Keeping you updated about community February 2015 Diary Dates: Friday Night Club Friday evenings at the BBQ shed – 6.30pm BYO everything. Thursday 19 February The Thursday Club Pub meal (venue to be confirmed) Friday 20 February WHAT DO I DO? Fire emergency workshop at BBQ area (see flyer in your mail box or on our website) BYO dinner 6-7pm, Workshop 7-9pm RSVP required. Monday 23 February Official Opening of Glenrowan to Hamilton Park Shared Path (see flyer in your mail box) 4-5pm Monday 23 February, Garden Club 10am at Tina Norton’s, Orchard Drive. Saturday 7 March Next WorkingBee Thursday 26 March next Board Meeting Board Members: Werner Vogels (Chairperson 57662896/0424751587), Caroline Robinson (Secretary 0434885099), Sheree McKenzie (Treasurer 0423079713), Gillian Anderson (Bushland/Parkland 57662397/0411111830), Jodie Gottschling (Social 0419130445) Greg George (Infrastructure/Maintenance 57662732/0478274014), Peter Ockenden (Water 0408313979) Reminder to all residents.. Water restrictions apply all year round at Hamilton Park. No sprinklers or watering systems between 10am and 5pm; No hosing of paved areas and other impervious surfaces, except in an emergency situation; and The compulsory use of a bucket or trigger nozzle on hoses when washing vehicles. ....Also be aware of current fire restrictions. ....Pruning pile is currently closed until autumn. Welcome to new residents! Santa was a welcome visitor at the annual Family Christmas party held early December last year. Alanna and Erin Hepburn from Mistletoe Lane enjoying their icypoles with the jolly red man who shall remain nameless but does bear a striking resemblance to a current resident of 37 years! Ian Wheeler and Doreen O’Brien have moved into 271 Warby Range Road. They come from Melbourne but Doreen was raised in Wangaratta. Doreen is teaching at Wang High and loves morning walks around our park and Ian is an engineer who is into bike riding. Hamilton Park Co-Op Ltd Newsletter Keeping you Updated about Your Community PO Box 647 Wangaratta Vic 3678 www.hamiltonpark.org.au February 2015 Hamilton Park Board of Management Chairperson Report Dear residents of Hamilton Park, Despite the first month of 2015 already behind us, I still would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year and all the best wishes for this new and exciting year ahead. At the time of writing, we’ve had a hugely successful and fantastic Australia Day celebration where Shirley Wilson very rightly so was praised and celebrated for her great contributions to the Park over the last decades, and a beautiful and nicely cooked breakfast was had by the many people who attended. Thanks to the organising committee and the grant from Wangaratta Council to make it all possible and support the event. Since the AGM last November, the Board has had two Board meetings and already now, it is quite clear that the new members bring with them a vast array of expertise, experience and interest. The willingness to take the Board and the Park further is quite obvious from only the few meetings and conversations we’ve had. We are taking stock of the assets of the Park, we are assessing and auditing the water-infrastructure of the Park and a range of other topics are being raised and discussed at Board meetings. Add to that the fact that great ideas and suggestions are forthcoming from residents and shared with the Board and we have a recipe for great opportunity and direction. We’ve had ideas re a Notice board, a play area, and you’ll find another item about road maintenance and improvements requesting your feedback further on in this Newsletter. As a matter of fact, the Newsletter has now a new editor! Bruce Meager has generously and kindly volunteered to take the Newsletter write-up and editing under his wing, and increasingly you’ll find new and returning items in an ever-growing HP Newsletter. The Board is also eager to take HP into the era of technology and social media, so we’ll update and revamp the website (http://hamiltonpark.org.au) , and there now is even a Facebook-page, a closed group for only HP residents. Maybe we will even start looking at Twitter. Onwards and upwards is our motto for 2015! More and more you’ll find that the Board is keen on getting input and suggestions from residents. With over 120 residences in the Park, there is so much expertise and experience, in addition to skillsets amongst us! We need to capitalise on that and put it to good use. Whether it is grant writing, engineering, consultancy, mowing, we would like to find out about it and hear from you! To that extent, events are being