Workshop Title First Workshop Organiser’s Name, Author's Affiliation, e-mail address (Remove all author names for blind review) (Author Block style, bold Author Name.) Second Workshop Organiser’s Name, University, Abstract/Call for Participation The Abstract/Call for Participation should be 200 words outlining the purpose, topic and rationale of the workshop. This will be included in the IASDR2015 Abstracts book as to distribute to delegates when registered. (Normal style) Keyword1; Keyword2; Keyword3; … (up to 6)(Keywords style) This is the introduction of the Workshop with no heading and one paragraph space after Keywords. This format will be used for peer review submissions and to be published in conference proceedings. In order to maintain consistency we would like to ask the authors to follow these simple guidelines. Please format your Workshop proposal exactly like this document. Heading (Heading 1 Style) A Workshop Proposal is up to 4 pages of text in Normal style in this template. Sub-Heading (Heading 2 Style) In general, only two levels of heading should be used. Document Elements This section describes the specific formatting of document elements in the short paper template. It covers formatting of figures, diagrams, tables, references and author biographies. Figures, Diagrams and Tables should be in the text. Do not wrap text around figures and tables. Images Images should be labeled as Figures. You should pay attention to the size and resolution of any images that you use. Images should be: Horizontally centered on the page. An appropriate size and resolution. Placed as close as possible to the relevant the text. Referred to in the text as a figure (e.g. Figure 1) Captioned below the image in Caption style; captions should be centered. Figure 1: Example of design interaction Diagrams and Charts % of overall search time Diagram and charts should be labeled and styled as figures (Figure 2). 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Novice Expert Perceptual 16% 18% Procedural 92% 95% Figure 2: Percents of Perceptual and Procedural time during search for Novices and Experts IASDR2015 Interplay | 2-5 November | Brisbane, Australia 2 Tables Tables should be labeled as Tables. The caption should be above a Table (Table 1). Tables should be horizontally centred on the page. Tables should be text. Text in the table should be styled with the Table Text style. Table 1: Results of Multiple Regression Analyses Independent variables Unstandardised Coefficients B Std. Error Standardised Coefficients Beta r2 t Sig. Dependant variable: Time to complete tasks (Constant) Phonological transform reaction time Phonological transform accuracy TF Attention hit 935.776 223.235 4.192 0 0.016 0.003 0.55 0.559 4.838 0 -10.354 5.349 -0.203 0.674 -1.935 0.065 -8.715 3.398 -0.292 0.731 -2.565 0.017 -10.99 4.912 -0.233 0.777 -2.237 0.035 -2.675 0.013 Dependant variable: Percentage intuitive correct uses (Constant) Attention accuracy -44.277 16.552 13.805 3.470 0.513 0.556 3.978 0 1.237 0.311 0.513 0.725 3.973 0.001 -2.097 0.046 TF Dependant variable: Percentage correct uses (Constant) Phonological transform accuracy TF -46.648 22.242 2.543 0.683 0.521 0.377 3.722 0.001 1.115 0.399 0.39 0.521 2.79 0.01 References References should be styled using APA6 conventions. The reference list should only contain works referred to in the text. Individual references in the reference list should be styled using the Reference style. The reference list in this template shows some examples. Workshop Organiser biographies Organiser biographies should come after the reference list. The text of each biography should be no more than 200 words, styled in Normal style. References (References Heading style) Baudrillard, J. (2005). The system of objects (J Benedict Trans.). New York: Verso. Bergen, D. (2002). The role of pretend play in children's cognitive development. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 4(1). Retrieved from Desmet, P. M., & Hekkert, P. (2007). Framework of product experience. International Journal of Design, 1(1), 57-66. Popovic, V., Kraal, B., & Kirk, P. J. (2009). Passenger experience in an airport: An activity-centred approach. In IASDR 2009 proceedings. Seoul. IASDR2015 Interplay | 2-5 November | Brisbane, Australia 3 Schifferstein, H. N., Mugge, R., & Hekkert, P. (2004). Designing consumer-product attachment. In D. McDonagh, P. Hekkert, J. Van Erp, & D. Gyi (Eds.), Design and emotion: The experience of everyday things (pp. 327-331). London: Taylor and Francis. Organiser Biographies First Organiser Name (Heading 2) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam lacus nulla, pulvinar a, mattis ut, consequat sodales, elit. Ut elementum justo ut urna. Pellentesque volutpat, urna et fermentum ultricies, massa erat mollis sapien, sed cursus justo felis rhoncus pede. Mauris tincidunt diam id nisl. Nulla aliquam, ante eget consequat suscipit, turpis est faucibus diam, gravida sollicitudin massa sapie. Second Organiser Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam lacus nulla, pulvinar a, mattis ut, consequat sodales, elit. Ut elementum justo ut urna. Pellentesque volutpat, urna et fermentum ultricies, massa erat mollis sapien, sed cursus justo felis rhoncus pede. Mauris tincidunt diam id nisl. Nulla aliquam, ante eget consequat suscipit, turpis est faucibus diam, gravida sollicitudin massa sapie. IASDR2015 Interplay | 2-5 November | Brisbane, Australia 4