Standards of Excellence Self Assessment

The STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE SELF ASSESSMENT (SOESA) document is a tool in which the chapter officers,
along with their graduate advisors, may “self-assess” their own operation and set meaningful goals in prioritized focus
areas. Ideally, the chapter officers should sit down in a two hour meeting and discuss each question and answer them
truthfully. At the end of the document you may score the chapter score versus the possible score.
If there are deficiencies, discussions should be held at the end of the session on setting goals to improve those areas of
chapter operations.
Additionally, the SOESA is aligned with the Fraternity’s award program. Simply stated, the SOESA is a great preview of
the areas on which the Fraternity awards are judged. The SOESA document is a great practice to perform before filling
out the Fraternity awards application.
Any questions may be directed to your Field Secretary or J. B. Goll, Director of Chapter Services, at or
859-255-1848 ext. 134.
I. We understand and strive to exemplify the ideals and values of Phi Gamma Delta.
How often are formal (Ritual) meetings held?
Weekly (5)_____
2/month (4)_____
monthly (3)_____
other (0)_____
2. What percentage of the chapter membership can recite the Creed?
Over 90% (5)_____
70-90% (4)_____
50-70% (3)_____
25-50% (1)_____
3. How many times per semester does your chapter conduct a Ritual meeting (including pledging,
initiation and other ceremonies)?
>9 (5)_____
7-8 (4) _____
5-6 (3)_____
3-4 (1)_____
0-2 (0)_____
4. How many hours of Post Initiation Education do each of the new initiates receive?
5+ (5)_____
3-4 (3)_____
1-2 (1)_____
no program (0)_____
5. Are New Members required to take an oral examination of the Creed in order to receive their badges and membership
Yes (5)_____
No (0)_____
6. Are New Members required to take a written examination of the PIE curriculum in order to receive their membership
certificates and badges?
Yes (5)_____
No (0)_____
7. Does your chapter have a complete set (all members) of garments and other esoteric Ritual equipment?
Yes (5)_____
No (0)_____
8. Do chapter officers have their parts of the Rituals such as a formal meeting or initiation memorized?
Yes (5)_____
No (0)_____
9. What percentage of brothers participate in more than one service project per semester?
>90% (5)__ 80-89% (4) __ 70-79% (3)__ 60-69% (2)__ 50-59% (1)___ <50% (0)___
10. How many service projects has your chapter sponsored in the past calendar year?
>14 (5)____ 11-14 (4) ____ 7-10 (3)____ 5-6 (2)____ 3-4(1)____ 0-2 (0) ____
11. What is the average number of hours committed to service by each brother in the past calendar year?
>29 (5)____ 23-29 (4) ____ 16-22 (3)____ 9-15 (2)____ 3-9 (1)____ 0-2 (0) ____
12. How much money has your chapter raised for charity this past year?
____________ (Information only – no points granted)
13. How many times per year does your chapter hold a chapter retreat (1/2 day or longer) with at least
75% of the brothers in attendance?
2+ (5)____ one (4)____ never (0)____
14. How many times per calendar year does your chapter hold an officer retreat (1/2 day or longer) with all officers
2+ (5)____ one (4)____ never (0)____
15. Does your chapter formally recognize, though awards, brothers who exemplify the ideals and values
of the Fraternity?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
16. Are all electronic devices, with the exception of those used for record keeping, banned from ritual meetings?
Yes (5)____
No (0)_____
Possible Score (Standard I): 70
Chapter Score:_______________
II. We select, pledge and initiate men who are qualified to be our Brothers in Phi Gamma Delta.
1. Does your chapter hold a recruitment retreat before each recruitment period with at least 75% chapter attendance?
Yes (3)____ No (0)____
2. Does your chapter have graduate brothers who assist with your recruitment efforts?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