organised and working groups proposed to invite feedback and request participation from all of you. The Board always welcomes constructive feedback and promotes healthy dialogue. One of the forthcoming events that you may want to put on your calendars: Friday 20 February 7.00pm-9.00p “What should I do? - being Fire ready”, a CFA led workshop. A flyer has been developed and you’ll find more information in your mail box. So far, so good, our next Board meeting is end of March (we’ve moved to bi-monthly meetings), and following that, another Newsletter will be distributed. So if you have something to add, comment or discuss, let Bruce or one of the Board members know and we’ll slowly but steadily move to the stage that the Newsletter is from all of us for all of us. Onwards and upwards! Ciao! Werner Vogels Hamilton Park Co-Op Ltd PO Box 647 Wangaratta Vic 3678 www.hamiltonpark.org.au Newsletter Keeping you Updated about Your Community February 2015 WANTED: Ideas/suggestions from residents on how our Rural City of Wangaratta budget for roads infrastructure at Hamilton Park could be used. eg. Parking at school bus stop corner of Henley and Warby Range roads. Ideas to Greg George (57662732) or any Board member please. Around 50 people attended our Australia Day BBQ breakfast last month where a surprised Shirley Wilson received the 2015 Hamilton Park “Local Achiever of the Year” award from Rural City of Wangaratta administrator, Rod Roschollor, for her contribution to our community over the past 37 years through the Social Club. “I never thought I would be up for this, I can’t believe it,” said Shirley. “Just after we moved here we got together with a few neighbours to have a meeting to form a social club. It was a way of meeting other mums and dads and members of the Hamilton Park community. It was something we really enjoyed, and I think we got more out of it than we anticipated.” Well done Shirley! We have so many volunteers giving their own time through being Board members, Social Club, Gardening Club, Mowing Roster, water meter readers, fire phone tree co-ordinators, working-bee helpers etc to make Hamilton Park a great place to live. Your efforts are much appreciated. About twenty local residents attended the Turquoise Parrot Action Project information session last December presented by Chris Tzaros (pictured) and Janice Mentiplay-Smith. Because these endangered little parrots have been observed nesting near our arboretum area, special nest boxes/logs will be positioned in this area to improve their breeding options. We are indeed fortunate that Hamilton Park is a haven for many native and exotic bird species. Hamilton Park Co-Op Ltd Newsletter Keeping you Updated about Your Community PO Box 647 Wangaratta Vic 3678 www.hamiltonpark.org.au February 2015 Did You Know? That every year the Wangaratta Council makes funds available to HP for road maintenance. That where you put your rubbish and recycle bins for collection can have a detrimental effect on the road surface. Make sure the bins are not too far away from where the truck stops as the edges of the road can be damaged by the truck. That residents need to take care when working/mowing near their water meters because any damage is at the residents’ own expense. That many residents have agapanthus plants which have finished flowering and need to be dead headed so that the seeds do not invade our natural bush. That the dirt section of Orchard Drive is to be sealed. No more dust for these residents! We have concrete pipes surplus to requirements (you will have noticed them between the Arboretum and the BBQ shed). These are for sale to residents firstly and if not sold will be advertised more widely. Details larger pipes (2.4m length) $100; smaller ones (1.2m length) $60. Contact Greg George (57662732) if you wish to purchase any of these pipes. Turquoise Parrot Robyn Allen, Judy Shaw and Peach Thaithanan sharing the magic of gardening with Luci Molik in her garden in Warby Range Road at the November Garden Club meeting. Thankyou to all residents who have contributed to the newsletter. The newsletter is published after every Board Meeting (ie usually every second month). The editor is always looking for articles and photos. Please send to bmeager@bigpond.com One suggestion is to have a FOR SALE section in our newsletter so residents are invited to send in their adverts by the end of March for the next edition of the newsletter to be published early April. Hamilton Park Co-Op Ltd Newsletter Keeping you Updated about Your Community PO Box 647 Wangaratta Vic 3678 www.hamiltonpark.org.au February 2015