Offered Courses - Indiana University Northwest

College of Arts & Sciences – Indiana University Northwest
Offered Communication Courses
SPCH S121 Public Speaking (3 cr.)
Theory and practice of public speaking: training in thought processes necessary to organize
speech content; analysis of components of effective delivery and language.
SPCH S122 Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.)
Practical consideration of spontaneous human interaction in face-to-face situations. Special
attention to perception, language, and attitudes in dyads and small groups.
SPCH S223 Business and Professional Speaking (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): SPCH S121 or consent of instructor
Preparation and presentation of speeches and oral reports appropriate to business and
professional occupations; group discussion and parliamentary procedures. Does not count
toward fulfillment of arts and sciences Group III distribution requirements.
SPCH S313 Performance as Communicative Practice (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): SPCH S121 or S122
Introduction to performance as a communicative practice, focusing on performance as a
special artistic mode of communication and performance and as a special class of display
events in which the values and symbols of a culture and enacted before an audience.
SPCH S322 Advanced Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): SPCH S122
Advanced consideration of communication in human relationships. Emphasis given to selfconcept, perception, language, nonverbal interaction, listening, interpersonal conflict, and
communication skills in family, social, and work situations.
SPCH S336 Current Topics in Communication; New Media (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or consent of instructor
Extensive analysis of selected problems in contemporary speech communication. Topics
vary each semester and are listed in the Schedule of Classes. May be repeated once for
SPCH S398 Independent Study in Speech Communication (1-3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and approval of instructor
Independent study or practicum experience. Projects must be approved by a faculty
member before enrolling. May be repeated up to a total of 6 credits.
SPCH S400 Senior Seminar in Speech (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and a minimum of 21 credit hours completed in the major
Study of problems and issues in speech communication. Capstone course.
SPCH S405 Human Communication Theory (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): SPCH S121, S122 and junior standing
Survey of contemporary theories of human communication, with emphasis on the nature of
theory construction and contribution of allied disciplines to communication theory
SPCH S414 Topics in Performance Studies and Cultural Communication (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): SPCH S121 or S122
Examination of the relationship between performance and culture in specific domains of
social life and aspects of communicative experience. May be repeated with different topic
for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
SPCH S424 Empirical Research Methods in Speech Communication (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): SPCH S121, SPCH S122, junior standing and one mathematics course at the
100- level or above
Focuses on the objective appraisal of behavioral data in the study of speech
communication. Introduces the theoretical foundations of empirical social science and
offers guidelines for conducting descriptive and experimental studies.
SPCH S427 Cross-Cultural Communication (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or consent of instructor
A survey study of national, cultural, and cross-cultural communication in theory and
SPCH S440 Organizational Communication (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): SPCH S223 or consent of instructor
Examination of internal and external communication in business and other professional
organizations, with emphasis upon theory, techniques, practices, goals, and the social
environment in which such communication exists.
SPCH S450 Gender and Communication (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): SPCH S121 or SPCH S122 or consent of the instructor
Examines the extent to which biological sex and gender-role orientation and stereotypes
influence the process of communication. Focuses on gender differences in decoding and
encoding verbal and nonverbal behavior, development of sex roles, cultural assumptions,
and stereotypes in communication. Analyzes how the media present, influence, and
reinforce gender stereotypes.
SPCH S480 Personal Narrative Performance (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): SPCH S122
This course is designed to increase understanding of the vocabularies, theory, philosophy
and empirical knowledge central to the study of narrative communication. Emphasis is
placed on performance as a way of knowing and as a method of communication research
through gathering, transcribing and re-performing personal narratives.
SPCH S490 Profession Practice Internship (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing, 21 credit hours of completed communication
courses, a 3.0 grade point average in the major, an overall grade point average of 2.5,
faculty supervision, and departmental approval
COMM C320 Advanced Public Speaking (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): SPCH-S 121
Development of a marked degree of skills in preparation and delivery of various types of
speeches, with emphasis on depth of research, clarity of organization, application of proof,
and felicitous style.
COMM C340 Practicum in Media Production (3 cr.)
This course is designed to give students hands-on practical experience with all facets of
television and radio production. In this course, students will work with others as part of a
team in media production and complete a comprehensive and professional quality portfolio
of his or her work.
COMM C351 TV Production I (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): TEL-C 200
Coordination and integration of production principles for practical application in television;
emphasis on studio production of nondramatic program forms. Lecture and laboratory.
COMM C462 Media Theory and Criticism (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): TEL-C 200
Description and evaluation of various theoretical strategies that attempt to explain the
ways individuals and groups react to media. Critical analysis of several media with attention
to the connective and artistic functions of visual and aural components.
COMM M460 Culture and Mass Communication (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): TEL-C 200
This course is a critical overview of the relationship between mass media and American
culture. Course content will explore what it means (politically, economically, culturally, and
morally) to live in a culture in which a major portion of information comes to the citizen
through multiple channels of mass communication.
TEL C200 Introduction to Mass Communication (3 cr.)
Survey of function, responsibilities, and influence of various mass communication media.
Directed toward the consumer and critic of mass media in modern society.
TEL R308 Radio Production and Directing (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): TEL C200
Fundamentals of Radio Production and Directing.
JOUR C327 Writing for Publication (3 cr.)
A workshop for non-majors to improve writing skills and learn basic requirements of writing
for publication. Instruction in market analysis and interpreting specific editorial
requirements, in gather and researching background materials, and in preparing
manuscripts. Examination of various types and styles of published writing. Will not count
toward journalism major.
JOUR J200 Writing for Mass Media (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): Typing ability of 35 words per minute and ENG W131, or its equivalent
Small working seminar relating communication theory to practice in journalistic writing.
Emphasis on narration, exposition, description, and argumentation. Development of
evidence, and effective presentation of articles for publication in various mass media.