3. How many legacies (brother, son, grandson) did you recruit this past year?
3+ (5)____
2 (3)____
1 (2)____
0 (0) ____
4. What percentage of legacies in question #3 did your chapter pledge?
>75% (5)__ 51-75% (3) __ 26-50% (2)__ up to 25% (1)__ none (0)___
5. Do recruits receive a written, detailed account of their financial obligations to the Fraternity during recruitment?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
6. What is your chapter’s high school GPA standard to pledge a man?
3.0+ (5)_____
2.7-3.0 (3)_____
2.5-2.7 (2)_____
under 2.5 (0)_____
7. What is your chapter’s college/university GPA standard to pledge a man?
3.0+ (5)_____
2.7-3.0 (3)_____
2.5-2.7 (2)_____
under 2.5 (0)_____
8. What percentage of your chapter is in attendance at all recruitment functions?
>90% (5)__ 80-89% (4) __ 70-79% (3)__ 60-69% (2)__ 50-59% (1)___ <50% (0)___
9. What percentage of your chapter membership did you pledge during the past academic year?
35%+ (5)____ 31-34% (4)____ 26-30% (3)_____ 21-25% (2)____ up to 20% (1)____
10. Does your chapter have a program of academic support for freshmen?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
11. Does your chapter use alcohol in recruitment?
Yes (0)_____
No (3)_____
12. Does your chapter follow the unanimous secret ballot vote on recruits in order to pledge?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
13. What system does your chapter have to develop geographical diversity through recruitment?
Written (5)_____
Best Effort (2)_____
No System (0)_____
14. What percentage of the total number of recruits being considered are actively recruited during the summer months?
>90% (5)__ 80-89% (4) __ 70-79% (3)__ 60-69% (2)__ 50-59% (1)___ <50% (0)___
15. What percentage of the men you pledged in the last academic year served previously in an elected high school or
collegiate organization?
76-100% (5)__ 51-75% (4) __ 26-50% (3)__ up to 25% (1)___
16. Rank the following in the order of importance as criteria for pledging a man.
_____ scholarship
_____ character/values
_____leadership record/potential
_____financial ability
_____ personality
_____extracurricular activities
_____other (please specify):__________________________________________________________
17. How many weeks is your pledge education period?__________
(Information only - no points)
18. Does your chapter conduct an interim grade check of pledges?
Yes (3)____ No (0)____
19. Does your chapter haze?
Yes (0)____ No (0)____
20. Does your chapter have a written pledge education program?
Yes (3)____ No (0)____
21. Are pledges given in the first portion of their pledgeship a manual or syllabus of all expectations, meetings,
assignment for their pledge period?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
22. Does your chapter have defined study halls or a study hour requirement for all pledges?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
23. How many guest speakers (other than undergraduate brothers) attended pledge meetings during your most recent
pledge education period?
8+ (5)____ 6-7 (4) ____ 4-5 (3)____ 1-3 (2)____ none (0) ____
24. Does your chapter have scholarship awards for pledges (excellence/most improved)?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
25. Are pledges required to read the entire Purple Pilgrim as a prerequisite to initiation?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
26. Is there a formal instruction program for teaching the information in the Purple Pilgrim?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
27. Does the chapter follow the Handbook for Pledge Educators provided by the Fraternity?
Completely (5)_____ mostly (3)_____
seldom (1)_____ never (0)_____
28. Do you obtain written feedback from the pledges about the pledge program?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
29. Is there a written history of your chapter which is given to each pledge as part of his education during pledgeship?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
30. Does your chapter have a Big Brother/Little Brother program?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
31. If so, does the big Brother take responsibility for the grades of his Little Brother?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
32. Does the big Brother know the Little Brother’s faculty advisor?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
33. How many one-on-one experiences during the pledge period does the average Big Brother have with his Little
8+ (5)____ 6-7 (4) ____ 4-5 (3)____ 1-3 (1)____ none (0) ____
34. What percentage affirmative votes are needed to initiate a man in your chapter? _____________
(Information only – no points)
