Week 2


Teacher: Fandrick Jolly-Smith Subject/Class: 7 th Grade Life Science Week Of: 8/17-21/15



Learning Goal

A ssential Question/ ctivating Strategy:

Lesson Opener,

Warm-up, Hook

T eaching Strategies:



Performance Tasks

Monday 8/17/15 Tuesday 8/18/15 Wednesday 8/19/15 Thursday 8/20/15 Friday 8/21/15

S7L2c. Explain that cells are organized into tissues, tissues into organs, organs into systems, and systems into organisms.

S7L2c. Explain that cells are organized into tissues, tissues into organs, organs into systems, and systems into organisms.

S7L2b. Relate cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, mitochondria) to basic cell functions.

S7L2b. Relate cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, mitochondria) to basic cell functions.

S7L2b. Relate cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, mitochondria) to basic cell functions.

How do cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems explain the complexity of living organisms?

How do cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems explain the complexity of living organisms?

What is the relationship between the structure and function of cell organelles?

What is the relationship between the structure and function of cell organelles?

What is the relationship between the structure and function of cell organelles?

Is Sammy alive?

Non living/ living sorting cards

The Cell Song Cell Rap The Way You Are

Levels of

Organization PPT

Levels of

Organization PPT

Cell Structure &


Plant & Animal Cell


Cell Diagram



Cell Analogies


QR Codes Cell

Organelle Review

Cell Organelle


Cell Organelle

Facebook Page –

Have students create

S ummarizing


Closing Activity

Cell Organelle

Analogy: City

Matching Cards a Facebook page for a cell organelle.

Students must include a picture and posts from other cell organelle “friends” that relate to the organelle functions.

Tiered Cell

Organelle Activity

BrainPop Levels of



Cell Organelle


Cell Organelle

Summarizer 2



Materials Needed


Ipad, pencil, paper Ipad, pencil, paper Ipad, pencil, paper Ipad, pencil, paper Ipad, pencil, paper

To differentiate this lesson auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners, activities such as demonstrations, audio visual presentations, small groups utilizing problem solving activities and hands-

To differentiate this lesson auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners, activities such as demonstrations, audio visual presentations, small groups utilizing problem solving activities and hands-

To differentiate this lesson auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners, activities such as demonstrations, audio visual presentations, small groups utilizing problem solving activities and hands-

To differentiate this lesson auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners, activities such as demonstrations, audio visual presentations, small groups utilizing problem solving activities and hands-

To differentiate this lesson auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners, activities such as demonstrations, audio visual presentations, small groups utilizing problem solving activities and hands-

on experimentation.

Students will benefit from interacting and working together toward a common goal. Concepts will be introduced through whole class then follow up with small group or pairs.

Frequent regrouping occurs based on complexity of content, learning styles, and student interest. on experimentation.

Students will benefit from interacting and working together toward a common goal. Concepts will be introduced through whole class then follow up with small group or pairs.

Frequent regrouping occurs based on complexity of content, learning styles, and student interest. on experimentation.

Students will benefit from interacting and working together toward a common goal. Concepts will be introduced through whole class then follow up with small group or pairs.

Frequent regrouping occurs based on complexity of content, learning styles, and student interest. on experimentation.

Students will benefit from interacting and working together toward a common goal. Concepts will be introduced through whole class then follow up with small group or pairs.

Frequent regrouping occurs based on complexity of content, learning styles, and student interest. on experimentation.

Students will benefit from interacting and working together toward a common goal. Concepts will be introduced through whole class then follow up with small group or pairs.

Frequent regrouping occurs based on complexity of content, learning styles, and student interest.
