Computing overview for Barnes Primary

Computing overview for Barnes Primary
CS – Computer science
IT – Information technology
DL – Digital literacy
Year 1 Autumn 1
Unit of work
Software & hardware
Curriculum Skills
Using a Word Processor (6 lessons)
Microsoft Word
use technology purposefully
to create, organise, store,
General keys e.g. enter/return, space bar,
backspace, caps lock.
Google chrome
manipulate and retrieve
digital content.
Create a word document, changing font
style, size and colour.
Learn how to save a document and what
saving a document means.
Learn how to print a document.
Record composition ‘Moving into Winter’:
listen back and review
Green = CS
Blue = IT
Orange = DL
To record and listen back
to recordings
Computing overview for Barnes Primary
Green = CS
Blue = IT
Orange = DL
Year 1 Autumn 2
E-safety ( 1 lesson) Learning how to stay safe
Google chrome
Ipads: Daisy the
respectfully, keeping
(Smartie the Penguin)
Dinosaur, Tynker,
personal information private;
Purple mash (trip)
identify where to go for help
What should we do if something goes
use technology safely and
wrong when using technology?
and support when they have
Who can we tell?
concerns about content or
contact on the Internet or
Algorithms (5 lessons)
other online technologies.
understand what algorithms
Learning about directional language.
Learning what a command is and creating
are; how they are
algorithms for different app characters to
implemented as programs
reach different destinations.
on digital devices; and that
Unplugged activities – creating an
programs execute by
algorithm to guide children to mascots.
following precise and
Creating algorithms for your teacher to
unambiguous instructions
make a glass of squash and a jam
create and debug simple
use logical reasoning to
predict the behaviour of
simple programs
Computing overview for Barnes Primary
Year 1 Spring 1
E-safety ( 1 lesson) Staying safe online
What is personal information?
U/S Importance of keeping personal
use technology safely and
respectfully, keeping
Google chrome
personal information private;
information private.
Who can we tell when concerned about
Green = CS
Blue = IT
Orange = DL
identify where to go for help
W Drive on server
and support when they have
content or being contacted?
concerns about content or
contact on the internet or
other online technologies.
use technology purposefully
to create, organise, store,
Spring Term: Exploring pitch using Noisy
manipulate and retrieve
digital content.
Presenting Information
Making Powerpoint presentations about QE1
and QV.
Typing a title/creating a title page
Adding pictures with captions
Presenting to the class.
To record and listen back
to recordings
Computing overview for Barnes Primary
Year 1 Spring 2
understand what algorithms
are; how they are
Bee Bots
implemented as programs
on digital devices; and that
Learning about the different devices that
need algorithms (programs) to function.
Recapping on what a command is and
creating algorithms.
Google chrome
Bee Bot app.
programs execute by
Learning that algorithms are programs, but
following precise and
in human language.
unambiguous instructions
Learning about de-bugging.
Unplugged activities – planning a route for
the BeeBot, measuring the distance of ‘1
create and debug simple
use logical reasoning to
move’ and creating an algorithm for the
predict the behaviour of
Bee Bot.
simple programs
Green = CS
Blue = IT
Orange = DL
recognise common uses of
information technology
beyond school.
Computing overview for Barnes Primary
Year 1 Summer 1
Blogging and E-safety
Understanding why Blogs are written, how
Google Chrome
problem solving).
Barnes Primary
recognise common uses of
information technology
E-safety ( 1 1esson) Strangers online
create and debug simple
programs (editing and
‘comments’ work and creating our own Blog
posts for the class blog.
Green = CS
Blue = IT
Orange = DL
beyond school.
Why do we need to be careful when talking
Barnes Primary
to strangers online?
Blog Site
use technology safely and
respectfully, keeping
Is everyone who they say they are? How can (j2webby)
personal information private;
we tell?
identify where to go for help
Who can we tell when concerned about
and support when they have
content or being contacted?
concerns about content or
contact on the internet or
other online technologies.
Computing overview for Barnes Primary
Year 1Summer 2
Game designing
Children to design and create their own game
– debugging where necessary as they go.
understand what algorithms
are; how they are
implemented as programs
on digital devices; and that
programs execute by
following precise and
unambiguous instructions
create and debug simple
Green = CS
Blue = IT
Orange = DL
use logical reasoning to
predict the behaviour of
simple programs