35. What is the chapter’s minimum grade point average needed to initiate a man?
2.5+ (5)_____
2.4 (4)_____
2.3 (3)_____
2.2 (2)_____
2.1 (1)_____
2.0 (0)_____
36. How many pledges has your chapter “lost” in the past year for the following reasons?
__ depledged by chapter
__left to focus on grades
__ left for financial reasons
__ left due to time constraint
__left for personality reasons
37. Do Big Brothers receive a list of expectations regarding the Big Brother position?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
38. Does your chapter have a system for engaging pledges in leadership positions outside the Fraternity?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
39. What percentage of your last pledge class are still in the chapter?
100% (5)__ 90% (4) __ 80% (3)__ 70% (2)___ 60% (2)___
40. What percentage of your last pledge class was initiated into the chapter?
100% (5)__ 90% (4) __ 80% (3)__ 70% (2)___ 60% (2)___
41. Does the chapter formally acknowledge academic excellence during pledging?
Yes (2)_____
No (0)_____
Possible score (Standard II): 122
Chapter score:__________
III. We encourage and aid each Brother in maintaining the highest scholarship of which is he capable.
1. How many hours of academic programming (study skills, etc.) do your pledges receive during their pledge period?
5 (5)____
4(4) ____ 3(3)____ 2 (2)____ 1 (1)____ none (0) ____
2. How many times have individual faculty members visited your chapter in the last academic year?
9+ (5)____ 7-8 (4) ____ 5-6 (3)____ 3-4 (1)____ none (0) ____
3. What percentage of the brothers in your chapter were on the Dean’s List last semester/term?
>30% (5)__ 25-29% (4) __ 20-24% (3)__ 15-19% (2)___ 10-14% (2)___ under 10%___
4. How many computers are available in the chapter house (not individual brother’s computers) for academic use?
3+ (5)_____
2 (4)_____
1 (2)_____
5. Does your chapter have the capacity (electricity and space) for each brother to have a computer in his bedroom?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
6. Does your chapter maintain a study hour requirement for brothers?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
7. What percentage of the brothers study in the chapter house on a regular basis?
90%+ (5)__ 75-89% (3) __ 50-74% (2)__ < 50% (0)___
8. Does your chapter have a faculty advisor (s)?
Yes (3)____ No (0)____
9. Does your chapter have an organized and updated examination/test file?
Yes (3)____ No (0)____
10. How many brothers in the chapter are on academic probation (below a 2.0 GPA)?
0 (5)_____
1-5 (3)_____
>5 (0)_____
11. Do you impose a sanction for Brothers whose average is below the chapter’s average?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
12. What percentage of the brothers in the chapter received academic scholarships for the current school year?
>50% (5)__ 40-49% (4) __ 30-39% (3)__ 20-29% (2)___ 10-19% (2)___ under 10% (0)___
13. What is your chapter’s minimum GPA requirement to hold chapter office?
2.8+ (5)_____
2.7 (4)_____
2.6 (3)_____
252 (2)_____
2.4 (1)_____
2.3 (0)_____
14. Does the house have space for both individual and group studying?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
