EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) Intent to Apply for CATEGORY 1 ACGR COMPETITIVE RESEARCH GRANT FUNDING This form MUST be submitted to the Office of Research Services 4 months prior to the scheme’s advertised closing date EOIs are to be completed by Early Career Researchers, Research Active, Research Enabled and Research Inactive applicants. Please refer to Bond University Policy TLR5.04 Research Active Staff Policy (Issue Four) - for further information log into the INTRANET Applies to all schemes listed in the Australian Competitive Grant Register + ARC LIEF 2014 ACGR 2015 ACGR Completed forms must be emailed to: Q1 BRIEF PROJECT DETAILS Proposal title Q2 Brief project description Q3 FUNDING DETAILS Name of funding organisation Q4 Name of funding scheme Q5 Advertised or anticipated funding scheme application closing date [check funder’s website for current or previous dates] Q6.1 Is this a resubmission of a previous unsuccessful application? YES ☐ NO ☐ If Yes, what funding agency & round was it submitted to? In what way will this submission differ? Q6.2 How will you address any assessors’ concerns with your previous submission? If this is a new application, describe how your proposal aligns with the funding scheme’s advertised funding objectives. Please refer to the funding scheme’s website before answering this question. Q7 Q8 Expected project duration Years or months: Overall project cost Expected total project cost: $ ADMINISTERING INSTITUTION DETAILS Will Bond University be the lead applicant and Administering Organisation? EoI Form v2.0 Last Amended: 11 Nov 2014 YES ☐ NO ☐ If NO - please answer Question 9 Page 1 of 4 Q9 If Bond University is not the lead Administering Organisation, please advise the following: Lead University or Organisation name Lead Organisation contact person Email/telephone contact Q10 Anticipated cash funding coming to Bond University for your involvement in the project. Please consider the associated costs to Bond & your Faculty for your role in this project. BOND UNIVERSITY CHIEF INVESTIGATOR DETAILS Title and full name Email address Telephone extension & mobile phone no. Faculty or Centre paying your salary For funding scheme eligibility criteria – please list your highest qualification and the year obtained Qualification: Year conferred: PEER REVIEWERS Q10 Full name & Organisation & affiliation Email address Full name & Organisation & affiliation Email address PARTNER ORGANISATION and PARTNER INVESTIGATOR DETAILS Q11 Are you required to have at least one PARTNER ORGANISATION contributing cash and/or in-kind contributions towards your project proposal? YES ☐ If YES - please complete Question 12 Q12 NO ☐ How many Partner Organisation/s will you require? Name of Organisation/s Type of Organisation? Name Primary Contact/ Pick list below. Partner Investigator Contact details (telephone & email address) PROJECT PROPOSAL DETAILS – please include a draft proposal if one is available Q13.1 Please explain the significance and innovation of your proposal. Refer to the funding rules/instructions to applicants and explain how you competitively meet the criteria to apply for their funding. Q13.2 Demonstrated track record to date of you and your research team in this particular area of research. Please consider the number of funded grants, number of publications and any other relevant project management, HDR student supervision relating to this area of research interest. Q13.3 List any national or international researchers or research teams who are conducting the same or similar research activity. It is likely you will be referring to their research outcomes to date, by way of referencing their work, in the research proposal you submit. Think of how or why your proposed research is innovative in relation to their previous work in your research area of interest. EoI Form v2.0 Last Amended: 11 Nov 2014 Page 2 of 4 Q13.4 There are risks associated with any project e.g. inability to gather reliable data, partnership risk, regulatory approval issues, personnel risk. List the 3 risks most likely to affect your research project, and provide strategies you can employ to mitigate these risks. (1) (2) (3) BOND PERSONNEL AND FACILITIES/INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS What are the Bond infrastructure requirements needed to support this project? Q14.1 Lab/Physical space. List space, usage time per week, is a particular time of day needed? Q14.2 Lab/other equipment. List equipment, usage time per week, is a particular time of day needed? Q14.3 Bond personnel. Identify all Bond University staff members (including admin/technical support staff) whose skills and expertise will be required to support the project. List the time commitment to the project for each Bond staff member. ESTIMATED/ANTICIPATED TOTAL COST OF YOUR RESEARCH PROJECT PROJECT INCOME FROM ALL SOURCES Calculate the potential sources of cash and in-kind support from ALL sources for the project. Do not list only the actual cash amount you are requesting from the funding organisation’s scheme. Amount Required Source of Funding (cash &/or in-kind) Cash In-kind Contributions – e.g. cost of CI salaries for time involved, equipment, laboratory use etc Other – please specify TOTAL INCOME $ ANTICIPATED PROJECT EXPENDITURE Provide detail of expected project expenditure Personnel e.g. FTE staff; student stipends, support staff Expenditure ($) Consumables EoI Form v2.0 Last Amended: 11 Nov 2014 Page 3 of 4 Provide detail of expected project expenditure Minor Equipment Expenditure ($) Travel e.g. for research data collection/fieldwork, research dissemination activities, collaboration meetings etc. Other – please describe in the space provided here TOTAL EXPENDITURE $ Approved by Associate Dean Research (e-signature is acceptable): NAME: ………………………………………………………………………………………… DATE: / EoI Form v2.0 Last Amended: 11 Nov 2014 / Page 4 of 4