Perfection Scoop

What Phi Beta Sigma Expects of Its Members
Noble are the ideals of Phi Beta Sigma. Its hopes and
aims must not be forgotten; therefore, it is expected
of every candidate that:
He come into the Fraternity with sincerity of purpose,
in faith and trust in the principles of the Fraternity;
and that he sincerely adhere to them.
He avail himself of every opportunity to contribute to
He exhibit behavior consistent with the principles of
the Fraternity. The Fraternity is measured by the
character of its members.
He meet his financial duties on time and in full.
He contend for what is right-even though alone.
He develop courage to study, defend the principles of
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, explore, and create.
He have a cheerful and agreeable personality.
He show courtesy to his fellowmen.
He be true in his relations with his Brothers.
He be honest and true to Brothers and society as well
as himself.
He work for justice and to stamp out hypocrisy.
He show the ability to be patient and obedient to
moral laws.
He have self-control, self-respect, and personal pride.
Some Qualities of an Active Chapter
The chapter president is sincere, dynamic,
cooperative, friendly, flexible, aggressive, and humble.
Meetings are held in attractive surroundings.
Meetings are held regularly and on time.
Meetings are planned with prepared agenda and short
business sessions.
Dues are realistic but not burdensome.
The good works of Brothers and the programs of the
chapter are highly publicized.
There is variety in the meetings and in the activities.
There is fun in the activities and in the meetings.
There is a positive program for active members based
upon the interest and preferences of Brothers in the
area; such a program will be an incentive to inactive
Brothers to become active once again.
There is genuine interest in the welfare of the
Brothers in the chapter beginning with the president.
The president who sets the example of living a
brotherly life inspires other Brothers to form a closely
knit group with common interest.
Developing Chapter Harmony
Adhere to the “Golden Rule”.
Respect and recognize constituted authority.
Tactfully, encourage and help others to perform their
duties and obligations.
Recognize individual talents, differences, and interests.
Consider the financial condition of all. Remind all
Brothers that although a fraternity affiliation is a
luxury, certain financial conditions must be met.
Encourage newly initiated and transfer brothers to
offer suggestions concerning the business and
activities of the chapter.
Developing Chapter Harmony
Try to incorporate the ideas of all Brothers into the
activities of the chapter.
Praise individual achievements.
Select the “Man of the Year” on the merit of
contributions to the chapter.
Give awards for academic achievements.
If a Brother does something to embarrass the chapter
and fraternity, hold open court-Penalty, if any, may be
decided by secret ballot.
Ways To Kill An Organization
Don’t attend meetings, but if you do, arrive late.
Be sure to leave before the meeting is closed.
Never have anything to say at the meeting –wait until
you get outside.
When at the meeting, vote to do everything, then go
home and do nothing.
The next day find fault with the officers and other
Take no part in the organization’s affairs.
Ways To Kill An Organization
Be sure to sit in the back, so you can talk freely to
another member.
Get all the organization will give you, but don’t give
the organization anything.
Never ask anyone to join the organization.
At every opportunity threaten to resign and try to get
others to.
Talk cooperation, but don’t cooperate.
If asked to help, say you haven’t time..
Ways To Kill An Organization
Never read anything pertaining to the organization.
Never accept an office-it is easier to criticize than to
do things.
If appointed to a committee, never give any time or
service to it
If you receive a bill for dues, ignore it.
Don’t do any more than you have to, and when the
others willingly and unselfishly use their ability to help
the good cause along, then howl that the organization
is run by a clique.
Phi Beta Sigma Offers
A Sigma chain of fellowship-the deepest longing
of the human heart.
A foundation of culture upon which to build a
life of service, and enduring friendships.
A fraternal code, a revelation of supreme
brotherhood, an enlightened channel to a greater
understanding, more thorough interpretation,
and a broader field of application of the
principles of service to humanity
Phi Beta Sigma Offers
A fellowship of kindred minds. Within it is the
friendship and understanding of those who
share a common faith of brotherly unison, who
are in quest of the highest intellectual realities,
and are united in unselfish service to their
Consolation and comfort when one is faced
with the grim problems of life
Leadership in a progressive program for the
good of humanity.
The six most important words: I admit I made a
The five most important words: You did a good
The four most important words: What is your
The three most important words: If you please
The two most important words: Thank you
The one most important word: We
The least important word: I