No applicable_____
15. What is the length of “quiet hours” enforced on a typical night in your chapter house?
5+ (4)_____
2-4 (2)_____
none (0)_____ No applicable ______
16. What percentage of the brothers of the chapter are members of academic honoraries?
>25% (5)__ 20-24% (4) __ 15-19% (3)__ 10-14% (2)___ 1-9% (1)___ none (0)___
17. How many brothers from your chapter were members of the All-Fiji Academic Team last year?
1+ (5)_____
none (0)_____
18. Does your chapter have a recognition program for brothers and pledges which recognized academic performance
and/or improvement?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
19. Is your chapter GPA above the IFC average? (Optional)
20. Is your chapter GPA above the all men’s average at your school? (Optional)
21. Does the chapter hold events sponsored with faculty or with faculty present?
Yes (2)_____
No (0)_____
Possible Score (Standard III): 74
Chapter score:_____________
IV. We stimulate the mental, moral, physical and social growth of Brothers throughout their undergraduate years.
1. How many speakers have addressed the chapter in the past year?
12+ (5)____ 9-11 (4) ____ 6-8 (3)____ 3-5 (2)____ 1-2 (1)____ none (0) ____
2. Does the chapter have a library in the chapter house?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
3. Does your chapter have a formal, written disciplinary plan/procedure?
Yes (5)____ No (0)___
4. How long has it been since your chapter was on some form of college/university discipline or probation?
10+ yrs (5)____
7-9 yrs (4)
5-6 yrs (3)____ <5 yrs (0) ____
5. Is the Doxology sung prior to sit down meals in the chapter house or other location?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
6. Is a prayer given prior to each sit down meal at the chapter house or other location?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
7. What percentage of the brothers in the chapter attend regular church services and actively participate in religious
90%+ (5) __ 70-89% (4)__ 50-69% (3)___ 25-49% (2)___ 0-24% (0)___
8. How many Brothers have had court appearances in the past year (not including traffic citations)?
>5 (0)____ 4 (1) ____ 3 (2)____ 2 (3)____ 1 (4)____ 0 (5) ____
9. Has your chapter conducted a date rape seminar utilizing the video tape provided to your chapter by the Fraternity?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
10. Are the Rituals of the Fraternity followed as prescribed (without omission) in the Ritual book?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
11. Are the Rituals of the Fraternity performed correctly? This includes the pledging ceremony, initiation, formal chapter
meeting, etc?
Yes (5)____
No (0)____
12. How many of the brothers in the chapter are currently under some form of chapter imposed discipline?
>5 (0)____ 4 (1) ____ 3 (2)____ 2 (3)____
1 (4)____ 0 (5) ____
13a. Have you had the theft of personal items in your chapter house in the past year?
Yes (0)____ No (2)___
13b. How many different theft situations have you had in the past year?
3+ (0)____
2 (2)____
1 (4)____
0 (5) ____
14. Was the responsible party for these thefts disciplined?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
15. How many alcohol/drug abuse seminars has the chapter sponsored for brothers in the past year?
3+ (5)____
2 (4)____
1 (2)____
0 (0) ____
16. Have there been any sexual assault allegations or convictions made against brothers in the past year?
Yes (0)____ No (2)___
17. What percentage of your chapter’s social functions are conducted in accordance with the Fraternity’s Risk
Management Policy?
100% (5) __ 80-99% (0)__ 60-79% (0)___ 40-59% (0)___ <40% (0)___
18. What percentage of your chapter’s social functions (formal and informal) are non-alcoholic functions?
100% (5) __ 80-99% (4)__ 60-79% (3)___ 40-59% (2)___ 20-39% (1)___ <20% (0)___
19. Is there a Brother or committee in charge of the chapter house maintenance and upkeep?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
20. How often does your chapter hold all chapter (brothers and pledges) clean up functions?
weekly (5)____
2/month (4)____
monthly (3)____
1/term (2) ____ 1/year (1) ____
21. Are emergency routes/evacuation plans posted in the chapter house?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
22. Has the chapter house been inspected by a college/university representative or fire inspector in the past 12 months?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
23. How many inspections of the chapter house did a member of the House Corporation make in the past 12 months?
4+ (5)____
2-3 (4)____
1 (2)____
0 (0) ____
24. How many accidents occurred on your chapter property in the last 12 months which required medical attention?
3+ (0)____
2 (2)____
1 (3)____
0 (5) ____
25. What percentage of the brothers in the chapter participate in intramural sports?
90%+ (5) __ 70-89% (4)__ 50-69% (3)___ 30-49% (2)___ <30% (1)___
26. Has a physical inspection of the entire chapter house been made by chapter officers in the past 6 months?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
27. How many fire drills did your chapter perform in the past 12 months?
3+ (5)____
2 (3)____
1 (2)____
0 (0) ____
28. Has your chapter house been inspected by an insurance carrier in the past 12 months?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
29. Does the chapter have a copy of the Fraternity’s Risk Management manual?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
30. Is the Risk Management manual read by all chapter officers?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
31. Is a copy of the Fraternity’s Risk Management policy posted prominently in the chapter house?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
32. Are the “Risk Management Alert” notices that your chapter receives from the International Fraternity posted in the
chapter house?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
33. Are the Risk Management guidelines followed for all social events?
Yes (2)
No (0)_____
34. Over the course of the month how many times does the chapter have a formal meal together either at a chapter house
or somewhere else?
