Routine Prenatal Laboratory Studies

Columbus County Health Department
Routine Prenatal Laboratory Studies
This table provides information about laboratory tests routinely done in pregnancy.
At the first prenatal visit
CCHD 4/29/2010
Blood Type
Some maternal blood types are associated with
risk to the baby
Blood Antibody Screens
Identification of prior exposure to a blood type
different from the mothers that might put the
baby at risk of low blood counts
Rubella Immunity
Rubella infections in pregnancy can harm the
baby; if a woman is not immune to rubella, then
we recommend the rubella vaccination
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
Children of chronic carriers of Hepatitis B
should have special immunizations at birth to
prevent hepatitis infections
To make sure the mother is not anemic
HIV Testing
Identification of women with HIV infection in
order to provide treatment to try to prevent the
baby becoming infected. State Law
Syphilis Testing
Identification of women with syphilis in order
to treat here infection and to prevent the baby
from becoming infected. State Law
Varicella Titer if indicated (No history of
Varicella infection can cause life threatening
the disease or vaccine)
disease in mother and baby, plus serious birth
Hgb Electrophoresis
Detect Sickle Cell Trait, Sickle Cell Disease
and related abnormal hemoglobins passed from
mother to child so precautions can be initiated
to prevent complications
Urine Drug Screen when indicated
To assure adequate care of mother and baby
AFP multi test screen
Serious birth defects of spine, brain, abnormal
(belly) wall and some genetic problems can be
detected for early intervention
Tests Done During First Speculum and Pelvic Examination
Pap Smear
Done if no pap in the past year. Screening for
cervical cancer
Gonorrheal Culture
Screening for asymptomatic infection. Lowers
the risk of infection of the baby and preterm
delivery if treated. State Law
Screening for asymptomatic infection. Lowers
the risk of infection of the baby and preterm
delivery if treated. State Law
Columbus County Health Department
Tests offered later in pregnancy
Maternal Serum Screening
15-18 weeks (optional)
Diabetes Screening
High risk patient: first
Routine 24 weeks
28-30 weeks
Initial visit
Repeat in third trimester
36 weeks
36 weeks
35-37 weeks
Group B Strep
Alphafetoprotein, Estriol,
hCG, offered to screen birth
defects like open neural
tube defects & Down
Increased risk of gestational
diabetes in pregnancy
State Law
State Law
State Law
State Law
Screening to GBS carrier to
prevent neonatal infection