CATS College Canterbury IB1 – June 2015 EXAMINATION SCHEDULE AM=09:00 & 11.15 / PM=14:15 INVIGILATORS: IF YOU ARE STARTING AN EXAMINATION IN THE MORNING OR AFTERNOON, PLEASE ARRIVE 15 MINUTES BEFOREHAND. 5 Minutes reading time will be allowed at the start of the examination but the examination will start at the given time below Date AM/PM Subject WEEK 1ST JUNE – 5TH JUNE 2015 ONLY (Monday to Friday inclusive) 09.00-11.00 [+ 30 mins for x 3 ALS students in Economics] – 11.30 IB1 Economics Exam IB1 Geography Exam 14.15-16.15 [+ 30 mins for x 2 ALS students in Biology and x 1 ALS student in ESS] – 16.45 IB1 Physics Exam IB1 Biology Exam IB1 ESS Exam 09.00-11.00 [+ 30 mins for x 2 ALS students in Chemistry] – 11.30 IB1 History Exam IB1 Chemistry Exam 14.15-16.15 [+ 30 mins for x 3 ALS students in Eng B] – 16.45 IB1 English B Exam 09.00-11.00 [+ 30 mins for x 2 ALS students in French A and x 1 student in Italian A] – 11.30 IB1 All Language A Exam Mon 1 June Wed 3 June Where IB1 STUDENTS OFF TIMETABLE : WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY 1ST JUNE 2015 Tue 2 June Cands 33 2 [Room total: 35] 7 13 15 [Room total: 35] 5 8 Rooms 502/3/4 Rooms 502/3/4 Rooms 502/3/4 [Room total: 13] 27 [Room total: 27] 35 [Room total: 35] Rooms 502/3/4 Rooms 502/3/4 14.15-16.15 [+ 30 mins for x 2 ALS students in Maths Studies and x 1 ALS student in Maths SL] – 16.45 IB1Maths Studies Exam IB1 Maths SL Exam IB1 Maths HL Exam 09.00-11.00 [+ 30 mins for x 1 ALS student in Spanish ab initio] – 11.30 IB1 Spanish ab initio Exam IB1 French ab initio Exam Thur 4 June Periods 6 & 7 Periods 1 - 5 Fri 5 June IB Science Project (Physics, Biology & Chemistry students in Lecture Theatre (Brainstorm) ALL IB1 STUDENTS ALL IB1 STUDENTS ESS students = coursework in Study Area @ St Lawrence Periods 6 & 7 WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY 8TH JUNE 2015 EE Sessions a) & b) in Study Area @ no. 68 NDR 15 15 5 [Room total: 35] 19 5 [Room total: 24] EE Sessions c) & d) in Study Area @ no. 68 NDR All IB1 timetabled lessons take place this week (Monday to Thursday inclusive*). Friday 12th June 2015 – no lessons due to Science Project presentation/EE sessions/ESS sessions. *Some students will be excused for Science Project planning – Science dept will advise. ALL IB1 STUDENTS Rooms 502/3/4 Rooms 502/3/4 Study Area @ No. 68 [Room total: 35] Lecture Theatre [Room total: 20] & Study Area @ St Lawrence [Room Total: 15] Study Area @ No. 68 [Room total: 35] Periods 1 - 5 Mon 8 June Periods 6 & 7 IB1 lessons as per timetable IB1 lessons as per timetable but: IB Science Project Students only – supervision in Study Area @ no. 68 Periods 1 - 5 IB1 lessons as per timetable Periods 6 & 7 IB1 lessons as per timetable but: IB Science Project Students only – supervision in Study Area @ no. 68 Periods 1 - 5 IB1 lessons as per timetable Periods 6 &7 IB1 lessons as per timetable but: IB Science Project Students only – supervision in Study Area @ no. 68 Periods 1 - 5 IB1 lessons as per timetable Tue 9 June Wed 10 June Thur 11 June Periods 6 & 7 Periods 1 - 5 Fri 12 June IB1 lessons as per timetable but: IB Science Project Students only – supervision in Study Area @ no. 68 IB Science Project (Physics, Biology & Chemistry students in Lecture Theatre (Presentation) Study Area @ no. 68 [Room total: 20] Study Area @ no. 68 [Room total: 20] Study Area @ no. 68 [Room total: 20] ALL IB1 STUDENTS ESS students = coursework in Study Area @ St Lawrence Periods 6 & 7 EE Sessions e) & f) in Study Area @ no. 68 ALL IB1 STUDENTS Study Area @ no. 68 [Room total: 20] Lecture Theatre [Room total: 20] & Study Area @ St Lawrence [Room Total: 15] Study Area @ No. 68 [Room total: 35] All IB1 timetabled lessons take place this week (Monday to Thursday inclusive*). LW/March IB1 exam results to be given by teachers to students during lessons this week. WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY 15TH JUNE 2015 *Students will be excused for ToK presentations, and will miss only 2 timetabled lessons maximum – ToK teachers will advise. Thursday 18th June (pm) = Graduation Friday 19th June (am and pm) = No lessons as STAFF TRAINING DAY Mon 15 June Periods 1 - 7 Tue 16 June Periods 1 - 7 Wed 17 June Periods 1 - 7 Thur 18 June Periods 1 – 5 PM - Graduation IB1 lessons as per timetable but: ToK presentations – students scheduled individually. IB1 lessons as per timetable but: ToK presentations – students scheduled individually. IB1 lessons as per timetable but: ToK presentations – students scheduled individually. IB1 lessons as per timetable 2015