7 (5)____
6 (4)____
5 (3)____
4 (2) ____ 3 (1)____
0 (0) ____
35. How many times has your chapter held a coat and tie dinner in the past 12 months?
20+ (5)____
15-19 (4)____
10-14 (3)____
5-9 (2) ____ <5 (1)____
36. How many instructive activities/speakers has your chapter initiated to teach etiquette and social graces in the past 12
3+ (5)____
3 (3)____
2 (2)____
1 (1) ____ 0 (0) ____
37. Does your chapter have a plan or checklist for each social event that you conduct?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
38. How many brothers have been disciplined by the chapter for alcohol or drug related violations in the past 12 months?
3+ (0)____
3 (1)____
2 (2)____
1 (3) ____ 0 (5) ____
39. Does your chapter have a drug by-law in place which is enforced?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
40. How frequently does your chapter sing the Songs of Phi Gamma Delta?
weekly (5)____ 2/month (4)____ monthly (3)____ 1/term (2) ____ 1/year (1) ___ none (0)____
41. Does the chapter have a copy of the Fraternity’s Songbook?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
42. Do you have a brother who is able to play the music to the songs on a piano?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
Possible Score (Standard IV): 162
Chapter score:_____________
V. We provide the opportunity for Brothers to develop their organizational and leadership abilities in the
fraternity, campus and community environments.
1. How many brothers from your chapter attended the last Fiji Academy?
5+ (5)____
4 (3)____
3 (2)____
1-2 (1) ____ 0 (0)____
2. How many brothers from your chapter attended the last Ekklesia?
4+ (5)____
3 (3)____
2 (2)____
1 (1) ____ 0 (0)____
3. How many brothers from your chapter attended the last Section?
8+ (5)____
5-7 (4)____
3-4 (3)____
1-2 (2) ____ 0 (0)____
4. Does your chapter have a documented organizational/management structure?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
5. How many functioning committees are there in your chapter?
10+ (4)____
5-9 (3)____
1-4 (1)____
0 (0) ____
6. Do your committees submit written goals to the cabinet?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
7. How many total (all committees) written reports did the cabinet receive from the various committees in your chapter
in the last term?
10+ (4)____
5-9 (3)____
1-4 (1)____
0 (0) ____
8. What percentage of your chapter is either serving as a chapter officer or on a committee?
100% (5) __ 80-99% (4)__ 60-79% (3)___ 40-59% (2)___ 20-39% (1)___ <20% (0)___
9. During your last chapter officer elections, how many total candidates ran for the five offices?
12+ (5)____
9-11 (4)____
6-8 (3)____
5 (0) ____
10. How many of the chapter officer elections were contested races (5 maximum)?
5 (5)____
4 (4)____
3 (3)____
2 (2)____
1 (1)____
11. Does your chapter utilize an Assistant Treasurer?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
12. Does your chapter have assistant chairmen of all of your primary committees?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
13. Would you say that your chapter tends to “groom leaders” or “wait for them to emerge”?
Groom leaders (3)____ Wait for them to emerge (0)___
14. Has your chapter held a goal setting retreat with at least 90% of the brothers attending in the last 12 months?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
15. Does your chapter have a current documented set of goals to chart your progression?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
16. Does your chapter have a procedure of reviewing your goals and updating/revising them at various points in the
academic year?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
17. Does your pledge class have officers?
Does your pledge class have committees?
