spelling menu

Spelling Menu
This is your spelling menu. You must complete _10_ points worth of spelling Homework nightly, but it is your choice how many activities
you complete. Make sure to spell ALL words correctly on each activity, and if you are writing sentences, they must be complete sentences
using capitals and punctuation. Late spelling homework will not be accepted.This homework is meant to help you study for your test.
2 points
ABC order
Write out your spelling
once in alphabetical order
and once in reverse ABC
4 points
Write each word in a
complete sentence (Each
sentence must have seven
words). Underline each
spelling word in each
6 points
Dictionary Words
Write each word and its
dictionary definition.
8 points
Context Clues
Write each word in a
sentence that gives the
meaning. Example: He
was tired because he
stayed up late.
10 points
Spell Me A Story
Write an original story
using all of your spelling
words. Underline or
highlight spelling words.
Word Sort
Sort your words by parts
of speech, noun, verb,
adjective, adverb, etc.
Bubble Letter Words
Write each spelling word
using bubble letters. When
finished, color in and
decorate each word.
Crossword Spelling
Write word clues and then
make a crossword puzzle
using all of your words.
Spelling Collage
Draw a picture and put
your spelling words in the
Staircase/Pyramid Spelling
Ex. M
Write a synonym for 10
words and an antonym for
10 words.
Doubled-Up Sentences
Use each word in a
meaningful sentence (two
spelling words per
sentence). Be sure to
underline or highlight the
spelling words
Magazine Words
Spell 10 words using
letters form old magazine
or newspaper articles.
Rainbow spelling
Write each word three
times, each time in a
different color.
Draw a picture of each
spelling word.
Spelling Practice Test
Have an adult quiz you on
the week’s words. Correct
it. Any missed words must
be written in a sentence
and an adult must sign
your paper.
Graph It
List all words that have
the same letter and make
a graph.
Scrabble Spelling
Use the Scrabble tiles
(attached sheet) to find
the score of your spelling
words. Example: teacher –
T(1), E(1), A(1), C(3), H(4),
E(1), R(1) = 12
Each letter has a value.
*Consonants are worth
10.*Vowels are worth 5.
Write your spelling words.
Then add up the value of
each spelling word.
Example said10 + 5 + 5 + 10 = 30
Print your first and last
name in capitals going
down the left side of a
paper. See how many of
your spelling words will fit
with a letter of your