Supervision of Pupils Policy - The Falcons School for Girls

A12 / E6
The Falcons School for Girls
Supervision of Pupils Policy
Policy reviewed by Helen Matthews
Review date: December 2015
Operational from: January 2016 to September 2016
Next review date: May 2016
Reviewer’s Signature: [see hard copy]
Head Teacher’s Signature: [see hard copy]
Please note: ‘School’ refers to The Falcons School for Girls; ‘parents’ refers to parents, guardians and
Staff at The Falcons School for Girls have a duty of care to all pupils in the School. Duty of care is a
legal requirement. The Head Teacher is required to ensure, as far as is practicable, adequate
supervision of pupils throughout the school day to ensure their health, safety and welfare. It is the
Head Teacher's responsibility to ensure that there is effective supervision of the school buildings, and
that the site is secure, so that all pupils can stay safe.
Supervision Procedure
At all times appropriate staff: pupil ratios are observed
Where supervision is determined by a rota this is (i) published on the daily notes via email and FROG;
(ii) referred to in the daily briefing notes.
The following table illustrates the school's supervision arrangements:
Break times
After School Clubs
Pupils Who Are Off
Early drop off in Lower School playground with two teaching assistants on
Teachers are responsible for the supervision of their class
All pupils are supervised by members of staff, who undertake break duty on
a rota basis. They are present in the playground at all times
Lunch is supervised by two members of staff; additional staff supervise the
girls as they go out to play at approximately 1.00 p.m., when the girls have
finished eating their school lunch. The girls are supervised in the playground
until lunch break ends and pupils go to their afternoon classes
Pupils are supervised by the leader of the club. Girls are dismissed for the
clubs by their class teachers at the end of the school day.
Pupils who are excused from games/swimming due to illness or injury will be
either: (i) in a form room supervised by a member of staff or (ii) at the pitch
side/hall/pool side, supervised by the teacher running the activity
Please see below for information on late club (after school care).
Pupil Absence
If a pupil is unable to attend school because of illness, her parents/guardians are asked to contact the
School Office and to give the likely duration of the absence before 9.00 a.m.
Pupils must not be left unsupervised in classrooms at anytime.
Supervision of Pupils on Trips
For detailed guidance on the appropriate supervision of pupils on trips and away activities, please
read the Educational Visits and Activities and Risk Assessment documentation.
Staff Absence Cover Supervision of Pupils
If a teacher is absent their lesson will be covered by a colleague or a supply teacher with cover
arrangement managed by the Deputy Head. Any problems in maintaining appropriate levels of
supervision will be reported immediately to the head or deputy in their absence.
When prefects are undertaking general tasks, they may be left unsupervised as long as a teacher is
nearby, in accordance with DCSF Regulation 3.7. Where prefects are working with younger girls there
must always be a member of staff readily available who must maintain an appropriate level of
oversight and supervision.
Late Club (After School Care)
The Falcons School for Girls offers a ‘Late Club’ service until 5.00 p.m. for children who are not
collected at the end of the school day or after the completion of a school club. Late Club is always
supervised by a member of staff; a First Aid trained member of staff is always on site during Late
Club. Where children in Pre- Reception and Reception classes attend school for longer than the
school day, the School will meet the ratio of adults to children of 1:8. At least one member of staff
holds a full and relevant Level 3 qualification (as defined by CWDC) and half all other staff will hold a
full and relevant level 2 qualification (as defined by CWDC).
Girls are given a choice of activities, and access to a healthy snack and fresh water. The activities
include: (i) free, creative play on the carpet area; (ii) a table for Key Stage 1 students and (iii) a table
for Key Stage 2 students. Where weather permits, girls are given an opportunity to play outside during
the late club session.
Where girls choose to complete homework activities, the member of staff on duty is available to assist
them with any questions they may raise or to respond to any immediate concerns.
The Late Club service may be used by a parent who:
(i) books their child in advance, or;
(ii) if a parent has not arrived at the normal collection time, at the end of the school day or after a club.
Parents are asked to telephone the school immediately if they know they will be late due to traffic, an
accident, work commitments or other issues, to avoid undue concern and to ensure the situation is
suitably managed in the interests of the pupil concerned..
After 5.00 p.m., when Late Club ends, the child will be supervised by a member of the Senior
Leadership Team. At 5.30 p.m., the School operates the procedure for an uncollected child.
Procedure for an Uncollected Child
Late Club ends at 5.00 p.m. From 5.00-5.30 p.m., any uncollected child will be supervised by the
member of the Senior Leadership Team on duty. If the child has not been collected by 5.10p.m., the
member of the Senior Leadership Team will telephone parents. The process of which follows:
At 5:10pm if a pupil has not been collected a phone call is made to determine what the circumstances
are for the delay in pickup. If the child has still not been collected by 5.30 p.m., the member of the
Senior Leadership Team will telephone parents for a second time.
Should there be no reply, emergency contact numbers that are provided on the child's file (held in the
school office) will be called until a contact has been made. The message that the child has not been
collected and that they need to contact the school immediately will be left on answer machines along
with the school telephone number.
In the unlikely event that no contact has been made with any person on the contact list, directly or by
call back by 6.00 p.m., the member of the Senior Leadership Team will try the contact numbers a
second time, and this time a mobile number will be left as an SLT contact number. If no contact has
been made with a parent or 'carer' at this stage, Emergency children’s Services will be contacted for
The SLT member will wait with the child until the child is either taken home or children’s services have
collected the child.
In the event of a collection after 6.00 p.m. the SLT member involved will write up notes on the event to
be retained in the child's records. The Designated Safeguarding Lead will be informed by the member
of the SLT and a copy of the records kept in the Welfare Folder.
Pupil Collection
It is school policy that all girls in Pre-Reception to Year 5 should go home accompanied by an adult. If
the teacher knows or suspects that a pupil is going home unaccompanied, or is taking a younger pupil
without an adult accompanying them, the teacher should stop them from leaving the premises and
inform a member of the SLT.
Pupils in Year Six may go without an adult if the school has received written permission from the
Lower School girls (Pre-Reception to Year 2) are collected from the Briar Gate of the Lower School
playground. Girls are handed over directly to parents or a nanny known to the Class Teacher; a note
is given if a different person is collecting. Upper School girls (Years 3-6) are collected from the side
gate of the Upper School playground.
Other Linked Policies
The Supervision of Pupils Policy is commensurate and should be read in conjunction with the
Safeguarding and Health and Safety policies. All staff and relevant stakeholders should see the
following relevant school's policies for further guidance and procedures concerning these areas; Aims
of the School, Ethos of the School, Vision Statement and Curriculum policy.
Policy and Procedure Evaluation
Evaluation and review of the Supervision of Pupils policy takes place on an annual basis. The staff
work with the Senior Leadership Team to discuss any changes or adaptations. Throughout the year,
stakeholders are encouraged to feed back information and ideas regarding the implementation of this
policy. Review and update may take place more frequently where necessary, and changes will be
highlighted to staff, parents and pupils as appropriate.