Yes (1)____ No (0)___
Yes (1)____ No (0)___
18. What percentage of all IFC meetings held over the last 12 months has a representative from Phi Gamma Delta
100% (5) __ 90-99% (4)__ 80-89% (3)___ 70-79% (2)___ 60-69% (1)___ <60% (0)___
19. How many brothers in your chapter currently hold either IFC officer or committee chairmen positions?
3+ (5)____
2 (3)____
1 (1)____
0 (0) ____
20. How many brothers in your chapter hold elected leadership positions in at least one campus organization?
25%+ (5) __ 20-24% (4)__ 15-19% (3)___ 10-14% (2)___ 5-9% (1)___ <50% (0)___
21. Over the last 12 months, how many campus-wide, Phi Gamma Delta sponsored events/programs have been held
(excluding social)?
3+ (5)____
2 (4)____
1 (3)____
5 (0) ____
22. Does your chapter expect brothers to participate in campus organizations?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
23. How many times has your chapter been mentioned in a positive news article by your campus and local newspapers in
the past 12 months?
12+ (5)____
8-11 (4)____
3-7 (3)____
1-2 (1)____
0 (0) ____
24. What percentage of the brothers from your chapter participate in service activities on a regular basis?
50%+ (5) __ 40-49% (4)__ 30-39% (3)___ 20-29% (2)___ 10-19% (1)___ <10% (0)___
25. What percentage of brothers are involved in service organizations or endeavors (on or off campus) on their own?
25%+ (5) __ 20-24% (4)__ 15-19% (3)___ 10-14% (2)___ 5-9% (1)___ <50% (0)___
26. How many times has the chapter had community representatives, business leaders, local elected
officials, law enforcement personnel, etc. ..over to the chapter house in the last 12 months?
3+ (5)____
2 (3)____
1 (1)____
0 (0) ____
27. Does the chapter participate in all fraternity competitions such as Greek Week or Homecoming?
Yes (2)_____
No (0)_____
Possible Score (Standard V): 106
Chapter Score:_____________
VI. We provide opportunities for graduate brothers to become actively involved in the Fraternity, thereby
enhancing their continuing experience in Phi Gamma Delta.
1. Does your chapter have an active Board of Chapter Advisors?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
2. How many times did the BCA meet in the last 12 months?
8+ (5)____
6-7 (4)____
4-5 (3)____
1-3 (2)____
5 (0) ____
3. What is the average percentage of BCA members who attend these meetings?
100% (5) __ 80-99% (4)__ 60-79% (2)___ <59% (0)___
4. Does your chapter have a House corporation?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
5. How many times did the House Corporation meet in the last 12 months?
3+ (0)____
2 (0)____
1 (0)____
0 (0)____
6. What is the average percentage of House Corporation members who attend these House Corporation meetings?
100% (5) __ 80-99% (4)__ 60-79% (2)___ <59% (0)___
7. Has a representative from the House Corporation met with the members of the chapter in the last 12 months to review
the financial report and discuss the House Corporation’s role and relationship with the chapter?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____ No applicable _____
8. Has the House Corporation provided the undergraduate chapter a copy of their written financial statement within the
last 12 months?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
9. Is there a Graduate Chapter within 60 miles of your college/university?
Yes (1)____ No (0)___
10. If so, how many times does the Graduate Chapter meet annually?
5+ (5)____
3-4 (4)____
1-2 (2)____
0 (0) ____
11. Is the undergraduate chapter represented at all BCA meetings?
Yes (3)___
No (0)___
What is the average undergraduate attendance at graduate chapter meetings? __________
(Informational only – no points granted)
12. How many newsletters does your chapter produce annually and mail to all of the graduate brothers of your chapter in
the last 12 months?
