The Royal Łazienki

Rules and Regulations
of The 2nd Photographic Competition
‘The Royal Łazienki - Four Seasons’
1. Organiser
‘The Royal Łazienki – Four Seasons’ Competition is organised by the Royal Łazienki
Museum in Warsaw, head office 1 Agrykoli Street, 00-450 Warsaw (further referred to
as ‘Organiser’).
The Competition is organised according to the conventions laid down in these Rules and
Regulations (further referred to as ‘Rules’) and the generally applicable Rules and
Regulations of Polish law.
The Competition Rules are available at the head office of the Organiser or on website.
2. Purpose of the Competition
The purpose of the Competition is to:
promote, particularly among young people, the art of photography as a form of artistic
expression, as well as one of the best media forms of interpersonal communication;
discover the magical places of the Royal Łazienki in Warsaw, the Summer Residence
of King Stanisław August, and positively emphasize the character of this location;
promote the Royal Łazienki in Warsaw;
encourage people to discover new places in Royal Łazienki besides those already
known to the public;
find out about the individual perspectives visitors to Royal Łazienki have of the
3. Participants
The Competition is open to anyone taking photos, amateur as well as professional, (further
referred to as ‘Participant’).
A condition of participation is registering for the Competition.
4. Conditions for joining the Competition, timetable
The Competition lasts from 1st January 2014 until 15th November 2014.
The conditions for joining the Competition are:
1. registering with the ‘Photographic Competition: Royal Łazienki - Four Seasons’
module, which can be found on the website.
2. filling out the application form (downloadable from the
website as module mentioned above)
3. accepting the terms and conditions of participating in the Competition (‘Competition
Participant’s Declaration’ on the Competition website).
Competition entries can only be submitted by a Participant who has fulfilled all the above
mentioned formal requirements.
To compete in the Competition the photos must fulfil the technical requirements laid down
in the Rules and be sent to the Organiser in the time stated in the Rules, that is,
reach the Organiser on 15th November 2014 at the latest.
Royal Łazienki - Four Seasons’ module available on the website.
By submitting a photo (or photos) to the Competition, the Participant confirms that he/she
is aware of the Rules and accepts their conditions.
During the time of the Competition the logged-in Participants will be able to vote for photos
of other Participants. Participants can log on through the ‘Photographic Competition:
Royal Łazienki - Four Seasons’ module available on the website.
During the Competition an up-to-date ranking will be made of the photos assessed in the
current month and specific season. The best photos of the month and season will be chosen
based on Participants votes.
The monthly ranking scores will not influence the final result of the Competition.
5. Requirements for entries
The photos sent as Competition entries must fulfil the following requirements:
they must relate to the topic/theme of the Competition;
they must be taken in 2014 in the Royal Łazienki in Warsaw;
they must be sent as digital files in JPG format, compression 10, in colour (RGB)
or greyscale, the longer side no less than 20 centimetres, 300 dpi resolution, the file
size not exceeding 10 MB-s.;
additionally, participants can submit, at their own risk, photographs made with a cell
phone. The submitted photos have to meet the technical requirements stated in the
Rules and Regulations of the Competition.
One Participant can send no more than 5 photos. It is up to the Participant to decide
the number of photos dedicated to each season. Should a Participant send more photos,
the Organiser reserves the right to select the 5 photos at random, without taking the other
photos by the Participant into account.
The Participant can change the photos entered during the Competition on the Competition’s
6. Competition end and results
The Competition will end on 30th November 2014.
The assessment of the entries and the verdict will be made by a jury consisting of:
Tadeusz Zielniewicz, the director of the Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw;
Czesław Czapliński, photographer, journalist, documentary film-maker;
Franciszek Maśluszczak, painter, graphic artist;
Paweł Pierściński, photographer, author of over 200 landscape exhibitions;
Andrzej Strumiłło, painter, graphic artist, sculptor, photographer, poet, writer,
The jury’s verdict is final.
