March 16

Mount Union Church of the Brethren
Pastor Greg Fleshman
9420 Bent Mountain Road, Bent Mountain, VA 24059
Church 929-4792
Cell: 540-588-2551
Parsonage: 929-4111
Sunday School Fellowship 9:15 am - Sunday School 9:30 am
Morning Worship 10:30 am
Door Greeters
Children’s Church
Pre-Teen Ministry
Prelude and Lighting of Candles
Call to Worship by the Choir:
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
*Congregational Song:
God Is So Good
Welcome & Announcements
Invocation Prayer
The Old Rugged Cross
Sarah Stasik
Cindy Windel
Christine Thompson
Shawn Holt
Gene Wimmer
Stephen Kesteron
Robin Walters
Gearline Yopp
Carol Minnix
Melissa Sutphin
Harry Waldron
March 23
Margaret Shepherd
William Walters
Robin Walters
Brian Wilson
Glenn Waldron
Greg Fleshman
Rachel Stump
Libby Wagoner
Susan Thompson
Brian Wilson
Sarah Stasik
Scheduled Meetings and Events
Wednesday, Mar 19 Pastor Greg at Church, 10am – noon
Pastoral Board Meeting at 5:30 pm
Bible Study at 6:30 pm
Choir Practice at 7:30 pm
Thursday, Mar 20
Tithes & Offerings with Prayer
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures
here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father,
Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Bethany Presentation at 6:00 pm
Reimagining Ministries with
Tara Shepherd (RSVP required)
Sun, Mar 30
Offering for the Benevolence Fund
Nursing Home Service at Skyline Manor at 2:00 pm
Sat, April 5
Prayer Team Breakfast at 8:00 am
Sun, April 6
Church Board Meeting at 5:30 pm
Thurs, Apr 17 Love Feast and Communion Service at 7:00 pm
Children’s Story – Children’s Church
Sat, April 19
Joys and Concerns
*Invitational Hymn:
March 16
Worship Leader
Children’s Story
Welcome to Worship. Let us praise our Lord Jesus Christ without
ceasing; as a living sacrifice with a changed mind.
Morning Message
Those Assisting in Worship
March 16, 2014
Special Music by the Choir:
Vision Statement
A Spirit-filled family of God that awakens persons to become
disciples and shares the message of salvation and love of
Jesus Christ to all.
Pastor Greg
Pass Me Not #337
*Postlude (Instrumental)
(*Those who are able please stand)
Yard Sale, Breakfast and Bake Sale – 8am-Noon
Sun, April 20 Sunrise Service at 7:00 am at Mount Union
Sun, April 27 Church Council Meeting at 7:00 pm
Richard Campbell
Wendy Walters
Howard Stump
Carolyn Dehart
Shirley Gillispie
Butch Tanner
Dillon Wood
Tess Cowherd
Jami Perratta
Scarlett Malloch
Courtney Waldron
Harold Sink, Sr.
Johnny Johnson
Dana Bunn
Names in the Prayer Box / Unspoken
Caretakers & families of those in need
Mount Union Church Building Program
Mount Union Choir
 Elsie Bowles
 Leo & Viva Bowles
 Mildred Reed
Cecil Wood
Gene & Joy Craighead
Alvin Stump
Johnny Huddle
Debbie & John Daymude
Jim Aldridge
Judy Bowles
 Mary Chisom – Carrington Place, Daleville
 Norma Jean Coffey – Pheasant Ridge
 Lee Collins – Berkshire Nursing Home
 Joe Wray – Skyline Manor Nursing Home
 Shirley Wimmer – Pheasant Ridge
 District Prayer Calendar request for today, March 16, 2014: Pray for
Roundtable 2014: Out of the Valley – Into the Light to be held March 21-23
at Bridgewater College. Eric Landram a Bridgewater College alumnus and
member of the Staunton Church of the Brethren who is now attending
Bethany Theological Seminary, will be the speaker. Let us ask God to
nurture the spiritual depth of our young people.
(If you would like a name added to the list or removed from the list please see
Ruth, Sonja, or Margaret.)
Stewardship Report for March 9, 2014
Sunday School Attendance
Worship Attendance
$ 2,550.61
Building Fund Offering
$ 50.00
March bulletins – Sonja Stump, 929-4102
Mount Union has been in a contract to clear snow from our parking lot for
approximately ten years with a very reliable contractor. While we appreciate
any efforts to help with church maintenance, we must honor this contract. If
you have any questions, please call our head trustee, Doug Thompson.
On Saturday, March 29, the 2014 Women’s Spring Retreat will be held at
Peters Creek Church of the Brethren from 9:00am-2:00 pm. There is a flyer
on the bulletin board with details and there are several copies of the
registration form that you must complete and send in if you wish to attend.
This is always a very uplifting and fun event – please make plans to attend.
Mark your calendars and start saving your yard sale items! There will be a
Yard Sale on Saturday, April 19 (no adult clothing, please) from 8:00 am to
noon. This will be in conjunction with a Breakfast and Bake Sale to help
send kids to Camp Bethel. Items for the yard sale can be brought to the
church and placed in a Sunday School room in the basement that is not
being used. See Karen Stump for answers to any questions about this
Sunrise Service will be held at Mount Union this year on Easter Sunday at
7:00 am. We have invited members from the area participating churches to
sing in the choir for the Sunrise Service. These practices are scheduled for
April 1 and April 8 at 6:30 pm. If you would like to participate in the
community choir for Sunrise Service, please join us on these two dates. We
welcome everyone!
The Hostess Committee is currently working on plans for the breakfast that
we will serve following the Sunrise Worship Service. Please look for more
details to follow on how you can help with this fellowship event. We will
need lots of help for this event.
The Membership Committee is updating the current e-mail prayer chain and phone
chain listing. Check the sheets on the back podium and mark the appropriate
boxes. Questions? see Cindy Windel. Our picture directories are here – also see