4+ (5)____
3 (4)____
2 (3)____
1 (1)____
0 (0) ____
13. Does your chapter mail its newsletter to area graduate brothers who were undergraduates at other Phi Gam chapters?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
14. Has your chapter sent an update of your chapter’s graduate brother addresses to the International Headquarters office
in the last 6 months?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
15. Does your chapter participate in the Gold, Silver, and Diamond Owl program?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
16. When was the last time your chapter presented Gold, Silver, and Diamond Owls to deserving graduate brothers?
This current year (3)____ last year (2)____ 2+ yrs ago (0)____
17. How were these Gold, Silver, and Diamond Owls presented to the graduate brothers?
At Pig Dinner (3)____ At another graduate event (2) By mail (1)____ Other (1)____
18. Does your chapter recognize the contributions of graduate brothers through an awards program?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
What awards do you present annually for graduate brother recognition? (Informational only – no points granted)
19. What was the graduate attendance at your last Norris Pig Dinner?
>50 (5)____
20-49 (3)____
10-19 (1)____
<10 (0) ____
20. What was the undergraduate attendance at your last Norris Pig dinner?
90-100% (5) __ 80-89% (4)__ 70-79% (3)___ 60-69% (2)___ 50-59% (1)___<50% (0)___
21. What percentage of the attendees at your last Norris Pig Dinner were graduate brothers?
50%+ (5) __ 25-49% (4)__ 15-24% (3)___ 1-14% (2)___ 0 (0)___
22. How many different specific notices did you provide your graduate brothers about the last Norris Pig Dinner?
3+ (5)____
2 (4)____
1 (2)____
0 (0) ____
23. How many weeks in advance of the Norris Pig Dinner did the first mailing go out to graduate brothers?
4 months (5)____
3 months (4)____
2 months (3)____
1 month (1)____
<1 month (0) ____
24. Does your chapter follow up through written correspondence with those graduate brothers who attended the Norris
Pig Dinner?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
25. Are area graduate brothers from other chapters invited to your chapter’s Norris Pig Dinner?
Yes (2)____ No (0)____
26. How many opportunities does your chapter present to graduate brothers for participation in the chapter with the
exception of recruitment events, Norris Pig Dinner, Parents Day and BCA and House Corporation meetings?
6+ (5)____
4-5 (4)____
1-3 (3)____
0 (0) ____
27. Is your chapter newsletter sent to members of the University administration, as well as other fraternities and sororities
on your campus?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
28. Is your newsletter sent to parents of brothers and pledges?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
29. Does your chapter consistently include a graduate questionnaire in your chapter newsletter?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
30. On the average, what percentage of your newsletter is graduate brother news?
70%+ (5) ___ 60-69% (4)___ 50-59% (3)___ 30-49% (2)___ 20-29% (1)___ <20% (0)___
31. Is there a Graduate Chapter column in your chapter newsletter?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
32. Is your chapter newsletter used to specifically solicit graduate involvement (Help Wanted)?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
33. Does your Purple Legionnaire have a column in your chapter newsletter?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
34. Is Founders Day (May 1) observed with a schedule function at your chapter?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
35. Does your chapter have a Graduate Brother Mentor program for the undergraduates?
Yes (2) _____
No (0) _____
36. What percentage of undergraduates have regular contact (at least twice a semester) with their GBM?
37. Are Graduate Brother Mentors called upon to provide programming to the undergraduate chapter?
Yes (2) _____
No (0) _______
38. Does the BCA have an advisor for each key chapter committee?
Yes (2) _____
No (0) ______
39. Does the chapter forward all address updates to International Headquarters?
Yes (2)_____
No (0)______
40. Does the chapter hold events for the parents of members?
Yes (2)_____
No (0)______
Possible Score (Standard VI): 116
Chapter Score:____________
VII. We strive for efficiency and continuity in chapter operations.
1. Did your chapter submit to International Headquarters an Annual Audit of your financial records for
the past fiscal year?
Yes (4)____ No (0)___
2. Did your chapter submit a budget for the most recent academic year?
Yes (5)____ No (0)___
3. Did your chapter submit a Year End Financial Report to the International Fraternity?
Yes (5)____ No (0)___
4. How many Monthly Financial Reports (Form H) has your chapter submitted to International
Headquarters in the past 12 months?
10-12 (5)____
7-8 (4)____
4-6 (2)____
1-3 (1) ____ 0 (0) ____
5. Has your chapter submitted a Form 990 to International Headquarters in the past 12 months?
Yes _____
No _____
6. What percentage of the records and documents from the previous cabinet and committee system were
available to you when you took office?
