GREENVILLE MIDWIFERY CARE Name: ______________________________ PRENATAL GENETIC SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRE MR#: __________________________________ These questions apply to members in both your family and in the baby’s father’s family: 1. How old will you be when your baby is born? _______________ 2. How old will the father of the baby be when your baby is born? _______________ 3. Have you or the baby’s father or anyone in either of your families ever had a baby or family member with: a. Down Syndrome or other chromosome abnormality? Yes No b. Spina Bifida or neural tube defect (open spine or brain)? Yes No c. Hydrocephalus (water on the brain)? Yes No d. Anencephaly (open or missing brain)? Yes No e. Hemophilia or other blood disorders (bleeds easily)? Yes No f. Muscular Dystrophy? Yes No g. Cystic Fibrosis? Yes No h. Congenital heart defect? Yes No i. Mental Retardation? Yes No 4. Have you or the baby’s father or other close relative had: a. An infant born dead (stillborn)? Yes No b. Three or more pregnancy losses? Yes No c. A baby with a birth defect? Yes No 5. Are you or the baby’s father of Mediterranean descent, or have a history of Thalassemia? Yes No 6. Do you or the baby’s father have sickle cell trait or anemia? Yes No 7. Do you or the baby’s father have Jewish relatives, or have a family history of Tay-Sachs? Yes No 8. Do you know of any genetic (inherited) health problem in your family or the father’s family? Yes No 9. Is there any other health problem that you are concerned about in you or your baby’s father? Yes No Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ HIV Screening: HIV transmission from mother to baby can occur during pregnancy and birth. In the event a mother tests positive for the HIV virus during pregnancy, there are special medications and treatments available that can greatly reduce the risk of transmission from mother to baby. Because of this, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend routine HIV screening for all pregnant women and routine testing of all newborns born to mothers with unknown HIV status at the time of delivery. It is the policy of Greenville Midwifery Care to perform HIV testing in all pregnant women at the initial prenatal visit unless the mother specifically requests not to have testing performed. The test for HIV is a blood test that is ordered along with the routine prenatal labs. I understand the risks to myself and my baby of unidentified HIV infection. □ I agree to HIV testing □ I do not want HIV testing. JFPCNM July 2014 CF Carrier Testing: I have received a booklet about Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Testing. I understand this is a screening test for Cystic Fibrosis that cannot detect all Cystic Fibrosis Carriers. Yes I want Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Screening No Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound Screening (NT screening) : I have received a brochure explaining First Trimester Maternal Serum Screening and Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound (NT Screening). I understand that NT screening is a test for Down syndrome, which occurs at a rate of 1 in 700 babies, trisomy 13, which occurs at a rate of 1 in 10,000 and trisomy 18 which occurs at a rate of 1 in 8000. First trimester screening will detect about 95% of pregnancies with trisomy 13 or 18. This test is done between 11-13 weeks of pregnancy if I desire. Yes I want NT Screening No QUAD Screening: I have received a brochure explaining Multiple Marker Screen for neural tube defects (spina bifida), Down’s Syndrome, and Trisomy 18. I understand that the Multiple Marker Screen is a test for open-spine defects, which occur at a rate of 1-4 per 1000 pregnancies. This test can be drawn at 16-20 weeks gestation if I desire. Yes I want Multiple Marker screening No I understand that genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis can be arranged if I desire. __________________________________________________________________________ Patient Signature Date ___________________________________________________________________________ Provider or nurse signature Date Genetic Screening Referral: No Yes Declined Appointment Date / Time: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Reviewed By JFPCNM July 2014 Date