Appointment of a Teacher of Physics September 2014

The King’s School
Appointment of a Teacher of Physics
September 2014
THE KING’S SCHOOL, CANTERBURY is a leading independent co-educational
boarding school, situated in the heart of the historic Cathedral city of Canterbury
in Kent.
The precincts of Canterbury Cathedral are part of a world heritage site, a centre of
pilgrimage and study, and host to over 1 million visitors each year from many
different cultures. This international dimension deeply influences the life of the
city and the school.
The origins of King’s date back to the arrival of St Augustine in 597 AD and the
school’s Christian tradition remains at its heart. Pupils and staff comprise
individuals of many different faiths and beliefs. Embracing this diversity, there is a
desire to foster fairness, tolerance, courage, perseverance, mutual respect and
understanding. The Benedictine tradition of developing mind, body and spirit
within a community given to hospitality still influences the life of the Cathedral and
the school lives out its life in that context. Thus, academic excellence and
scholarship take their place alongside the school’s commitment to physical and
cultural endeavour. Sport is strong, with a number of boys’ and girls’ teams at
national level. Music and drama are outstanding,
both having the finest traditions and producing
performances of the highest standards. King’s Week, the school’s own Festival of
Creative and Performing Arts, attracts thousands of visitors each summer.
The curriculum at King’s is based upon strong academic roots. It emphasises and relies
upon what is best in traditional school education: scholarly excellence supported by a
caring pastoral and tutorial system, and a wide-ranging co-curricular programme. The
curriculum is continually adapting and reacting to the changing demands of modern
education: new subjects are added, new teaching techniques adopted, and there is an
increasing awareness of the need to provide programmes of study that match
individual needs and skills. The school does not gauge its success by exam results
alone but by broader measures of educational attainment and personal development,
helping pupils to achieve their potential and equipping them to play an active and
responsible role in society as young adults.
The whole school comprises The King’s School, Canterbury and Junior King’s School. In the former, there are
currently 821 pupils on the school roll, 453 boys and 368 girls, of 75% whom are boarders. There are 6 boys’
boarding houses, 6 girls’ boarding houses and 3 day houses. Junior King’s, the prep school of King’s, occupies a fine
rural site on the banks of the River Stour, in Sturry, 3 miles from Canterbury. There are currently 363 pupils at Junior
King’s, 214 boys and 149 girls, of whom 20% are boarders.
The King’s School occupies various sites around the Cathedral and its precincts. Many teaching departments and the
majority of houses are in the beautiful ancient buildings around Green Court, on the north side of the Cathedral. To
the east of the Cathedral, the St Augustine’s site is home to 5 boarding houses and the magnificent school library.
There are two major sites for sport: Birley’s and the Recreation Centre, both within walking distance of the school.
We seek to appoint a highly qualified and motivated graduate to teach Physics from September 2014.
Numbers choosing Physics in the Sixth Form are increasing and several colleagues have taken up positions of
responsibility internally, creating additional staffing needs in the department. At King’s, Physics is taught as a
distinct subject, currently by 7 specialist teachers in dedicated laboratories, serviced by 2 highly-qualified
technicians. The department is extremely well-resourced with apparatus and computing facilities, including
interactive whiteboards and wi-fi throughout. Moreover, there are plans in progress for a new-build science facility
in the near future. The appointee would be joining a successful, busy and lively team of committed teachers, who
put the progress of our pupils at the heart of all that they do.
After an introductory skills-based course in Year 9, we begin to prepare pupils for the Edexcel IGCSE examination sat
in Year 11. According to their ability and aptitude, pupils are entered for either Triple Science (typically 6 sets) or
Double Award (typically 3 sets). Physics is popular in the Sixth Form and we currently have six teaching groups in 6b
(Year 12), most of whom will continue with the subject next year. We follow the Edexcel (concept led) specification
which involves many practical and ICT based activities; we are constantly looking for exciting and innovative ways to
inspire them in the subject.
Exam results at each level are excellent (100% grade B and above for both IGCSE and A level this summer) and King’s
students enjoy considerable success in gaining places on prestigious science-related courses at university, with
Physics, Medicine, Natural Sciences and Engineering being particularly popular.
The Science departments offer many enrichment opportunities for our more curious-minded or gifted scientists, as
well as plenty of support for those who find science more of a mystery. Co-curricular activities include:
The Harvey Society (the school’s science society, with visiting speakers)
The Linacre Medical Society (which offers talks, workshops and visits)
Young Scientists Journal (an online science journal written and edited by teenagers around the world, founded at
Oxbridge and further Physics classes
CREST projects with Years 10 and 11
Olympiad competitions
Peer mentoring schemes
Opportunities for sixth formers to deliver science workshops in local primary schools
In addition to academic excellence, the school seeks to promote excellence in all its varied co-curricular pursuits. All
teachers at King’s are expected to be fully involved in some capacity in this programme. They are also required to
contribute fully to the pastoral care of the pupils through taking on a tutor group and duties in one of the boarding
or day houses.
The post is suitable for someone who is a good communicator and who combines academic excellence, energy,
enthusiasm and experience with good humour, patience, administrative skill, flexibility and tolerance. We work hard
but enjoy ourselves, and there is a real ‘buzz’ around the Physics department. The successful applicant will be
capable of truly interactive teaching, rather than mere transmission. Although not necessarily a physics graduate,
he/she will be able to propagate the strong belief in a subject worthy of study for its own sake.
Applications should be submitted online through the King’s website ( – Staff Vacancies), and
should include a personal statement for the Headmaster and a CV, by 12 noon on Monday 10th February. If you have
any difficulties accessing the internet please contact the Headmaster’s Office: 01227 595501.
January 2014