Sample Bylaws Lambda Sigma Society ____________ Chapter ARTICLE I. NAME The name of this organization shall be Lambda Sigma Society, ______________chapter. ARTICLE 11. PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be to foster leadership, scholarship, fellowship, and the spirit of service among college students; to promote leadership among second year students; and to serve the interest of the college or university and community in every way possible. ARTICLE 111. MEMBERSHIP There shall be three classes of chapter membership: active, alumni, and honorary. SECTION 1. Candidates for membership shall be considered in the spring term/semester of their first academic year. They shall have completed at least one academic term/semester at this institution and have shown promise of leadership and service during their first year. These members shall be active during their second year. SECTION 2. Alumni members shall be students who have completed their year of active membership in Lambda Sigma. SECTION 3. Honorary membership may be conferred by unanimous vote of the chapter to a person who has given distinguished service to the college, university or Lambda Sigma provided the request has been approved by the chapter advisor(s). Honorary members may have all privileges except voting in chapter matters. SECTION 4. The chapter shall establish attendance and participation policies, approved by the national board, for maintaining good standing within the chapter. These shall be provided to each member along with the dismissal procedures for failure to abide by the policies. SECTION 4. Members may be dismissed if they fail to meet the obligations of membership with a majority vote of the chapter with final approval of the chapter advisor(s). ARTICLE 1V. SELECTION OF LAMBDA SIGMA MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1. To be eligible for membership a first-year student must have an overall grade point average of a ______ or higher and must have shown promise of leadership during his or her first year. SECTION 2. The selection of members shall be in accordance with the processes and rituals established by the national organization. (Explain your selection process) SECTION 3. New members shall be informed of the organization in a ritual known as the Gift of Acquaintance. They will be apprised of their membership in a ritual known as the Gift of Colors. They shall have the opportunity to accept membership through the Gift of Choice and shall, through the Gift of Knowledge, show evidence of understanding the nature of Lambda Sigma membership. New members shall be initiated in a ceremony known as the Gift of Fellowship. ARTICLE V. OFFICERS AND ELECTIONS. SECTION 1. After selection and before initiation, the chapter shall elect the following officers: president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. (Other officers as deemed necessary may be elected or appointed). SECTION 2. (Describe the specific nominating and election process approved by the national board) SECTION 3. Vacancies in chapter offices shall be filled by a new election as soon as possible after the vacancy occurs. ARTICLE V1. DUTIES SECTION 1. The president shall preside over all meetings of the chapter and the executive committee, and shall perform the ordinary duties pertaining to the office. The president must also attend the National Presidents Conference held in the fall of each year and oversee the submission of all required reports. Required reports completed by the president include the Mid-Year Status Report and President’s Annual Report. SECTION 2.The vice-president shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the president whenever the president is unable to perform the duties of the office and serve as an ex officio member of all committees. (List other responsibilities). SECTION 3. The secretary shall keep the minutes and records of attendance of all meetings, including the points accumulated as part of the chapter's point system if utilized. SECTION 4. The treasurer shall keep a financial record of the organization and pay its accounts. The year-end Treasurer’s Report along with national dues for each new member, the Initiate List, and the conference assessment fee must be sent to the National Executive Secretary at the close of the school year. SECTION 5. (DUTIES OF ANY OTHER OFFICER) ARTICLE V11. STANDING COMMITTEES The chapter shall have the following standing committees: membership, ritual, service, and social. (Include others if needed) ARTICLE V111. ADVISORS AND DUTIES SECTION 1. The chapter shall have at least one and preferably two faculty or administrative advisors from the university or college. SECTION 2. The faculty and/or administrative advisor shall meet with the chapter, supervise the preparation for electing new members, advise the chapter officers, and perform any function deemed necessary for the welfare and progress of the chapter. The Advisor’s Report must be submitted at the end of the year. One advisor must co-sign the Mid-Year Status Report, President’s Report and Treasurer’s Annual Reports. SECTION 3. The chapter shall have one currently enrolled alumnus as an advisor who shall advise the chapter officers as needed. (Explain how selected or appointed) ARTICLE 1X. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SECTION 1. The executive committee shall consist of the elected positions, the alumni advisor(s), and the chapter advisor(s). This committee shall set the agenda for each meeting and transact any emergency business. Reports shall be made at each Lambda Sigma meeting of all executive council meetings. SECTION 2. The executive committee shall meet at least twice a month while school is in session ARTICLE X. MEETINGS SECTION 1. The chapter shall meet at least twice a month when school is in session. SECTION 2. The chapter shall be called a special meeting whenever the president or the advisor deems such a meeting necessary. ARTICLE X1. DUES The initiation fee shall be ________, which includes national and local dues. (Include anything else such as a t-shirt). All dues must be paid in full before a member is initiated during the Gift of Fellowship. ARTICLE X11. AMENDMENTS These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting or special meetings of the chapter by a _________________ vote of the _________present. Any bylaw revision shall be binding immediately upon national board approval. Revised _________