80%+ (5) ___ 40-79% (3)___ <40% (0)___
7. Is all cabinet and committee documentation kept in a central location (files)?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
8. Does every committee in your chapter have thorough records that could be passed along to a
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
9. Does your chapter own at least one computer that is specifically available to chapter officers and
committee chairmen for fraternity business?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
10. For what purposes is your chapter computer used? (One point for each “yes” answer) _____
Undergraduate membership records ____
Graduate brother addresses ____
11. Are Field Secretary reports from previous years available for use by cabinet and committee members?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
12. Does your chapter have a system for disseminating job descriptions and officer/committee bulletins received from the
International Headquarters?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
13. How many years of cabinet/committee documents are in your filing system?
4+ (5)____
3 (4)____
2 (3)____
1 (2)____ (0) ____
14. Does your chapter have an active Purple Legionnaire?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
15. What percentage of chapter meetings (formal and informal) does he attend?
75%+ (5) ___ 50-74% (4)___ 25-49% (2)___ <25% (0)___
16. What percentage of cabinet meetings does your Purple Legionnaire attend?
75%+ (5) ___ 50-74% (4)___ 25-49% (2)___ <25% (0)___
17. How often do chapter officers communicate with your Purple Legionnaire?
Weekly (5)___ every 2 weeks (3)___ every 3 weeks (1)___ 1/month (0)___ seldom/never (0)___
18. Is the Purple Legionnaire reappointed annually?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
19. How many years has your current Purple Legionnaire served in this capacity?
5+ (5)____
4 (4)____
3 (3)____
2 (2) ____
1 (1) ____
20. How many times has your Purple Legionnaire initiated a meeting with the Fraternity Dean in the past 12 months?
3+ (5)____
2 (3) ____
1 (1) ____
0 (0)____
21. Did your Purple legionnaire attend the last Fiji Academy or Ekklesia?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
22. Does your Purple Legionnaire attend area Graduate Chapter meetings?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___ Not applicable___
23. Was the chapter budget reviewed by the Purple Legionnaire or qualified graduate brother?
Yes (4)____ No (0)___
24. Did your Purple Legionnaire attend the last initiation ceremony at your chapter?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
25. What percentage of social functions does your Purple Legionnaire attend?
75%+ (5) ___ 50-74% (4)___ 25-49% (3)___ <25% (1)___ 0 (0)___
26. Does your Purple Legionnaire work with the BCA and/or the Housing Corps?
Yes (2)_____
No (0)_____
27. Does your chapter have on file annual chapter histories for at least the last 3 years?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
28. Is there an organized chapter house bulletin board in your house?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
29. Were your chapter’s financial records reviewed by a competent graduate brother before being passed to the new
Chapter Treasurer?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
30. On the last account statement your chapter received from the International Fraternity, did your chapter have any debt
over 60 days old?
Yes (0)____ No (2)___
31. Are brothers and pledges given a written list of their financial obligations to the Fraternity at the beginning of the
academic year?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
32. Is there a systematic procedure for disciplining brothers who fail to pay their bills?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
33. Does your chapter have a written collection procedure?
Yes (3)____ No (0)___
34. How many brothers in your chapter are currently under sanction for financial delinquencies?
0 (5)____
1-3 (4)____
4-6 (2)____
7-10 (1) ____
>10 (0) ____
35. Are your chapter minutes typed and bound following each meeting?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
36. Is a copy of your minutes sent to International Headquarters and to your Section Chief and Purple Legionnaire?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
37. Are job descriptions given to each chapter officer and committee chairman?
Yes (2)____ No (0)___
38. Does your chapter have a functional and up to date website or Facebook page?
Yes (2) _____
No (0) ______
39. Does you chapter have an Alcohol Free Housing Exemption in this past year?
Yes (2)_____
No (0)_____
40. Does the chapter hold events for graduates each semester?
Yes (2)_____
No (0)_____
Possible Score (Standard VII): 127
Chapter Score:______________