The results will be announced on 30th November 2014 on the Royal Łazienki Museum
in Warsaw website,
The winners of the Competition will be informed of the results by e-mail and/or registered
mail within 30 days of the ending of the Competition. The results will be sent to the address
as written in the entry form. Should the winner of the Competition fail to provide contact
details, the jury has the right (on a discretionary basis) to, either, opt for a different selection,
or, to summon the winner to submit their data by publishing the winning photo (or photos)
on the website, and call for the creator of the photos to contact
the Organiser. Should the creator of the published photo (or photos) fail to contact
the Organiser within three business days from the date of the entry’s publication
on the Internet, the Organiser will select a different winner.
The Organiser reserves the right to use the winning photos in the Organiser’s advertising
campaigns and/or its use as publicity material, without the obligation of remunerating
the creator of the photos. The Organiser is under no obligation of having to make any use
of the photos. Use of the photos is at the discretion of the Organiser.
7. Awards
The Competition winning entries will be displayed during the Competition exhibition
Gallery on
Warsaw. The exhibition is scheduled for the Spring of 2015.
A special award for the Competition winners will be participation in ‘Workshops Under
the Eye of the Master’, scheduled for the Spring of 2015.
Each winner will also receive a ‘Royal Łazienki in Warsaw – Four Seasons’ album,
by Czesław Czapliński.
8. Additional provisions
The Organiser will not reimburse the Participants for any expenditure made in connection
with their participation in the Competition.
Should the rights of any third party to the submitted entry(s) be infringed any liability
involved is fully the Competition’s Participant’s.
The Organiser reserves the right to use the entries in publications and publicity materials.
The Competition Participants are not entitled to any payment for the usage of their entries
in promoting the Competition and the Royal Łazienki in Warsaw, to which each Participant
agrees by the fact of registering for the Competition.
Winning Competition works and honourable mentions are to be the property of the Organiser.
By sending the entry to the Competition the Participant transfers, free of charge, the property
rights in all fields of exploitation known in Polish law on the day of the entry being submitted,
without any time or territorial constraints. This is particularly appropriate with reference to:
1. distribution of copies of the work in any form, for example, but not exclusively,
in books and CD-ROM-s;
2. uploading the entire work or fragments of it onto a computerized base and public
sharing of the work in a way that would make the work available and accessible to all
persons with access to the work anytime and anywhere they choose (including the
3. using of the entire work or fragments of it in the Organiser’s informational
and publicity materials, printed or electronic (online).
The Participant is obliged to irrevocably, unconditionally, and immediately, mitigate
the Organiser from any liability which could be imposed on the Organiser by any court of law
for the work’s infringement of the rights of third parties, including copyright, even if the
judgment is pending appeal.
9. Complaint procedure
Complaints cannot be made concerning the verdict(s) as pronounced by the jury.
The verdict(s) are an expression of a subjective evaluation of the entries by the members
of the jury.
The proper conduct of the Competition will be overseen by a supervisory committee
consisting of:
Aleksandra Ciszewska, Esq., solicitor
Katarzyna Obuchowicz-Skopiec – The Director’s Advisor for Strategic Sponsoring
and Image Events
Alicja Prętka – Statistics, Calendar and Budget Specialist
Any persons with a justifiable objection(s) to the way the Competition is carried out due to
conduct inconsistency(ies) within the currently applicable conventions of Polish law,
including these above Rules, can submit their objections in writing by e-mail
(with confirmation of delivery) or by regular mail (registered mail) within 3 (three) days
of the date on which the irregularity(ies) has been noticed, but no sooner than within two
weeks from the announcement of the Competition’s results, to the following addresses: or Dział
i Marketingu
Marketing Department), Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw, 1 Agrykoli Street, 00-460
The objection(s) will be considered by the supervisory committee within 10 (ten) days
from the day of the objection(s) reaching the Organiser. The decision as to the validity
of the objection(s) will be sent to the person making the objection(s) by registered mail
to the address given in the objection(s).
10. Final provisions
The Organiser can introduce changes to the provisions as laid down in the above Rules.
The Organiser can cancel the Competition at any moment, without deciding on the winners,
and without giving reasons for the decision.
Participation in the Competition is voluntary.
Competition Participants agree that the Organiser has the right of the recording
and processing of their personal data. Competition Participants have the right to access their
data and correct them.
In cases that are not regulated by these above Rules the applicable Polish law(s) will be
applied, particularly the provisions of the civil code and the act of 4th February 1994,
concerning copyright laws and related laws (Journal of Laws of 2000, issue 80, entry 904,
with successive changes).